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Posts posted by lonelyVoxel

  1. Is it possible for one track to play for an entire chapter? For example, if I set "Winds Across the Plains" as the music for all battles and both phases, would it play without pausing as does the song in the final chapter of Awakening?

  2. With your advice, I found the OTHER USB slots and the SD card slot. Unfortunately, I don't have a Wii, only a Wii U, so I guess I can't do a save transfer that way. However, how is it that a GCN mem card is different than any other SD card?

  3. I was wondering whether a save data transfer from Path of Radiance to Radiant Dawn was possible on a Wii U. I noticed that my Wii U, which was in the Deluxe package, did not have an SD card slot. However, it has two USB ports, so is it possible to use one of those to take my FE9 save data and use it for FE10?

  4. Why don't you play through the prologue chapters? Shouldn't be hard. Also, why don't you just PM the creator? Shouldn't really be too hard, either... :/

    I played through the prologues, but once I started Chapter 9 the glitch happened. I'll try PMing Blademaster! if nobody replies, but it's a really bad problem without the ability to keep going from there.

  5. I know people probably don't play this game anymore, but I picked it up recently, and now I'm stuck on a glitchy Chapter 9. The link in the CT topic to the save is dead, so I'm wondering if anyone has a save file that will allow me to bypass this weird glitch. If anyone could dig this up, then I'd be really grateful.

  6. I ditto this. Corrupt Theocracy has been pretty much forgotten, and Sun God's challenge hasn't been updated in awhile...


    Are you ready to put up screens yet? This project seems interesting...

    Zeph and I are working on stuff, so we will have some screens within, say, two weeks. Reason I'm saying stuff about Corrupt Theocracy is because I started playing it. It's bad, but I'm doing it for points on this other site, which I hope to have Beyond Dreams submitted to.

  7. Having one game with only eight characters does not make sense. Seriously, how do you balance that? Try playing a FE game using 10 or fewer characters, it becomes too easy since you get overleveled. If the Lyn-->Eliwood/Hector transfer ends up not working, then we can always pull a Corrupt Theocracy and have a default for the Part One characters.

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