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Alfred Kamon

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Posts posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Heyo! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

    I know what you all are thinking: “Is Fire Emblem Midnight Sun alive???”, and well, the answer is no.
    It’s dead, guys. I’ve been working on that fangame for way too long (over 3000 hours) and I’ve reached an age where investing that much time into something that can’t be monetized has become a problem. I know it sounds materialistic, and I’m the first one who would work only for “passion” if it was possible, but sometimes things don’t work out as we had originally planned…

    Now then, let’s get to the good part, shall we?
    I won’t go as far as explaining everything that has happened to me ever since the cancellation of the project back in 2017 (I’m always available for interviews and podcasts for that!), but long story short, 8 months ago I quit my full-time job at a big corporation (Randstad) to follow my childhood dream of making my own videogame. And that’s how I became Game Director at Studio Daimon.

    Our first project as an indie studio is… Midnight Sun! Yes, it’s now a legit game and it’ll be launched in 2020.

    I officially announce that there will be a 10 minute “Direct” tomorrow at 5PM (EST) that will present the game to the world.

    Here’s the link, by the way! 


    1)    So, it’s not Fire Emblem?

    No, it isn’t (copyright, duh), but it’s still a strategic turn-based RPG with some Visual Novel elements. I’ve tried my best to create a unique and compelling gameplay experience and I hope you’re looking forward to knowing more about the game!

    2)    What about the story?

    It’s not an “alternate Magvel” anymore for obvious reasons. The new world is called Arvium. The main characters and plot points are similar to the original Midnight Sun, but there’s much more to the lore now.

    3)    What’s the current progress?

    There’s… a lot of content already made. I’ve personally worked 2900 hours on this project so far (in 8 months… do your math haha) and that doesn’t even include all the work from the other 9 members of the team.

    4)    On what platforms will it be released?

    On Steam (Win/Mac) and hopefully on Nintendo Switch!


    Right after the Midnight Sun Direct, our Kickstarter campaign will launch. We’ve prepared some interesting rewards so we hope you’re looking forward to that as well.
    This is all I can say for now – as for the rest, don’t miss tomorrow’s presentation! Special thanks to @eclipse for unlocking the topic and allowing me to post this here.

    And if you’re hyped as much as we are, make sure to share the good news with others! This means the world to us and we hope we’ll be able to achieve our dream. Thank you so much!

  2. On 9/4/2019 at 1:51 AM, Maaka said:

    Update on my Garon! Got his final dragon flowers. Now I just need a Nailah to feed him.

      Reveal hidden contents



    Hey, I've just noticed you attacked me in AR. That Garon was awesome! You might remember me as the guy with the +10 Brave Celica.

    I don't really know why you surrendered though, you could definitely win that battle (although with 2 or 3 kills).

  3. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I hope this isn't Roy and Lilina. They have nothing to do with love outside a paired ending. This should include characters who are into love or being in love, like the womanizer guys or Caeda or Sigurd or something.

    I was hoping for Sain most of all. That male's hair does look like his, but the height doesn't seem quite right, so it probably isn't him. And I doubt this banner will be all Elibe, because that'd be just dumb imo. so Sain probably isn't on this, despite that he'd make perfect sense and even more sense than Roy or Lilina. :/

    But it looks like I'm most likely not pulling here besides the free pull. At least I can save my orbs.

    Interesting concept of love there, obviously backed up by facts and actual psychological knowledge, rather than your own biased opinion. Thank you for being a guide to us all.

  4. On 18/10/2017 at 8:14 PM, Epicwindow+- said:

    "I won't abandon this project, it's important to me. It has a special meaning. So, I'll bring it to an end, even if it'll take me months, years!"

    originally i was gonna say something like "you feel your sins crawling on your back",but after seeing so many people that respects your choice(and you haven't fully abandoned it),i just hope we can get an ending in any form before you are out of time.

    !remindme 20 years later

    "Sins"? :|

    I wasn't making this game for people like you anyway.

  5. I'm sorry if the question sounds stupid, but how does FEXNA interact with copyright strikes? Will Nintendo or IS send C&Ds for FEXNA projects, even if they don't bear the "Fire Emblem" title at all? I know that SPRG Studio makes for 100% copyright free projects, even if the gameplay is basically the same of Fire Emblem. So, I was just wondering if the same applied to FEXNA.

    Edit: Hmh, some research gave me the answer. Nevermind.

  6. Just beat infernal after 300 stamina spent in attempts.

    IS, wtf. You're drunk.

    I need more infernal stuff, tho. Give us infernal story chapters (+60 free orbs), other infernal GHB, etc.

    Seriously, it's... hellish (duh) but the sense of accomplishment you get is unexplainable.

    Great job, dev team.

  7. Always get A in survival and A in speed.

    705 points per run.


    My team:

    Xander lvl40+0, inherited skills: Bonfire, Fury, Quick riposte, fortify cavalry

    Elise lvl40+0, inherited skills: Hone cavalry

    Reinhardt lvl40+0, inherited skills: Blàrblade+

    Tharja lvl1+0, just for the extra points.


    Ez. Horse Emblem is really strong in this one

  8. On 2/6/2017 at 7:32 PM, shadowofchaos said:

    The other would be that they had another dupe 5 star for another unit that has the same skill and has 11 copies of the 4 star lying around.

    I mean they sacc'd Alm for Windsweep.

    Let's actually ask them. Because why not?

    @Alfred Kamon

    Wait, you were talking about my 4*+10 Hana here? :D

    Ok, I'll share some info.

    I had eleven 4 or 3 stars Hana's sitting around, one 5* Jaffar (-atk IVs, pretty useless) and a third Alm (I already have Alm+1).

    Since the stats and the Arena value for a 4*+10 unit is the same as a 5*+5 unit, I decided to invest into this one about 14k feathers, and a 5 stars Ogma, Alm and Jaffar that I didn't use.

    Otherwise I would've spent approximately 130'000 feathers to get the same result (a 5*+5 Hana); given that we get about 30k feathers/month, that would've taken me... what, 4-5 months?

    Got a huge improvement on my Arena score by using this Hana instead of the +1 Alm I was using before. And, most importantly, I did it now, allowing me to get more consistent Arena scores and Tempest Trials scores instead of waiting for months just to get the same result. Would I have got a better Hana in 1 year? Yeah, a 5*+10 eventually. Did I want to invest so much time and resources only for that? Hell no.

    It was worth it.


    tl;dr With the current state of the meta, I highly suggest to invest your resources on 4*+10 units, if you have many copies of the same character sitting on your bench.

  9. Great post, @Armagon .

    You made me change my mind about Faye. I used to like her mainly for her stats, and found her behaviour to be one-dimensional and a bit of a yandere, although quite acceptable. But your post made me reflect upon the causes of her demeanour and the possible consequences of her actions and... well, now I think she's just a reasonably well-written character, a countryside girl with a simple life and only one bright light: Alm. The war changed her to the point she finds acceptable to kill for Alm. Nothing extraordinary here, but that's probably due to the limited dialogue she has. All in one, this post served me to upgrade her from a 'meh' to an 'ok' kind of character.

  10. So I'm back into top 1000.

    I don't even know how, lol. I'm using a double mage team with neutral Julia +2 and Lilina (+Atk) +1.

    Lilina is a freaking monster, she takes care of 3/4 colours alone.

    With the raven tome, she oneshots Hector, Takumi, and any other green/colorless threat.

    With swordbreaker, she 1RKOs any red unit, even the bulkier ones like Eirika. Swordbreaker also serves her to tank a hit from any red unit as she has enough bulk to survive anything that has less than 55 atk.

    She's so good!

    A +Atk Sanaki can pull off the same feats, altough she sacrifices some bulk for speed (which is kinda pointless).

  11. How will the Hone- Skills work when Unit Repositioning becomes a thing with the April update?

    From my understanding, you can reposition units until your first move is confirmed.

    However Hone/Threathen skills are activated at the beginning of the turn.

    If you complete any action (and exit the repositioning feature), like moving your units or attacking, that means that the Hone/Threaten effect has already occurred.



  12. 20 hours ago, eclipse said:


    My eventual goal is to make Raven a hybrid of Alphonse/Anna, via Life and Death and Desperation.  He'll keep Sol/Threaten Defense, so that he can continuously heal himself.

    It's probably not the most solid arena plan, but it looks like fun.  Parting with a 5* Hana/Minerva and Beruka/Hawkeye and Shanna (no I'm not sacrificing Navarre), not so much.

    Sounds like a good plan. :)

    A 4* Shanna is enough for Desperation 3 anyway. So that'd be 40'000 feathers instead of 60k.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I think Tharja is the only legitimate threat for my team right now. Ninian needs Triangle Adept to tank boosted Tharja, and I don't have a donor yet.

    I figure Horse Emblem would cause me trouble, but my team's stat total appears to be too high to ever be matched against such a team.

    Other than that, I think I'm least well prepared to handle a mono-blue team because I don't have a green tank, and Julia misses one-round kills against a fair number of key blue units like +Spd Ephraim, Fury Ephraim, and Sharena. I really should give her Death Blow.


    Also, I will cry if I ever see my Wall of Fire and Sharp Things dream team as an arena defense team.

    Yeah that makes sense. inb4 you get matched against a +10 horse emblem team

    Horse Emblem is quite uncommon as of now anyway, so that doesn't really pose a threat. People are probably waiting for Xander and Camus, which are great, at least until the meta doesn't become filled with merged units. I think they missed a great opportunity to make Ephraim/Eirika the best mounted units in the game... but oh well, they still are good as infantry units.

    As for Julia, I do agree with you on Death Blow. That's life-changing; I know you're waiting for the new "equippable item" mechanic before starting to invest your SP, but you should really consider that.

    ...What are the Wall of Fire and Sharp Things?

    5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Well, when the April update hits, she'll be able to merge the upgraded Raven into a new Raven and get all of the inherited skills passed over, so it's not a complete loss.

    That's also true.

    I just hope that you'll pass the learnt skills, and not the learnable skills. It'd be such a pain in the neck to collect all the SP over and over again. On that note, I wrote to the development team asking for confirmation on this point, but they said that they couldn't reveal that information, and invited me to wait for the update. Sigh.

  14. 17 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    Oh wow, I didn't think I'd actually beat you. I remember seeing your posts in previous seasons, and you're usually a little bit above me, I think.

    Really? :) You've made great improvements to your team, then! I got 10 extra BST on mine by changing Ninian for Spring Xander with Fury, therefore I also get more points now. If you were scoring less than me before, that either means that you've improved your BST significantly, or that the matchmaking put you against highly valued players.

    22 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    If mine wasn't -Spd, he'd see a lot more use.  I think this particular one will need Life and Death and a Killer Axe to truly shine, but that's 60,000 feathers.

    Anyway, slightly bumped my arena score up to 4,383, which is enough for 22,420.

    Congrats, eclipse.

    Raven is pretty good anyway, but since Atk and Spd are his best stats, you should probably wait for one with a better nature instead of investing 60k feathers on that one. not that you really wanted to do that, I think

  15. 40 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:


    Update: score of 4642 (really don't think I'm getting any higher in the near future) has me at rank 548.


    Damn man, you got me.

    I scored 4640, ranking #581.

    ...It's impressive that you lose 40 positions with only 2 points of difference anyway, wow. ò_o

    8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    5-star +0 Sophia [=] (Triangle Adept 3)
    5-star +10 Robin (M) [+Spd, -Res] (Close Counter, Quick Riposte 3)
    5-star +10 Ninian [+Spd, -Res] (vanilla, Fortify Dragons)
    5-star +9 Julia [=] (vanilla)


    Rank updated: 667.

    Congrats for your ranking.

    That really seems like a full mage team haha. What are the units that are giving you the most trouble?

  16. 2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Everyone knows this (not to be rude, cause that would be moronic), and like I said to NutCase, using level 1 units is for squares

    "not to be rude", but then you call other people squares... hmm?

    Oh well it was just to throw my 2 cents in there, I don't read all the posts on this forum so I really didn't know if it was a known matter or not.

    And honestly I prefer efficiency over challenge for the gauntlet, if I need a challenge I go to the arena, not to a game mode where deaths don't even matter and units are randomised.

    But heh, guess I'm square for having different taste? snrk

  17. 7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Ninian is Eliwood's, now and forever!

    Hahahaha I do agree with you.

    I just found it funny to think about Hector stealing his best's friend fiancée.


    Fun fact, the best way to win the gauntlet battles is to use a lvl.1 character. The opponents will all be lvl. 1, but you get a lvl.40 for some reason (probably your friends' unit).

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