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Posts posted by Comet

  1. Crime is bad, yeah, but hasty action almost always turns out badly. That's why leaders are older people; they have (generally) have more experience and will refrain more. When you look at something like this, you can't just think "let's go stop those bad guys" because it's obviously not that simple. Addressing the underlying causes is more important (well, I believe so). It's the stuff like poor education, abuse, etc that results in disturbed people a lot of time that create these problems.

  2. 2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Speaking as a speedrunner, I can say no, a lot of randos outside speedrunning communities hate glitches and will berate your craft because it doesn't look fun to them. Pretty much every speed game with sequence breaks and major glitches gets an occasional comment like "wtf how is this a speedrun??? All you do is run straight to the last area and glitch through some walls? Do you ACTUALLY think this is impressive? I don't know how anybody can spend so many hours not playing the game and instead just breaking it. I could beat the game this fast without glitches".

    For some reason they always add that they can beat the game the fastest with nothing to back it up. People get totally triggered when you play a video game different from them. A similar animosity appeared back in Melee and Brawl when a competitive scene was developing and kids were being beaten by "cheaters". But L-Cancelling is an intended mechanic - it appears in official online websites for Smash 64 under the name "smooth landing". Wave dashing is as much a glitch as your ability to jump during Link's attacks in Breath of the Wild.  Capital G glitches in Melee are Ness' yoyo thing and Mewtwo pulling people through the stage from the ledge. Interesting but those are bottom tier characters. Even Smash 4 still has glitches that the patch team didn't care to remove. Like Greninja's Shadow Sneak Cancel. Mega Man, Sonic, Link, Toon Link, and Peach all had similar tech but they had theirs patched out before the Wii U version even released. 

    As for a KH3 trailer during Nintendo Direct, I'm not sure I can handle another Utada Hikaru song replacing all the sound effects in Kingdom Hearts footage. Soooo weird.

    yeah i guess. those people are petty/have bad opinions, but it can't be helped

    exactly. i...knew all of this, but it's nice to see someone else does too. check out the soul stunner glitch if you don't know about it; that's a fun one.

    the new game looks promising.

  3. 15 hours ago, Altrosa said:

    That vid was a trip.

    If Nintendo can get Melee players into Smash 5 instead of continually digging their claws into it's glitchy, twitching corpse, that's a pretty gargantuan win, I think. 

    unless it has good competitive mechanics it's not going to happen. and what's with "glitchy, twitching corpse"? that's awfully pessimistic diction. there might be a few reasons why they still stick to that "glitchy, twitching corpse"...

    it's weird how everybody loves glitches in speedrunning but this is a no-no

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