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Posts posted by Shauni

  1. They can and were always able to. Believe me, I'm a pokemon master that have bred more than 60 rotoms.

    I think you're confusing genderless pokemon with eggless pokemon, which include all the legendaries but Manaphy/phione, even the ones with genders (latios, latias, heatran, cresselia)

    So still no Mewtwo army. *Cries*

    gurl I will rip off your my-little-pony-ass weave

    check yoself

    bich you betta back on up outta here before i stomp the yard on yo body

  2. WOW





    wats ur spot on the GEDNER SPECTRUM

    CIS ScUM

    ??? your profile picture depicts a dog that is both white and male check your privilege

    nope they can't

    Damn. At least I have my army of Jynx.

  3. Hi guys, I forgot to mention this to to everyone, but could somebody do some simple calculations for me. I was a little unclear about myself so I do remember that 9/11 happened on the same day as Advance Wars. I know somebody from home who understands Spanish and basic math.

    I don't want to go into heavy detail but 9/11 happened around the same time as where I live. I was bit unclear about the dangers of miscalulations but I wanted to be as clear as possible on this site. I plopped down a bunch of region based on how Latin should be defined. Basicallty I answered my own question but I wanted to know how big the numbers are. Fire Emblem taught me to be open minded with anything. There are a bunch of people having fun on Facebook I hope. but do this calculation it's huge. Count up all the places I listed. Seriously she will read out whatever I have to say, yes or no. Basically if I did not get interested Fire Emblem or other foreign things you would not know. Just do some simple number crunching for me compare Venezeula to the rest of the Latin World I listed. To speed things up do some simple number crunching for me.

    Basically being on the world forum is lot like being on the world stage you can't call yourself a world leader when you're actually tiny. You will seem like a troll. Just do the basics for me since 9/11(Cause that's when Advance Wars came, yup) is the only time I might remember an event. just add up all those places I would not realize how rude Hugo Chavez had conducted himself that.day, if I did not realize how big and blurry some parts of the world can seem.

    i'm crying what are you even saying

  4. Monday is my least favorite because of school starting at 7:30. If it started an hour or two later i'd be fine but fuck that waking up at 6 to get ready shit.

    Wednesday is a close second because it's the day that trolls you because you think it's thursday and there's only a day until friday but nope.jpg you still have 2 days to go. And also the people shouting "hump day" make me want to electrocute myself with a wii controller.

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