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Fruity Insanity

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Everything posted by Fruity Insanity

  1. Happy New Year, guys. On an unrelated note, I can't deal with compulsive liars. They irk me so, so much. Like it's not that hard to tell when a 14-year-old is lying. But they do so, anyway. Family is family, though, I guess, even if they're annoying at times.
  2. Steins;Gate 100% 完了。 いいゲームだったな。
  3. With Cold Steel out in Enlgish now, the games are pretty high p there on my priority list now~
  4. I've been playing League, Terraria, and Steins;Gate for like a week now, and it's getting kinda boring. Well, except for Steins;Gate. That's still fun. I just wanna go back to school so I can play on an actual computer.
  5. It's okay. I'm a weeb, too. Ayyyye, saw it on Reddit, lol.
  6. 可愛いは正義だからさ。(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
  7. Everyone I know knows that I'm a filthy weeb, lol.
  8. Nah, I was thinking about it. Still kinda am, I guess. But I dunno. It's so much work. Especially the MCAT and all that. But what if I like the database!
  9. I stayed up all night playing League. Mistakes were made. I've been up for like 30 hours now, lol.
  10. I don't think that it's been outright stated that the game is single player, and since it's an online game, I'm sure there's going to be multiplayer functionality of some sort. To what extent it goes is the real question. I haven't even finish FE14 yet. ~o3o~ Playing Corpse Party Blood Drive and Steins;Gate right now. Maybe I'll pick up the game if it gets localized. Same with Ys VIII, since even though I like Ys, I'm not as obsessed over it as I am with Kiseki, so I can probably wait for its localization. Probably.
  11. It's 3rd party, but I dunno if it's a browser game... Nothing besides the announcement. Kondo did mention improved graphics, though. I started Sen I, but didn't play much because I'm kinda useless like that. And 'cause Korean my Korean isn't THAT good. Definitely picking it up again when it comes out in English next week, though. Also, it looks like Falcom is interested in selling Tokyo Xanadu overseas, after a huge success in Japan. (Expected sales were 50,000 copies, but it sold like 150,000.)
  12. Sen III, Ys VIII, and Akatsuki no Kiseki, huh... And then there's The 3rd Evo... Damn, my wallet... Hopefully, Falcom is most of what I have to spend in 2016, but I don't know...
  13. Hey. :| >_> It's not that I didn't know enough, but that I was just uncomfortable trying to think in non-English languages.
  14. Weird. I've studied four languages, but I've only ever thought in English.
  15. Looks like The 3rd Evo's site is up now...
  16. As a schoolgirl in a sailor outfit. I forgot to take pictures, tho. :>>>>
  17. He has many admirers. ... ... ... (^_-)-☆
  18. Hmmmmmmmm.............. It's the only one I could fine rn, but what are your thoughts on it, TE? I like the original better... I do like that it's the full song, though. Also, what exactly is this.
  19. I should play this game less often, ye. I've only been playing this game for like 8 months, though, tbh.
  20. Ayyyye, lmao. I main mid, tho. 100k points on Ahri and counting.
  21. I spend too much on video games, yes. ;n;
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