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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. There's also Donnel. He might not be a cute girl, but he's still pretty well-liked too. and since we're probably getting Celica, why not add based Lukas to have more Gaiden characters than Shadow Dragon characters
  2. If anything, I think the truly 'lucky' thing with the CYL banner was that it just so happened to work out that they got four characters who happened to eventually gain access to all four colors afters promotion. Axe Ike, Lance Lucina, Bow Lyn, and Sword Roy being split among the four colors was a pretty much perfect combination that could only barely have worked out better. (dragon roy pls) The 'father' connection just happened to be a convenient excuse to give Lyn and Roy mounts to make them stand out more, since otherwise Roy doesn't have anything to differentiate himself and there aren't many canon horse archers in the series outside of Sacae.
  3. Donnel apparently. I actually thought he had a chance since he was a pretty popular Awakening character with a unique niche, but lolnope, he's not royalty, a cute girl, or Frederick. Wrys, was kinda hoping memes would work out for him since the idea of Wrys putting up a fight is more entertaining than everything that's presently been revealed about FEW combined. Sheena, probably my favorite character from Archanea and she's doomed to never appear in anything because she has the misfortune of being from FE3. Her being in Heroes at launch was unironically the main reason I bothered downloading it. Anyone from Canas's family, especially him and Niime. I don't need anyone else from Elibe if I get Monocle Man or the bringer of the Grandmapocalypse. Anyone from Sacred Stones, but especially Tethys and L'Arachel. Anyone other than Celica from Gaiden since I'm not all that fond of how they handled her in the remake. (but at this point even she's still my favorite character on the roster so) Anyone from Jugdral just because I love seeing Intelligent Systems and International audiences acknowledge that that continuity exists. From the so-called main three of course that's just Donnel and Wrys (I mean I guess I'd like a few others like Hinata and Kaden and Scarlet but honestly my expectations for them were so low that it's hard to even bring them back up for a topic like this), but since they kindly opened up to Lyn, I'm more than happy to open the floodgates in turn.
  4. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think Lyn and Celica came out of the kindness of their hearts? That they just magically decided to work extra hard to please people in the hopes that those characters might spontaneously appear in the code? Dev time has to come from somewhere. Either they were always planned, or they replaced characters who were originally slated to be there. Let's examine these two scenarios. If they were always planned, then literally every statement they made during development was more-or-less an outright lie. If they replaced characters who were originally slated to be there, then we can reasonably believe that ideals like "characters were chosen with an emphasis on character relationships" and "shadow dragon is in the game" were made in good faith at the time they were put forth. And looking at how things are currently arranged, it's pretty fucking clear which game is getting the short end of the stick, so it's not hard to draw conclusions from there. Admittedly I used 'probably' when I should have used 'possibly'; I regretted this shortly after posting, and you quoted me too quickly to change it, but it should come as no surprise that a Lyn fanboy would be that quick to defend their tutorial waifu. Considering that popularity is the only thing she has going for her (she's less of a lord than Elincia, after all), you have to be aggressive for this sort of thing. Totally understand, I'd do the same thing for my husbando if he was from a series anyone in this language cared about.
  5. because 1-2 emergency characters likely forced in at the last second specifically to address these criticisms (and probably at the cost of the few characters they were expecting to get anyway), simultaneously compromising literally every single defense the game's roster could possibly have had, should be enough to address the game's serious roster issues i don't think so chief
  6. Oh boy, I sure am glad that we're getting the Official Main Protagonist of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade(tm) and not some loser like Eliwood or Hector. Can you imagine how lame it would be if, instead of another sword user, we'd instead had a heavy axe user, or at least a Xander ripoff that doesn't require playing as the dumbest character in the series? This also means there's a reasonable chance we might only get three characters from Shadow Dragon, no Azura, and nobody I like from Awakening. But that's no different from what I've always expected. At least they're at least making some token attempt to appeal to the west now, even if they had to throw out their character relationship bullshit to do it.
  7. Let's take it from the top. I could go into far more detail but I'm actually busy tomorrow and it's 3AM so I'm going to let you off easy and just pull things from the top of my head without even going back to look up additional issues. The project was announced alongside Choose Your Legends and Heroes. Heroes has ironically probably done more to reunite the fanbase than any game in the series within recent memory, specifically because of its ability to pull from all eras. At launch, it deliberately focused on four continuities: Archanea, Elibe, Ylisse, and Fates. Choose Your Legends, meanwhile, firmly established that many of the most popular characters from the franchise are not from Archanea/Ylisse/Fates including both the absolute most popular male and female according to the metrics used by the poll. Although neither of these things have anything directly to do with Heroes, the poor timing was an ominous sign of things to come. There is a New 3DS version. Did you know there is a New 3DS version? It has barely been advertised or shown since it was first mentioned, and when my boyfriend mentioned it offhand a month ago I genuinely didn't think it existed despite being there for its announcement. While it is understandable to promote the Nintendo Switch version when possible, why does the New 3DS version even exist if you are going to fail this spectacularly to market it? They chose to focus on three continuities. This is not inherently a problem: it makes sense to focus on the most profitable entries, and in theory it allows for a more interesting selection of characters within these continuities. In practice, they have thus far failed at every reason they have provided for doing this. The primary reason for focusing on three continuities was to prevent a glut of sword users. At practically the same time, they announced their hideous OCs, of which both were sword users. Some time before or after this, a Treehouse employee literally had to say on stream that the game had more than just sword users even if that was all they were showing right now. If this was their goal, they clearly failed. Even among non-sword users, unique gameplay styles within the three universes are woefully underrepresented. We have no strictly confirmed manaketes. We have no confirmed armor knights. We have no confirmed lance infantry. We have no confirmed traditional axe fighters. It is highly unlikely that we will get any maids/butlers or ninjas, despite these classes being among the biggest focal points in Fates's advertising. The secondary reason for focusing on three continuities was to establish interesting character relationships between cast members. So far they have yet to do this in any greater capacity than the original games did: the Awakening cast is essentially just a bunch of people who are tangentially related to Chrom, the Fates cast doesn't really leave much room for anything beyond Corrin dickriding round 2 and at best some token rivalries between opposing siblings, and Shadow Dragon -- the game that would most heavily benefit from the introduction of meaningful supports -- currently has no characters between which to support. In the unlikely event this leak turns out to be true, Lyn and Celica continue to spit in the face of this issue while Caeda and Tiki again are just satellites to Marth. An unmentioned but logical third reason to do this would be to attempt to secure funding by appealing to the three largest consumer bases. But since the Awakening and Fates bases have significant overlap to begin with, I again question how much value there is in doing this when one of these continuities could have been one with more appeal to classical-era westerners instead (or at least 6 since the east and west can kinda compromise on that one.) But probably the biggest sin was the fact that they chose to group big announcements by game. This contributes to both of the game's biggest major perceived criticisms: Because the next reveal is almost always telegraphed extremely far in advance, there is very rarely ever room for surprise. Lissa/Frederick and arguably Cordelia came close, but the entire Fates section has just been one entire mess of "gee, I bet nobody is surprised by this." Surprise is not inherently a good thing, of course, but surprise does not necessarily mean that you need to make bizarre character choices -- even doing something as simple as shuffling the order can create excitement over who might be getting announced next. With Warriors, we almost always had a general idea of what the answer to that question was, especially recently -- and even when we didn't, the answer usually only turned out to be more underwhelming than we expected, because the earliest reveals tended also to be the most exciting. As of right now, the most common criticism is that Marth is literally the only Shadow Dragon character in the game. This criticism extends back for months, and they have had plenty of time to address it, and yet they have yet to properly do so. As long as it is not actually the case, it should be trivially easy to disprove; I can almost guarantee that dispelling the negative stigma that this idea is creating vastly outweighs whatever they would gain by announcing Camilla and friends one month earlier. Yet here were are, mere days before the game's release, and we don't even know if Tiki is a playable character despite the fact that they expect us to buy a goddamn amiibo for her. there's a lot of other stuff you can put into the fire like how we know virtually nothing about history mode but honestly i want to go to bed so goodnight lmao p.s. before pointing out that a large amount of this involves the roster, bear in mind that so far almost all of their marketing has been the roster, which should say something and not something good considering the grievances described above the roster's just the most fun to talk about because it's amazing how badly they managed to bungle anything they could possibly have been shooting for with it, like how did it even happen, it's not even good from the perspectives they wanted it to be good for
  8. That's kind of what I'm getting at here: there's actually a precedent for giving Wrys an axe, because he's in a somewhat similar position to Lissa. The idea of giving him an axe is a meme in Japan, and Cipher has canonized it somewhat by making him an Axe Hero in a promotional card. The fact that he would be an easy clone makes him a comparatively simple addition. He avoids falling into the archetype-defining pitfalls that Ogma falls into because he usually gets dropped for someone else, so it's okay to play around with him a bit. In Ogma's case, he has exclusively been portrayed as a sword user. He is literally the sword user upon which a good chunk of other sword users in the franchise are based, and since most people use him he's actually very memorable. Making him an axe user for the sake of weapon diversity would be equivalent to having Ike wield Urvan by default; it is a superficially good and reasonable idea, but it is very stupid.
  9. Two of the four games in which he is present, as well as more generally his first class. You might as well give Wrys an axe too, since he can use one in the same games Ogma does, and also has that option in Cipher. Plus you can make him a Lissa clone! Win-win! Striiiiiictly speaking I don't think we've ever actually had a "25 roster" confirmed. Just 25 cards. For all we know, there's no inherent reason this can't include the alternate avatars, even if they're not getting their own slots. I can't say I believe this given the circumstances, but my faith in the game is so low that it wouldn't surprise me if it ended up being true anyway.
  10. what if this isn't celica but actually her descendant from 2,000 years in the future she's from a different branch of the family than walhart, and she has the valentian falchion so that she can be a marth clone they can finally answer the question everyone's had since lucina was confirmed not to have it
  11. this is actually slightly worse than what i expect, but "fortunately" it feels fanmade lyn: ignoring how ugly lyn's sprite is, the only reason for her to be here is popularity, which in turn begs the question: why not ike? the answer presumably being either -easy ryoma clone (bad news) -no plans for further fe7 content (arguably bad news) -fe9 content soon afterward (arguably good news, but with a roster like this there are bigger issues than muh ike when) shadow dragon: -hahahaha literally just marth tiki and caeda(?) -bonus points if caeda ends up being a clone shadows of valentia -why the f is celica here -like christ i'm glad she's here, i still like her even if the remake completely mishandled her to make alm look better, but the entire point of gaiden is having two lords so why even bother including this game if you only have one of them -remember the whole "we can't have marth meet alm and celica, that would be disrespectful to gaiden" thing from the echoes interview, that was fun for all of five months anna and caeda = good news, but everything else is just as worrisome as ever; i would hope and assume fake, but frankly this game's marketing is so catastrophic that at this point i can honestly imagine it going either way
  12. I fully expect that any additional characters added through DLC will still be constrained to Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates. There are too many popular characters from these games that are absent, and trying to introduce an entire new game through DLC would only exacerbate the issues we face with the current three casts. I could maybe see the most popular characters (i.e. Ike, Lyn, Roy, maybe Hector) getting in as a special exception, but otherwise the only 'new game' I could see being feasible to add is Mystery of the Emblem, since it shares most of its cast with Archanea anyway. It doesn't take a whole lot to get that addition online: assuming a vaguely competent base roster of Shadow Dragon characters, Emperor Hardin, Katarina, and some assortment of Sheena, Wolf, Legion, Clarisse, Nyna, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would do just fine. You could maaaaaaybe squeeze in Gaiden and Thracia as well, since most casuals only know like 2-3 characters from them anyway (i.e. Alm and Celica, Leif and Reinhardt), but at that point it's barely even worth doing.
  13. Then you're clearly not looking hard enough. I've seen countless complaints about the gameplay and I haven't even been actively looking for them. Perhaps maybe you'd be able to pay more attention if you (and several others) didn't fly off the handle and break into mini-mod mode every time this game further bungles its advertising campaign. Holding off on the third most popular female character on the franchise -- when she is in the selected game as a first generation character who appears relatively early to sell as DLC -- is a blatantly indefensible practice. I'm not even sure how you can possibly be implying that that's a good thing. It honestly might even be worse than not having her in the game at all, because at least in that case they could claim some crummy artistic license reason for it. Placing her as DLC is blatantly just trying to extort extra money from thirsty fans they know will pay for her, and sets an abysmal precedent. That's not even about the roster, mind, since I don't give half of a shit about Tharja. But it's an obviously scummy thing to do on principle, and if you're even going to begin to defend it then you're probably scummy too. I can't speak for him, but this sounds like a blanket response you'd say to just about anyone; it's certainly one I've seen thrown around a lot, and it has about as much weight as Claire's forged lance. This is a game I would've bought a Switch for. I would've bought the game if it had given me even one reason to be interested in it. We're less than a month out from release and so far almost every single reveal has only made me more leery of the game; it's only in the last week that good news has finally begun to surface, and at this point it should be completely understandable to all but the most voluntarily blind of debaters why I might lack interest. The lack of Shadow Dragon, and particular emphasis on Fates, aren't even my biggest issue with the roster -- rather, it's how horrendously uninspired many of its choices are. The royals are by and large the least interesting characters they could have chosen in a game with ninjas, maids, spirit channellers, puppeteers, beasts, and even lance infantry. As far as we can tell, not a single one of these things is in the game, and maybe if we're lucky they'll be generous enough to cut out Azura to sell as DLC for that last one. Which ultimately leads into the biggest issue: the game just feels super phoned in. Fates is my least favorite game in the series not for any rational reason, but for the sheer amount of wasted potential it has. It should have been the best game in the series. It could have been, it's so close. But it does so much wrong that it's hard to even begin. This game bothers me for exactly the same reason: it should be practically the perfect spin-off, since all I've ever wanted from Fire Emblem is to see my favorite characters again without gacha nonsense. Instead, we get: A game that, yes, only appears to appeal to one audience (the new one who likes 13/14) out of the three major ones (the old Japanese one who likes 3/6, and the old western one who likes 7/9) I'm not sure why people on this board are suddenly trying to pretend this isn't a big deal, considering that even if it is beating a dead horse, it's still like 75% of why you'd buy a crossover musou game anyway A game that doubles up on similar clone-like movesets instead of gunning for inventive characters compared to the wide array of interesting sets found in Hyrule Warriors A game that seems to focus too much on overly-long-yet-mostly-not-even-that-flashy special attacks as a last-ditch method of differentiating characters A game led by some of the ugliest characters in the entire series, almost poetically rounding out the cast A game with seemingly solely English voice acting bad enough in parts to annoy even me, a staunch defender of English dubs (I've never voluntarily used a Japanese voice track) A game that runs poorly even in character introduction trailers, which provides me with little confidence considering the platforms it's on A game that didn't have any interesting analogue to Hyrule Warriors' adventure mode (i.e. the only real reason to play it) until literally last week, and we still know little about it A game that, by proxy, somehow interests me less than Hyrule Warriors despite the fact that I don't even really like Zelda. I at least had a little fun doing adventure mode with my boyfriend, but since he completely dropped Fire Emblem after getting super burnt out on Fates, Fire Emblem Warriors would have to sell me on its own merits. In any other timeline, it would have, but somehow going the amazing plots of Awakening and Fates again does not thrill me. A game that has possibly the absolute worst pre-release marketing I've ever seen, and I lived through Trails in the Sky SC being virtually nonexistent for five years only to release in eight days practically during a Steam sale. A game that so far has absolutely no cute guys, the only meaning in life. (Frederick and Takumi come the closest, I guess, but Frederick is more handsome and only really fits under awkward-cute rather than cute-cute, and when Takumi is the next closest option you know there's a serious problem.) I mean, I'd like to have more objective complaints, but when I don't like something I tend not to pay it any more attention than I have to. On odd occasions, however, I get bored at three in the morning and stop by this place to see if any new catastrophes have happened, and then I see the responses here and I can't help but respond to them because they're so incredibly defensive that they make me want to vomit. Just because this game's marketing team is terrible doesn't mean you need to do their job for them, kiddos. Deal with negativity directly through argument or inquiry. Telling someone to go away or complaining about complaining is honestly even worse than negativity at this point, and makes you look even more pathetic than the people who still can't get over Ike and Lyn. Anyway, uh... at least Lissa looks kinda fun and I guess the soundtrack might be worth a listen. But Lissa's not enough to counterbalance everything else on her own at this point, and unless you're Falcom JDK I'm not buying your game just for your soundtrack.
  14. Dunno why that's a relief, since making one of them a dragon is basically the only reason for both of them to be around. Corrin's an awful character so there's hardly any reason to bother with two of them, especially since the only reason most people even like one of them is because she's attractive.
  15. oh boy, worst lord is in twice, and might even be plot relevant unlike female robin, what a joke But I guess the other two might be okay. Sakura is the only royal I like, and Validar is a fair choice for a villain due to his character connections (relationship with Robin, parallels with Chrom, etc.) and moveset. It concerns me that they're still waiting to show off Azura, though; might they be withholding her for DLC, or worse, are we due for even more Fates announcements before we finally get to Shadow Dragon?
  16. How is it not contributing? They're contributing their opinion about the reveal: specifically, that they are unhappy with it, and that it has only served to continue trends that are responsible for them having little hype in the first place. Just because you (and some others) personally are content with the roster does not give you the right to prevent anybody else from criticizing the game. Criticism is still a contribution, even if you don't like it. I would argue that his post, insubstantial and petty as it is, contributes far more to the thread than people like you who are complaining about people complaining. Regardless of how good the game ends up being, it's pretty much a fact that this is one of the most spectacularly mishandled pre-release periods in recent history. Completely discounting the whole "it's missing three of the four most popular characters in the series, according to a poll that was taken right when it was announced and reinforced right before it came out, and the fourth nearly got cut" thing and focusing purely on what's relevant to the topic, let's just talk about the Elise trailer for a moment. First off: Understand that even though you personally may not see much potential in Shadow Dragon characters, your opinions -- and I understand that this may be a revelation to you, so hold onto your seat -- are not shared universally across the entire fanbase. Considering that recent developments imply that the number of potential slots left for Shadow Dragon characters may be very limited, tensions are extremely high right now, so having yet another 3DS-era character get revealed feels rightfully like a slap in the face to these fans. That would be bad enough, of course, but they aren't the only ones who have a right to be upset. Fans of Fates got to have Elise confirmed, but Elise was also on her own -- which caused an initial backdraft so great that they had to basically admit that Sakura is as good as confirmed too. This poses its own issue: with Fates now having as many characters as it does, the chances of any Fates characters who aren't the royals (including Azura and Corrin) getting into the game are virtually nil. Fans of these characters, such as Oboro, Charlotte, Arthur, and Jakob, also have every right to be upset at this announcement. Not to be left out of the fun, with so many characters still needed for Shadow Dragon and Fates, Awakening also suffers. The little sisters were the royals most likely to get NPC'd, but now that they're in, even Awakening may need to make sacrifices. Will Tharja be locked off as a pre-order bonus or as Day 1 DLC? Will Owain and Severa make the cut at all? We have no idea, and at this rate, lord knows when we're going to find out. It's simply not healthy to be hyped for this game, and it's easy to see why people like the people you're complaining about view cynicism as the only option. The Elise trailer is good news for fans of Elise and welcome news for fans of Sakura and perhaps Azura, but should absolutely be treated as ominous news for fans of literally anyone/anything else. This should especially be the case after viewing her trailer and realizing that she seems to largely be Leo but with more underage girl upskirts. Cynicism in this case should be the expectation, not cause for exile.
  17. Maybe wires got crossed and they thought they were revealing Elice? Elise is truly my favorite Shadow Dragon character, anyhow. Oh well, at least this probably means Sakura is in, and she's the only royal out of the entire goddamn set who I don't despise.
  18. tharja and azura double feature a THIRD shadow dragon character masked lucina
  19. Pretty much every character worth mentioning. Marth: Duh. Cain, Abel: Don't think these guys are likely because you're obligated to have both. Possible, though. Jagen: Iconic, unique appearance, has a lot going for him but might get shafted due to low popularity. Gordin: a.k.a. Gaggles. Reasonable chance due to uncommon weapon type and good availability. Draug: More likely than Roger, Lorenz, Kellam, Kjelle, and Benny. The equivalent of winning by default. Caeda: If Cordelia and Hinoka get in over her I am never buying this game on principle. ~3rd most likely character. Wrys: He actually appeared in Codename STEAM too. This is because he is a meme in Japan. He may get in on this basis. Ogma, Navarre: In a vacuum these characters should get in, but we have so many swords that I can't imagine they were considered. Barst: The opposite of the above. He might get in just because we don't have a traditional axe user. Merric: All logic dicates that he should get in. He does have the misfortune of being a non-main male from Shadow Dragon, so no guarantees. Hardin: A hard decision, since he's extremely important... in FE3. He may get cut due to being unimportant in FE1 and competing with Camus. Wolf: Probably the most likely mounted archer in the series, and he's still not getting in until the FE3 DLC. Rickard: Potential thief rep with more personality than Julian and technically stars in his own map (i.e. BSFE3.) No chance because he's irrelevant, swords, and Gaius. Jeorge: Easily the best choice for an Archer in Archanea, without question. Because he would be a good choice, he has no chance. Maria: just add sakura lmao Minerva: I would call her the fifth most likely character. She competes with Camilla, but that hasn't stopped anyone before. Linde: An uncommon light mage, and more importantly a waifu, which makes her 1000x more likely to get in despite minor character status. Palla, Catria, Est: Unlikely because they come as a set, and devoting three character slots to them seems wasteful. Depressingly possible. Xane: i wish Tiki: Even without the amiibo, she would be the second most likely character just because Awakening fans would know who she is. Lorenz: My personal most-wanted character because he has the coolest design of the relevant armors by FAR, but the chances of it happening are so low they may actually be negative. Elice: I wouldn't otherwise mention her because she's almost shockingly irrelevant, but being Marth's sister and having access to the Aum staff seems like it would give her something resembling a niche. Maybe. Nyna: Arguably the main character of BS Fire Emblem, and strictly speaking one of the most important Archaneans. Not much of a fighter and low popularity. Camus: Probably the fourth most likely character. The most iconic villain from the game by far, and uses a different weapon compared to Xander and Frederick. Michalis: A reasonably popular villain, but less likely than Camus, and I doubt Shadow Dragon is going to get that much attention. Gharnef: Entirely possible, but I think his popularity is lower than both of the above, and I'm not sure how he'd work with Starlight. Tentative guess, optimistically assuming six characters, would be Marth, Tiki, Caeda, Camus, Minerva, Draug. I would not be very satisfied with this. Beyond these, I would hazard a guess that Linde, Gordin, and Merric are the most likely in no particular order.
  20. it's basically not possible to get a good roster in just 8 more characters, even if you exclude villains awakening is still missing tharja; i don't like her, a lot of people don't like her, but a lot of people obviously do like her and saving her for DLC would blatantly be a shitty thing to do; this also technically applies to the trio but that's somewhat more understandable and they're all swordies i'm more willing to throw them under the bus the same metric that got cordelia in would also logically imply gaius, but lmao at non-main guys ever getting in besides for some reason frederick fates is obviously missing azura, who is all but confirmed to appear in some form; elise is in the same position as tharja, and given the fact combined with the fact that they bothered to put hinoka in when she's the most disposable royal, why exclude sakura, the only decent royal nearly everyone hates male corrin but let's be honest he's probably getting in too just because they can make him easily, and if so, that might or might not be another card; consider this not as a character necessary to reach a good roster, but as a potential obstacle that might cut it down to only seven more chances shadow dragon is missing its entire universe; we can reasonably assume tiki is going to appear, caeda should be safe (if cordelia and hinoka both got in before her, the game really just needs to be destroyed), draug is probably getting in because none of the knights are especially popular so they can add him and go "but hey it's a beloved classic fire emblem character ;^)" because god forbid we get the 10/10 lorenz/camus support conversation we've always needed, and we've long since run out of slots before we can even start getting into potentially fun/interesting/iconic/meme characters like minerva, jeorge, linde, merric, wrys, rickard, jagen/gordin/cain/abel, navarre, etc. as far as villains go that one doesn't seem too hard to me, basically boils down to how lazy they want to be shadow dragon: camus, no exceptions nobody cares about gharnef, starlight would make for an annoying mechanic to write around, and camus is in like every game so why stop now; michalis is an alternative but when we're stopping to question whether or not minerva might get in it's time to just bring out camus awakening: in order of descending laziness: grima!robin, walhart (could partially recycle frederick), aversa (completely unique iirc) walmart would have been my first pick for dem parallels, but with frederick confirmed, aversa stands out as adding an entirely unique role to the game that i'm not even sure any future character could add; having said that, i'd take them just using f!robin with a spooky aura if it meant more shadow dragon characters fates: in order of descending laziness: anankos!takumi, garon (axe form obviously) garon is honestly the only humanoid fates antagonist i even remember very well tbh, but even if he wasn't he's an axe infantry and i do seem to note that we're rather short on those; having said that, i'd take them just using takumi with a spooky aura if it meant more shadow dragon characters
  21. camilla was removed from the american version due to being too sexy please enjoy bartre riding a gargoyle instead cutscenes are not changed to reflect this, but somehow this doesn't make the World of Fates(tm) any more asinine than it already is
  22. we literally already have two robins and they didn't bother doing this for the second one what makes you think they'd do it for the third and subsequent obligatory fourth
  23. if you somehow still have hope after the pr apocalypse that is this game, i can't imagine why this would be the end of it you're definitely not getting tana though lmao, and even as dlc/sequel bait, sacred stones will probably get stiffed because ike, roy, lyn, and hector aren't in it
  24. Gotta put that Bow rank to use somehow. Trapping her in the Sword pool would be pitifully boring, and your only non-OC options for a bow were this and Reinfleche. Even though she never actually appears in the same game as Mulagir, said bow actually does have a lore connection to Sacae, which is more than can be said for Reinfleche which isn't connected to anything or anyone and appears out of nowhere in Light as a random drop from a clone of someone who has probably never touched it. it also gives them a chance to localize the damn thing's name and purge 'miugre' from the fanbase forever, which i am forever thankful for even if it comes at the cost of losing my slightly preferred 'murgleis' too
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