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Posts posted by Comet

  1. 7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    We were taught in school that it was 21, but maybe that's a bit outdated now and further studies have changed things a bit. So I see. Even so, it's still a perfectly valid reason for the drinking age to be what it is. And if the brain does finish at 25, that means even the US has given its people a little leeway, so not much to complain about there.

    And generally in this country, teens and teen drinking are the leading cause of vehicle accidents and vehicular manslaughter. That's also along with using a phone while driving. I can't believe that's not entirely illegal in this country! It should be! Drinking while driving is illegal and people raise awareness for how dangerous that is.

    But why isn't the same done for talking on a phone/texting while driving? This is just as dangerous, if not more! It only takes a second or two for something to happen.

    And something that's out there even less are the (potential) dangers of elderly driving. I'm not saying the elderly shouldn't drive at all. But as you're getting into those years, certain functions of the brain can slow down, like reaction time and such, and that can affect your ability to drive. I've seen/heard of two, possibly three instances where an elderly driver caused an accident.

    First time, at a convenience store I used to work at, a guy had a stroke while in the parking lot and went extremely close to plowing into the store. He could've hurt a lot of people and nearly took the building down with him! I'm not sure if he was actually elderly, as I never got that detail, but given how much more likely elderly folks are to have strokes than younger people, it's pretty likely he was.

    Second, at the same store, I was nearly hit by an elderly man while he was pulling out of his parking space at an insane speed.

    Third, I saw a video on Facebook about this lady who was hit by an 87 year old driver. She might never walk again! She's trying to point out that elderly drivers should be retested. And I'm agreeing.

    Back to the gun thing though, why do you people insist on not having school security guards just because one or two of them didn't handle things properly? You DO realize that for like every bad cop, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of good ones? Also, maybe instead of asking for fewer guns, you could also ask for police to be better trained and thoroughly checked out before officially being put on duty.

    of course teen drinking and driving will be terrible. it's the natural result of giving people cars and THEN giving them alcohol, especially since US culture treats alcohol as a thing to "get drunk".

  2. Marth and Lucina's playstyles are exactly the same. If you run, dash attack, and miss as either character, everything is the same. That goes for all of their moves. Both characters just want to actively zone the other player out at mid range (at the tip of their swords). The only general difference is that Lucina's reward for winning neutral is much more consistent against faster or smaller characters like Sheik and Pikachu.

    As for the differences in frame data and properties, there are a few. Lucina's up tilt doesn't remove momentum like Marth's does. Lucina is slightly shorter, so her up throw KOs about 1% later. Her sword is negligably shorter in terms of reach, but when combined with her height, it results in her f smash barely not reaching through Battlefield's side platforms. Combo strings are also naturally different for the two just because of knockback differences.

  3. i'm not into zelda and i already have a wii u. it's not just $300, it's that and whatever it costs to get a pro controller (iirc $65) and probably other stuff that i haven't bothered to find. i can't justify spending $365 when i'm already fairly satisfied with my wii u and could use it to get literally anything else. it'd need an outstanding FE game or mayyyyyyyybe the main series pokemon game for me to consider it.

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