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Posts posted by Shauni

  1. Hello everybody, I just made this thread to get some critique on maps that I'll be inserting for a hack I have in the works. I'll be updating it with new maps every so often.

    So far I have two that seem nearly complete but I'd like some opinions on them.


    This is going to be the prologue chapter of the hack.


    This will likely be used on some sort of side-chapter or something. It's really tile spammy at the moment.

  2. If you hadn't already seen it this is the entry that Nih and I worked on. I'm quite proud of the result. Could not have done it without Nih. :D


    Have my children. Like right now.

  3. I hope you've noticed the lack of axes with this cast(there are 0).

    Other than that, idk, make some female axe users

    This is a problem I've thought about tackling in many various ways (moar lancebusters, less lances, etc) but all of those are simple workarounds and shitty for gameplay. There's no away around the conclusion of adding in axe wielding OCs. I'm trying to keep the cast small so I'm going to add a maximum of 2-3: A replacement for Hector, a replacement for Dorcas, and maybe a replacement for Dart. Of course, I'll be needing help in the sprite department for this or they'll be running around without animations (Which isn't a BIG problem but it's kinda ghetto.) Hopefully that female pirate and female berserker sprite are open source... I'll also be adding in light magic functionality for Clerics & Priests and and Anima to Troubadours since, unless I vastly change the recruitment order, Anima & Light will be unavailable until 3/4ths into the game. Bleh

    totally balanced. . .

    maybe some other characters in the cast besides fe7 ones? I dunno just saying that would be nice.

    also all the portraits should be female now including bosses [none of that fegirls crap]



    I planned to do that originally, my only problem being that I suck at portraits. (Although if I do go with this idea, which is likely provided I can find someone to do portraits for free or cheap, I'll be keeping certain characters the same; ie. Nergal, Ephidel [Who will be placed as a boss somewhere in early-game] & Brendan Reed) I'm also looking into OCs (As mentioned above for axe users) but I'm capping this hack at 25 characters. As for new maps, we'll see. So far what I DO have planned for sure is that the chapters to unlock Durandal/Armads will be custom but anything other than that is up in the air currently.

    Interesting idea. You might want to fiddle with classes a little though; apart from the aforementioned axe problem, there's a lack of anti-armour capability if everyone sticks with their original specialities, apart from Lyn's Mani Katti, Isadora's Rapier, who-ever-it-is's Wolf Beil and eventually Sophia/Hannah's magic. I suppose you could alternatively compensate by making Armourslayers and Heavy Spears common and cheap...

    Sophia's quite a good choice for Canas' replacement. Same class, doesn't age, half manakete so can have interesting conversations with Ninian. Just remember to change that village in the penultimate chapter!

    Oh, and you seem to be missing Vaida.

    OC's can work providing they a) actually have a personality, b) interact well with existing cast, and c) are relatively few in number. Take a look at Emily and Lily from Cedar's FE7 hack Maiden Quest for example. They're OC's, and yet they (IMO) fit into the Caelin cast perfectly. If you can pull it off, I'd say go for it. Creating connections to existing characters is a good idea though - "Wendy's Mother" is certainly an option, and if she also happens to be Oswin's wife or something, we'll know where Wendy got her inspiration from!

    I'll be increasing the availability of Armorslayers & Heavy Spears somewhat. (Though the prices may not be too affordable.) If Sophia is added, the village will be likely changed to Fae (for some odd reason) instead. Vaida has been added to the list, I can't believe I forgot about her! >_< I suppose I should check out Maiden Quest now.

  4. I suppose I'll announce this little sorta-kinda-reskin here now so I can have a public progress log for my first project: FE7GO (Girls Only). The hack will be a total rewrite of Fire Emblem 7's story to support the now female only cast with Lyn given a more prominent position and Isadora replacing Eliwood storywise. As for Hector, it'd be great if suggestions could be given for an existing female character to replace him or if I should insert an OC into the story to fill his role (which I kinda don't want to do without feedback from the community). Gameplay wise, the chapter maps themselves will mostly be the same as in vanilla FE7 with a few chapters receiving new custom maps to keep things interesting. However, I intend to spice things up a bit by changing enemy placement, reinforcement, and growth rates in general. The changes I'll be implementing and character list shall all be listed below.

    Character List



    Isadora (Replacing Eliwood)

    (Suggest a replacement for Hector)

    Others (In order of recruitment):

    <Lyn's Mode>



    Rebecca (Replacing Wil)


    Leila (Replacing Matthew)

    Ninian (Replacing Nils throughout the entirety of the game)

    < Isadora's Mode + Hector's Replacement's>





    Anna (Replacing Merlinus)




    (Sophia or Hannah to possibly replace Canas)




    Farina (Replacing Harken + Karel)


    Karla (Replacing Jaffar)


    Niime (Replacing Renault and acting as an alternate version of Athos for the last chapter)

    Gameplay changes

    (Red = Not yet started, Orange = Started, Blue = Near completion, Green = Complete

    Decide on new cast 75%

    Story re-written to fit the new female only cast 25%

    Dialogue changed to fit story 0%

    Isadora & Hector Replacement given own classes and animations 0%

    Redo character stats & growths 0%

    Redo enemy stats & growths 0%

    Create & import new maps for certain chapters 0%

    Create and revamp items 0%

    Redo enemy placement & reinforcements 0%

    Add custom animations for certain characters & classes 0%

    Add custom music 0%

    As stated before, I am currently looking for ideas as to who should replace Hector in the story.

  5. I believe that all private companies should be able to turn away anyone based their beliefs and if it discourage the targeted demographics from shopping/eating/etc. there.

    The restaurant can do this since they decide what kind of restaurant and atmosphere they want to serve their customer in. If the owner feels that crying babies ruin the atmosphere and drives away their target demographic, they can then be able to refuse service to children and their caretakers

    Pretty much this.

    If the owner wants to be racist and kick out members of a certain race so be it.

    If the owner wants to kick out members of a certain religion so be it.

    If the owner wants to kick out babies so be it.

    While it's obviously an egregious thing to do in the first two cases, it should be up to the owner to decide who is allowed into their establishment.

  6. you still wouldn't be an atheist since you're open to the possibility of god existing. You'd be an agnostic.


    The definition of atheist is: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

    The definition of agnostic is: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

    You don't have to have a disbelief in gods to be an atheist, although that can be one of the reasons you are one. You can be an atheist while still being open to the exist of gods. Agnostic is more of an umbrella term than a clear label.

    You can be an agnostic atheist, an agnostic christian, an agnostic muslim, etc.

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