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Everything posted by Robert

  1. btw thats great that you can socialize with people you will most likely never meet.

    *high 5*

  2. I'll add you too.

  3. *says hello*

  4. A the main reason. First- "borrow" olwen's weapons, and either have her "trip" of a peak, or send her accidentaly into a crowd of enemies. Oops. Now that you accidentaly lost her, you might as well go A and get eyrios, who is amazing.
  5. Radd(y) is amazing. He was one of my favorites in fe3. However, while having nice stats, he was outclassed from my final team by the tri attack.
  6. Why do people do that? I cannot imagine that being remotely entertaining. If they want the win, they could get faster wins by beating up on untrained teams.
  7. Which one (maxed forged) is most useful on wifi. This is my last forge after braves.
  8. What cards do you use/hate/like ect? What cards you you not have? I like the dazzle card... it saves me money. The only card I have yet to aquire is the gravity card. The game keeps giving me fleet feet every time.
  9. Yes is somewhat amusing to see people bulid up berserkers with forged killer weapons, and have 70 total crit= 0 with dazzle. Again, I would carry both, but treat the gradivus as a elixir, and a power javelin when I do not want to take counters.
  10. You will have to RNG abuse... and arena abuse, but it can turn out plausible. Do you happen to have a team with jeorge?
  11. I am versing my first cheater now. Name: D J Squad: lol reason- ALL maxed stats, weapons with 99/X durability, units move as many times as they want, and attack the darkness with torch, 33 movement (The latter may not be a cheat.)
  12. A unit that takes far, far, far less time to rng abuse> a unit that joins eariler, but takes so much time to get str and def up
  13. As I said, the gradivus makes a nice javelin, and a very good vulnerary. But the 2x brave can kill the enemy before they can counter, so you do not take damage. Arena abuse....It costs about 80,000 to get a brave with 10+ might and 100 hit chance. I do not go for critical.
  14. Why would you waste time getting a shiida up very slowly, when you can wait and easily level palla ar catria up.
  15. ALthough the gradivus is powerful, max forge brave lances out class it. I would still keep it in inventory for ranged, and vulnerary uses.
  16. Apotrope card I guess? My team has good units, but no good weapons. I have to wait an entire month to get the brave set.
  17. Quick questions- The sphere that nulifies terrain, does that have the effect of a winged unit where you do not get terrain bonuses? The geosphere is not nessacary for the starlight right? How exaclty do you use it?
  18. That would be one of the two pseudo-gharnefs. The one on the throne is fake I believe. That way it is possible to beat the chapter without starlight.
  19. Thats not good... I can still get newly classed swordmasters and snipers to A though.
  20. I forged a javelin 17 might 100 hit chance I use dazzle, so no crit. no need to chance weight, It was around 25,000 It was good because it has more useage, anyone with a D can use it (as opposed to A) Gradivus is still better, but for someone with lance as a secondary weapon, it is a good idea.
  21. Ok, then. Does anyone have any amazing, unique, ect teams to post?
  22. Use the fort nearby. I have a question about arenas- can you decide which weapon you use? I am trying to get Est's ax level up.
  23. I used them all in this game. Catria would be the best from stats- swordmaster Palla as sniper, then swordmaster Est- leas favorite, but still good. Dragon.
  24. Both are atrocious compared to your other paladins/heros. I'd still save them for their weapons, it boils down to which weapons you want.
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