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Fruity Insanity

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Everything posted by Fruity Insanity

  1. Just like Marthur. ;n; ...Although I guess I haven't been around too often, either...
  2. Siliconera was being Siliconera, basically. I BELIEVE. The 3rd is actually really, really fun. SC has the story and all, but The 3rd has all this extra content (story in the form of side stories and gameplay-wise, with the much larger playable cast and the support characters) that made me really enjoy it. [spoiler=The 3rd spoilers]A playable Renne, for one. Tita's crafts were really interesting, too. The mini games were hit or miss, but the arena fights were fantastic. And the music. The music is so, so good. I like Rise, too. She's pretty good. She and Kevin are just broken, lol. Really looking forward to The 3rd Evolution. While I like SC better, The 3rd is just more fun to play.
  3. Some people thought that Celceta would be coming out on Steam. And while the game is coming out in China on the PC (or has it come out already...), it won't be on steam until Falcom backports the game for Japan, then XSEED picks it up and localizes it (which probably wouldn't be too much work, to be quite honest, since they have the Vita version, etc). But I'd rather have Falcom backport Ao first, tbh, pls.
  4. Why is the Japanese version of Bravely Second so cheap. Damn, maybe I should just get that instead of waiting. Pay $20 for JP and no wait, or pay $50 (+?) for English collector's edition. Decisions, decisions.
  5. Presumably, yes. Unless they restock, which is possible after gauging initial demand. They did it with the Japanese stock as well, so don't get too worked up if you can't get it immediately. If you're super hyped and impatient, though, maybe keep a lookout on other vendors just in case. Better safe than sorry.
  6. >Pre-orders FE: Fates >Sells out five minutes later Damn.
  7. It was only a matter of time. Lol. Fitting.
  8. If only you had realized that the Koreans were going to do the best, perhaps you could have gotten that 100% accurate pick. B]
  9. I used everybody just to keep them up to a certain level standard.
  10. Ehehehehehe. XSEED, localize The 3rd already.
  11. <3 But I'm not a qt grill, rip. Capua girl is good enough.
  12. Has it been that long? But I feel like you were crying about your break up just yesterday. .-.
  13. Why is Agate so broken. S-crafts every other turn is definitely not okay.
  14. Replayed SC's final boss. I always underestimate how long these kind of bosses take. -_- Takes me like an hour and a half.
  15. Dude you have no idea how much time I spent playing poker, lol.
  16. I haven't even finished the prologue, and I see a bug. I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be a number under Mirage and Space. They're not aligned. :| (In 1080p. I'm sure they are in 800x600 or whatever.) Also, I uploaded the JP voices, if you people ever need it. And then there's this, too. God, and now I remember how shit Anelaces lines are. Haha, one charge from the Jaeger does 1000 damage. Hard is hard.
  17. Wow. Only 9 chapters left to go. ...Yes... SC is long...
  18. Yah, I asked on the Steam forums. They found it. Turns out XSEED was prepared for people to use JP voices, though, lol, since they gave you a choice for JP voices when you add the file. Speaking of which, I have the SC voices from the Korean copy of the game I have. I can upload them if people want it, so just tell me if you do.
  19. TE, is there a way for me to identify the voice file for SC? So I can swap with the Japanese voice file?
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