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Everything posted by Robert

  1. This has become far off topic. SupremeRulerOfJudgral, have any other questions?
  2. There are similar character personalities in each game. For example, there is the "Sain type" in most games, be it Alec, (although you do not really see much of his conversations) Levin, Homer, Saul, Sain, Gatrie.... The lords are generally honourable, and just.
  3. There is that whole long string of RNs for one battle, and if the battle is to long, there are not enough RNs for your level up. I frequent the arena in fe4, so that gets me every time.
  4. I have never played FESD, but if the first half of mystery is anything to go by, dodging is not to frequent, even with the speedy mercenaries. Not Personal Experience, but the general hit chances for most units were usually 70 or above. In that case, it would certainly be better to have defense. Someone with 12 defense or so by chapter 8 is basically invurnerable to most unpromoted enemies, but at that same time, a well trained na(barl) has only a slightly better evasion lead. I would go with the def. But- in the other games, that may not apply.
  5. Wrath only activates directly on the first counter attack.
  6. Missing has something to do with it?
  7. You are looking at this short term? What is the purpose of that? No problem.
  8. Robert


    I think they both are legendary, but brighton has edge in the game because of his better def and level lead. Someone once said- in thraccia, it is not about killing enemies, it is surviving them. However, I do like carrion more, and the elite sword gives him more defense.
  9. If Faval has the leg ring, he should out run ishtar and get to your team first. (patty) If not, you are going to have to recruit him and on the same turn, turn around and snipe ishtar in one shot. Use celice, nanna, and delmud for charisma and leadership. Or you could run. Ishtar can Ohko almost all of your units. With 20 skill bonuses, even shanan will have evasion trouble. Aless, Shanan, and Faval are your best chances. I think we went over this. Sety starts as an npc, and can handle all by himself until you recruit him with celice. SAVE THE CIVILIANS! Muh can be taken with aless and promoted celce or shanan holding of with healers and magic backup. Ov or something, the mage knight can be criticalled with fin if your are lucky. By now, fin is starting to get outclasses though...also, he will not last long against the enemies. Make sure to have Leaf, aless, shanan, lacke, arthur, celice and so on getting EXP.
  10. Really badly. If you cannot get Saphy or Linoan, you will have Sety (or cyas) with riaia "!"
  11. the movie "independece day" I believe. I will never fall in battle (or so I think)
  12. a historic day indeed. a "happy" meal. It is my 400th, what do I win? I was introduced to the sacred stones at camp. Then I went to radiant dawn. Then blazing sword. Then I I found that Fire emblem was in Japan, and there even better (HOW?) games there. Now after conquest of theose games, I am working on fe9. I dislike how people compare any strategy game to chess. And how people will not try chess because it requires something called thinking. SSB had nothing to do with this. SSB confuses so many people, when ever they hear Fire emblem they automanically ask "is that the game with roy/ike/marth?"
  13. I have ended that discussion. What is your next complaint question?
  14. I apologise for not being clearer- I was stating, not arguing that tornado is better- If a unit, say tinny, has both thoron or tornado for some reason, tornado is better because of the 5 weight difference. However, the fact that almost no one can use tornado besides Sety (who is using holsety) and leaf (not enough magic) can use it without certain pairings, thoron is better. I know that because of the above mentioned, thoron is better, but meant to say that tornado is better, not counting the convience. I did not intend to start an argument, it was a statement.
  15. I did not start that argument, I made a statement, and you and I think "dray" started the argument. That is why I said end of story. I stated that in capable hands the tornado is greater than thoron. Same person using the tome. Not in a general worth sense. Leaf is a super nova.
  16. First of all if you are attacking up close, you would not use a wind sword, you would use at least a steel or one of the blades. I am not talking about the worth in general. Say a unit can use tornado and thoron. You would use tornado more often than thoron because of the weight. I am NOT arguing that it is better in general. Leaf is not a waste at all.
  17. Incorrect. Rizaia, as I call it, is A, and I have never used Aura save Diadora in the first generation. Rizaia A EDIT: Sorry my fault, you are correct, in fe5 that is. I am talking about fe4
  18. The chapter 5 one can be misleading, Orson is one of the worst units in the game as you only use him for one chapter and he just hogs up Ephraims EXP. You lose him and his weapons, after that one chapter. Someone might think that is can be used after seeing him placed that high. No, there are no other units that "want" to be ranked because they are all thrown in one tier. A general flaw with this method. It should be Top Ephraim Middle Kyle Forde Trap Orson.
  19. It makes a good ranged weapon for leaf and is certainly better than a wind sword. It is good to have a ranged weapon or so; to have diverse weaponry to make good use of the fact that he can use almost any weapon. If he wants to attack ajacently to a bowman or ranged from a close combat fighter for some reason. The true point is the if or when tornado get in capable hands, it is better than Thoron. It is "considered" slightly worse because it is harder to get into capable hands. End of story.
  20. 30 might with tornado. Magic damage means more damage because physical units do not have as much res. Critical and continue are enough. I am not arguing that tornado > thoron, I am saying that tornado is close behind, and can be effective as a ranged, magic weapon. Also, as long as one person can use the weapon, you can utilize it. In tinny and arthurs case, what does it matter if two of them can use it? Only one will be actually using it, and there is no free trading. They all have to wait upon promotion.
  21. I do not understand why just because only one or two units use the weapon make it worse. Leaf with tornado is fine, you can count him because you can use him. Better weapons? You can give him some silver and maybe something else special, but tornado tops any magic ranged sword.
  22. not true, holsety has 5 WT, thorhammer, and faraflame 15. Just thought I'd point that out, but you are right, there is no reason besides weapon triange to use fire over wind or thunder. Thoron is not really better than Tornado. It makes a good back up for Sety, and is better stat wise than thoron.
  23. nanna, delmudd, and celice for charisma, charisma, and leadership bonuses respectively.
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