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    I like to run portable on my dude by stealing those cavaliers&#3

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  1. Just wanted to say if you show up again that your post in srs discussion: fanfic was pretty good. I was reading the posts after I stopped reading just recently, and you hit all or most of what I would have, and well. So thanks.

  2. Something reminds me about the "take a photo and impose it on the drawing" and blah, whatever it is called... since I am in the middle of doing texturing for my 3D assignments... Y'know, you might want to get good doing that in order to do UV mappings when you're doing 3D rendering, but for digital painting... it's a different thing already.
  3. Photoshop is usually the first thing people think of, but yeah it's a given for Photoshop for doing these jobs. If you're a mouse user, mastery of the Pen Tool can get you around really, really fast. Learn to use it well. There's a lot more than why people say "the pen is mightier than the sword." Fear it. GIMP has vastly improved in my opinion, I sometimes switch between Photoshop and GIMP for quite a number of tasks I'd have one do than the other.
  4. Found a random FE8 ROM lying around in my sisters' stash along with an emulator. After that its all reading and reading into various walls of text of what is Fire Emblem.
  5. Glad to see you 'round. Just a reminder to read the rules regarding necroposting. Thanks~!

  6. To me, fanfiction is about analyzing the source material and see what you can do with it to create something else while still paying the original work their due credits where possible, including keeping the characters in character. Just going by the simple "Ooh, I want myself inside there" "Wow I like this pairing" simply doesn't cut it, and is the cause of many a tale of horrid fanfictions we've seen thorough and thorough, not just in the FE fandom. I was guilty of this at one time, but took it upon myself to erase every single trace of that and reform. Regarding "original characters" and "self-inserts," I do believe there are ways you can use them to help with the development of the story - as long as you don't make them too prominent (one of the symptoms of a Gary Stu/Mary Sue). A simple example is that you can write in first person, simply becoming a nameless observer and write about the characters and what they do, but in the mean time you don't say much about yourself. Canon characters may or may not notice you, but you make it a priority not to make yourself the focus of your own story, instead opting to tell your rendition of what you see in the characters and their interactions and actions with the world. For all I know, we're writing fiction, not a scientific article or a university journal. Imagine if written fiction was done the other way round. I think we might be lost in trying to differentiate who the writer is referring to.
  7. Can't say I have none of this, but when it was my time, for a short guy I somehow have an equally fitting short fuse. Bullies? If it wasn't for a teacher one of them could've gotten smacked by a wooden chair back then. In my case, I think I had to feel bad for those bullies trying to target me. I beat them all up because back then words are of no use. Well, that got me a scolding from the vice-principal something about "violence is not the way to go", but eh. I think I'm glad I'm much more sane and calm now.
  8. ^ If you do plan to go to S.E.A, make sure you go to Singapore. I don't live there though, and I'm at best a good 400 miles away from the Malaysia/Singapore linking bridge. Or if you want something harder, go up north and end up here in my place. There's quite a lot of foreigners in where I study, so seeing another one wouldn't be too odd I guess. The rest? Maybe... if you feel like giving yourself harsh times... no offense to you guys living around those places. Trust me, being a countryman living in your place does suck when there's a lot of... stuff you don't like going on.
  9. I usually let those who remember my birthday to do something about it if they want. Except for pranks. I'll usually catch on ahead of it and dodge everything thrown. We have a weird youth culture of smothering the birthday boy with flour and eggs. Who made that, I don't know. But certainly makes me want to skewer them with a rod or something if they did that to me. That said, I don't usually let them know when my birthday is. By the time they realize it they'll probably know it's too late to plan a prank, hopefully. Well, at most, I'd appreciate a trip to a cake house and eat a slice of cheese cake. And since they don't really know much about my birthday, I guess it is only right I don't give a damn about theirs. Oh, except for my family. We usually spend each others' birthday having a cool day out eating nice things. My mother usually bakes or cooks something up. So for the most part, we never went beyond our homes.
  10. I like having generic words as usernames, but somehow for some reason they'll always end up being the first words to be used up for someone else's name. I don't really like thinking up of names no one else might have ever thought of, as simpler words are easier to remember for me. But maybe an odd combination, alliteration, and whatever as you name it; of generic words for a username can help... but I still don't like it.
  11. There could be a variety of reasons why one would feel bad when they like someone. For example, one of the reasons is that you feel you are not deserving of such a person. Sometimes when you feel you start to like someone, you tend to stop right there, and reflect on the differences between you and that guy. For example, you might go on thinking that said person is good while realizing a lot of your weaknesses, thus making you very hesitant on your approach towards them. I think this reaction is quite natural, as in a way it'll spark a motivation for yourself to start reflecting on your self-worth and think how you can make it better. Up to the point where you two can see each other as equals and not "No, they're such great people, I don't deserve to breathe in the same air as they do." At least that's what I think about it.
  12. Just some guy attending some university in some insignificant South East Asian country.
  13. I think I racked up quite a list for this season... but for some reason out of all of the ones I have in my list, only one made me stick to its OP till the ED. I usually skip them, but... Dem Jojo OP, jojo. It kept me glued, jojo. I wanted to press "Skip" but I can't, jojo. The next thing I know is that I have the OP and ED downloaded, jojo. ... And I don't know why I keep adding jojo's to my sentences, jojo. Honest, jojo!
  14. Most of the time I just laze around in my hostel before getting down to the job. If I manage to ever do my homework in the dorm, it'd be an incredible feat I guess. Often it'll take a rallying from my classmates to sit down and do our assignments together at the very last minute. If this was some sort of a copy-paste job or "You do first, I'll copy you later" kind of thing it's fine, but seeing how my majoring is actually in the Arts field (specifically, Animation and Visual Effects)... well, good thing we usually have the ideas on what we're supposed to do, and meet up just to do our own things and ask the other guy: "Hey, is this good? Do I need to add or reduce anything?" I can't deny that I do feel empty trying to do these assignments on my own. So, yeah...
  15. Suddenly, OH NOES

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