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Everything posted by gringe

  1. So it does! I appreciate you pointing these out every time they come out 🙂 Feel free to let me know if there's any dialogue that may affect anything in the patch.
  2. So, it took me long enough, but it was indeed an easy fix. I confirmed and it seems that the "bad" ending now plays correctly in both the Ilia and Sacae routes. The latest version (1.1.1) is available in the first post. Thank you for the report!
  3. My interpretation has always been that Roy is meant to be generic and good so he can basically stand in for the player in the story and in dialogue. This was before the series started using avatar characters, so the worship from all the auxiliary characters instead goes to the main lord. He's always right, he can be paired with a vast number of cute female characters, and he's even the 15 year old male target audience. With the kind of easy-to-understand story Roy is placed in I think this is all just fine. I do like how some of his conversations seem to reflect the ways players may think. He tells Alen he wants to win the war with no deaths, and if you get an A support with Marcus he tells Marcus he never wants him to retire...much like what a player who got Roy an A support with Marcus is probably thinking.
  4. To end the dialogue at a place like this does seem like an issue--it's not a coherent place to leave the player, and the song changing seems to indicate something else should be there. I will take a look in the next little while. Hopefully it can be taken care of with a simple text/event edit.
  5. I gave it a check and all of Lilina and Garret's support conversations look correct. I may have corrected it already? 🤔 Hanon has always been referred to as female in this patch, even before I got involved. It's clearly an error due to lack of context the translator was given for FE7 (Japanese does not use gender-specific words/pronouns as often as European languages) so it wouldn't have made a lot of sense to keep her male, especially since Hanon being female is like...the only thing that's said about her in FE6.
  6. I'd released 1.1brx versions up until now, with the intention to suggest 1.1 was not complete. 1.1 is complete now, so it loses the suffix.
  7. No changes have been made since 1.1br7, but I am going ahead and declaring it complete by changing its name to v1.1! Enjoy~ And do continue to feel free to point out issues if you have any.
  8. Hey, thanks for the comments. Right now I'm just focused on getting the localization patch to a "final" state (just waiting another week or two to see if there are any more error reports at this point), but after that I might want to make a new version of the ol' Numbers Patch. I think I could get it done in a day or so in FEBuilder. Having played through the game a couple times without anything like that again, I just can't help but feel that characters like Wolt, Bors, Lot and Ward deserve just a little bit more, and it kind of bums me out when I use them in place of the usual suspects like Alance, Rutger, Dieck, Shanna, etc. With such a huge cast, more worthwhile characters would give the game higher replayability. It does to me personally in any case. Having Roy promote earlier is a tough one--his late promotion is clearly something many people don't like about FE6, but Roy is wielding the Binding Blade in his map sprite after promoting, so it feels a little unconvincing to have him promote before he gets it. I think a more "immersive" compromise may be to increase his bases or growths slightly so he's not quite so bad in the chapters leading up to his promotion. Then again, Roy being bad in the mid-late game is arguably an intrinsic part of FE6, so I don't know if I'd personally want to change that.
  9. Wow, that's a lot of suggestions! I'm not sure about implementing so many minor text edits at this stage but I do appreciate the time you took. I'll certainly consider whether any of these warrant another version.
  10. This is actually one of many, probably unintentional, quirks in the original Japanese version of the game. You've stumbled upon one of the more obscure/hard to notice ones. Since changing this would directly affect gameplay (if only slightly), changing it is outside of the scope of this patch. Other such quirks include a single Knight in chapter 6 not being assigned "chase" AI causing him to stay behind as his fellow soldiers chase after the player characters, Galle and his squad refusing to attack anybody despite his clear intentions to do so from his dialogue, Klein occasionally not moving on his first turn after appearing, different levels/weapon levels for Gonzalez on different routes, hard mode bonuses not applying to characters who exist when the chapter begins, etc. In any case, thanks for pointing it out just in case and thanks for playing the patch. 🙂
  11. FE6 Localization Patch v1.1br7 Just a very small update to br6 up above with some text changes! http://www.mediafire.com/file/ke6kofigh4xr7o1/FE6Localization_v1.1br7.ups/file Apply to a Japanese FE6 ROM with a UPS patcher such as NUPS *If you don't know how to patch a ROM, please kindly Google it. Testers Wanted! Please Report Any Issues! Please let us know any issues you run into in this topic! Please also spread the word to anyone who may be interested in helping! The game should be playable from beginning to end, but let us know if you encounter any issues! Changelist Text edits 1. Overflowing Link Arena warning message when trying to remove all weapons from a unit correct 2. Idunn's "weapon" has been corrected to "Dark breath" 3. Minor correction to Saul and Yoder's B rank support, in which Saul previously said that stalking Roy was against his ethics, when in fact he said it goes against his aesthetic tastes. It's not a huge change to his character, but the implication goes from seeming to use the church as a shield to him just feeling personally strongly about something he doesn't want to do. Additionally a reference to Saul from Yoder as a "model priest" was adjusted, as Yoder clearly knows he's not, and the Japanese was just something along the lines of "that is excellent."
  12. Maybe. I don't think any of us can say for certain what their intentions 20 years ago may have been. Maybe it was a mistake, or maybe it was cut partway through and with their tools it was faster to change the palette to another class rather than nullify it. I'll look into it in either case. EDIT: So, after looking into it, I can say all the bosses in the "Lycia arc" (except Wagner) have palettes, but bosses beyond that, other than the Wyvern Generals and Roartz (and Zinque for some reason), do not. I have a headcanon that the dev team may have found it slightly jarring to go from entirely unique palettes for bosses to generic ones partway through, and also didn't have time to make custom palettes for everyone. Currently, all the "big bosses" in the story (and Zinque--maybe he was intended to have a bigger role originally) have unique palettes while no one else does, so this seems like a mostly logical pattern to keep. With all this in mind it's somewhat outside of the scope of this patch to implement the existing palettes for early bosses.
  13. I was not even aware of this. I guess it could be a fun bonus if I can get it working, but I've never tried changing a pallet. I'll look into it and think about it. If it's only these bosses, however, the thought that comes to my mind is they intended to have unique pallets for each boss, but only got partway through before they decided not to, and disabled them in a very simple way. If that's the case I think I would rather not do this.
  14. Interesting point regarding Yoder's supports. I will compare the current English scripts against the Japanese ones to see if anything stands out as inaccurate to me. Also, you are right about Idunn. This is actually a good thing as far as I'm concerned because Dark Breath looked much better in the UI. I will correct this. There is also a small bit of text in the Link Arena to correct, so it looks like there are a couple small edits to make. I will put out a new version in the next few days once I have a chance to check the support conversation accuracy.
  15. FE6 Localization Patch v1.1br6 Barring any major issues, the patch should now be feature complete! I will leave this in the wild for a little while so people can test and potentially report any issues before I declare it complete. Download here Apply to a Japanese FE6 ROM with a UPS patcher such as NUPS *If you don't know how to patch a ROM, please kindly Google it. Testers Wanted! Please Report Any Issues! Please let us know any issues you run into in this topic! Please also spread the word to anyone who may be interested in helping! The game should be playable from beginning to end, but let us know if you encounter any issues! Changelist The Link Arena is now complete! Yes, we finally did it! And by we I mean tabachanker, so big ups. We have not tested an actual multiplayer round, but on the surface it looks good. Do let me know if you try the Link Arena (???) and have any issues. Updates to the support conversation reader! Affinity label added for each support partner, characters listed in "official" order, and other minor tweaks. I'm really happy with the way it looks and works. A number of behind the scenes bugfixes Numerous text edits 1. Corrections to text pointed out in the above posts 2. Did you know "Wade" was written as "Ward" in the latest FEH character poll? That's the latest localization of his name now, so his name has been updated to "Ward" in the patch. 3. Incorrect usage of "sire" in reference to superior officers corrected based on context. ("Sire" is a word to be used with royalty, but was previously used in reference to Legance, Narcian, Murdock, and Nord.) 4. Other small edits of text that stood out to me in my latest playthrough, including decreasing the enthusiasm of villagers who now use less exclamation points and removing most usages of the word "wench" (it now only appears once in the script, down from three times). As it doesn't really impact gameplay and isn't a "fun" error, I decided to "correct" the Arcadia elder in the epilogue to use the same palette he has in chapter 14/14x
  16. There is an apparent mistake in the base game I've noticed while playtesting the latest version of the patch. I believe I can "correct" this easily in FEBuilder, but I haven't decided what to do, so I want to gather some opinions to see if there is a consensus for this kind of thing. (Note that what I decide may ultimately not be what the popular opinion is. I just want to know if there is a consensus.) The elder of Arcadia as seen in chapter 14/14x and at the end of the game use different NPC graphics. The one used in chapter 14/14x is a unique palette swap of the old man used nowhere else in the game (if I'm not mistaken), while the one in the epilogue is the generic color of old man you see in every other house. The dialogue suggests they are the same person which makes me believe this is an error. What would you think if I were to "correct" the end game elder to be the same color he is in chapter 14/14x?
  17. I don't know if this helps at all, but I just want to offer a perspective from someone not related to the project. I don't think there is a single correct answer for these two reasons: - In Three Houses there is no non-promoted version of the bow-wielding mounted class competing for the "Bow Knight" name (not sure about the games from Awakening to Echoes) - The Tellius games, like the Jugdral games, have an unpromoted bow-wielding knight (called "Bow Knight" in official Tellius localizations) that promotes into something else With this in mind, "Bow Knight" is not only logical within FE5's class system (and FE4's for that matter) but also with official localizations of games that offered a similar class system. As you say, it's certainly been translated as a higher tier class in more recent games. I just mean to say there is no clear cut answer.
  18. One of FE6's defining traits within the series is its immense cast, so I wouldn't actually want to cut any characters. Considering Guinivere and Galle, the game could even use a few more without it feeling unnatural. I also feel like the game's support conversations get unfairly labeled as boring--there are actually some really great characters that shine through in their support conversations! I guess the boring ones like Alen and Lance's are easiest to get, however, so that's what most people see. In terms of impact on story and gameplay I'd go with the following. Ogier - Superfluous mercenary generally outclassed by Dieck who is just tagging along with the Ostian knights, only there for players who somehow lost Dieck, still want a mercenary/hero, and don't want Echidna. Barthe - Gwendolyn sucks, but her suckage is legendary, elevating her to national treasure status. Plus she is the sister of Bors, making her a rare female armor knight. Barthe is just sort of there and is terrible. Garret - I actually like Garret (very useful in chapter 21 and enjoyable personality) but rules are rules. We already have a bandit character in Gonzalez. Trec - There are a total of seven cavalier/paladins in the game, so in terms of gameplay it would have the least impact to cut some of them. Trec is an amusing character but isn't really connected to anyone very deeply but the other Ilian knights. Zelot - A replacement for Marcus who is only slightly better in combat but has similar stats overall... Perceval doesn't come THAT late so Zelot might not be that necessary. Larum - Really either her or Elffin, but Elffin has more relevance to the story, being the prince of Etruria. Wolt or Dorothy - Neither is very good or particularly important to the story. I would want one of them at least though. I guess Wolt would be the one to keep if given the option. Karel - A decent character who comes right at the end, recruitable by only Fir or Bartre... If he had a unique class and/or dragon-slaying weapon and could be recruited by Roy then he could be this game's Athos, but he does not and is not. Cath - Now this is a character I enjoy the personality of, but there is not much room for thieves to grow in FE6 making them kind of unpractical in the real final chapter, and Chad and Astolfo may be enough as is. Merlinus - Fine as an NPC, and he has no supports anyway.
  19. I'm surprised Sacred Stones has so few votes. I thought it was generally considered to be the lesser of the three GBA games. I appreciated that it tried to do something slightly different from the linear resource/unit management focus of the previous two games, but it didn't take the emphasis on character growth far enough if you ask me. Not that it's an important argument, as all three games are great, granted.
  20. I was not able to replicate this. It displays correctly for me. I wonder if perhaps because the enemy is on the throne when you end the chapter it displays the faulty message?
  21. Thanks, I will look into this when I have a moment. Thanks for the info! For FE6, the Choose Your Legends Poll seems to be an accurate representation of the names, at least of the ones we've gotten so far. Melady and Dieck were both consistent. Windham and Myrddin already have their correct spellings!
  22. Ah, nice catch! This will need an update too. Thanks. Thank you! I will include a correction for this in the next update.
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