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Fruity Insanity

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Everything posted by Fruity Insanity

  1. My bank is giving me problems for trying to spend $1500 at once. I just want to build my PC, dammit.
  2. Karthus can't auto while dead. Sion is the obvious answer. Or Yorick. Or maybe Zilean.
  3. Perhaps when she still had her silence... Now? Only CC is her snare, rip. ;n; I love LeBlanc mid, though. <3
  4. Rengar top, Eve jungle, Talon mid, Twitch ADC, and... Teemo support!
  5. Maybe all the white-lining talk got to my head. .-.
  6. That's when you play the ADCs with dashes and jumps. Mobility OP.
  7. I need to not be dead and post more often. Or maybe I should stick to lurking. TE and Marthur would probably prefer that.
  8. 3 wins. 1 loss. 76 LP. I can dooo eeeeet. Shaco, Evelynn, Rengar, and Talon all scare the shit out of me. Especially when they're competent. no fuck u u suck at leeg of lejendz jk ily carry me more, pls We still have a 66.7% win rate. :DDDDDD Who cares if the sample size is three games.
  9. I was placed in Silver III, played/won two games, and got 61 LP. I just want to climb to Gold V for free stuff. :'(
  10. 少し遅いけど・・・ お誕生日おめでとうございます、TEさん。
  11. I'm not sure. Not at launch, at least. If I were to get it, it would be when SC Evo comes out, to save on shipping. ~o3o~ Because let's be real, even if I got it at launch, would I really play it?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_webx_PCsps
  13. Nah, I'm usually awake playing League.
  14. Is himouto a portmanteau of hime and imouto...?
  15. (/ω\) Well, he does look rather feminine to begin with, so I suppose I shouldn't have been too surprised.
  16. I was just going on about how good it sounds, omg. How am I going to play if I'm stuck at the login screen. *~*
  17. ...True... Still just a bunch of randies, isn't it?
  18. Why are you in IP chat. We'll see...
  19. I only follow a handful of anime each season. But I guess I have to add this to that handful. That looks too funny to not watch.
  20. I just can't see SC coming out after Cold Steel... As bad a rep they're getting for the delays, I feel like XSEED releasing SC after CS would be so much worse... Or perhaps I am being too optimistic.
  21. Trails SC in October. Cold Steel in November. Sora SC Evo in December. If it turns out anything like that, I'm going to be very, very sad. In other news, a "random" blog post appeared!
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