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Ace Tactician

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About Ace Tactician

  • Birthday 05/01/1991


  • Member Title
    Robert Downey Jr fan

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  • Interests
    Walleye hockey, Attack on Titan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Impractical Jokers and Cats.
  • Location
    Huntington Center watching a Walleye Hockey Game.

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  • I fight for...
    Order of Heroes

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  1. Yeah, that probably a better plan overall than what I have; I'm generally too lazy right now to reclass most people. The only people I reclassed are Panne, Nowi, Olivia, Vaike and Donnel, and that was only to either learn skills to pass on or get a better class (Donnel) or be a unique class (Berserker Vaike).

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