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Posts posted by Comet

  1. I'd bet a lot that Nintendo stole those ideas. Not like I'm surprised, though... At least they still make good games (Pokemon and Metroid for the Switch) so I can give money to a company more irritating than Capcom.


    Nintendo can also put its hand in its pants and **** itself too for announcing a fighting game circuit without Smash too. Switch port=EZ$$$

  2. powershielding rewards players for good anticipation. smash 4 makes it WAY too easy though. i think melee's PS system is good because it pushes the PSer back and still gives shield damage.


    shield damage could also be remedied by increasing shield damage or shield stun, a la smash 4. or shield stun bonuses could be given like with marth's shieldbreaker. however, slow moves would be trash anyway because of reaction time so i don't see a way nor the need to compensate for them much. you'd just end up with a ton of stuff like ganon's up tilt.

  3. If you want to, of course you can. I don't feel any attachment to brawl myself even though I used to play it for hours every day for a long time. I'd advise that you play about anything else since Brawl is pretty dead, and it's Brawl.

    The Yoshi match was a bit entertaining.

    On 3/19/2017 at 1:21 AM, Soul~! said:


    All about how you get there... A certain fat penguin would also like to make an entrance.

  4. 1 hour ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    Ummm... congratulations?

    why is it a quesion


    1 hour ago, hσng said:


    thanks ilu


    1 hour ago, Shadowess said:


    u 2


    1 hour ago, Chen said:




    11 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Did you have a break before eating it?


  5. the wall's coming into fruition is still a joke. trump's executive order is just annoying. congress has to approve for it to become remotely feasible.

    i'm late, but i still want to point out that halting support of abortion in other countries is completely ridiculous since a lot of the countries i'm assuming we're giving money to really don't want to have to provide or deal with more people. this isn't just the administation acting on their (imo stupid) morals, it's a blow to foreign policy as if mexico wasn't already a bad start.

  6. Alex19 is so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with an actual ability and movement with fox? Alex doesn't put the game in another level, and it's not like we'll be blessed if we see a just another player with his skill and passion for the game. Mang0 breaks records. Armada breaks records. Alex19 doesn't break the rules at all tbh. You can keep your magic. I prefer the statistics.

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