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Status Updates posted by Junkhead

  1. http://i.imgur.com/i7l2wVv.gif That is so funny, what anime/gaem is that.
    1. Icarusu


      Kill la kill. anime. evil villain

    2. Junkhead


      That's not evulz that's funny

  2. My Florina is so stupid right now.

    1. Junkhead


      Probably shouldn't have given her that one Energy Drop in LM...

    2. ZemZem


      She breaks the game.

    3. Junkhead


      Lucius breaks the gaem.

  3. Aozaki-sama...!

    1. euklyd


      I'm trying to figure out a way to respond to that, in-character. Nothing is really coming to mind.

    2. euklyd


      I probably need to either re-read KnK, or go read that other newer one that I haven't already read.

    3. Junkhead
  4. FE7 re-run with Super Sain.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Junkhead


      I wanted to do this because dondon inspired me. He says 11 AS carries you throughout mid and maybe even LATEgame in FE7. This Sain will be too stronk.

    3. Junkhead


      Bring on the Hawkeye.

    4. ZemZem


      Hawkeye so good.

      DAT Killer axe

  5. FE10FE10FE10

    1. Ciarre
    2. Junkhead


      FE10, mang. Eff. E. Ten.

  6. Berserkar 08

    1. Kriemhild


      just followin the TypeMoon avatar fad

    2. Junkhead
    3. Kriemhild


      Well, it started in IP Chat. People are using TypeMoon/Nasuverse avatars

  7. I remember you saying FE10 was the more balanced game of the series. Why was that, again?

    1. Florete


      Because no single unit dominates a large percent of the game and units considered OP typically have important flaws, such as no 2 range for Laguz royals, mediocre caps for most mounted units, and the maps in general often favoring foot units over horse units. BEXP and forging help weak units catch up and most units that start weak can turn out really well. Lastly, you actually need to use a fairly large amount of units rather than steamrolling with a core team of something like 6 units.

    2. Junkhead


      I think you're right.

      I was also thinking a bit, about how FE10 actually might've put Paladins in order, instead of them getting a nerf stick that could be considered bad. I mean, girls like Astrid and Fiona definetly got hit hard...but Paladins are still good.

    3. Florete


      And Astrid and Fiona actually turn out the best when trained well.

  8. That's Mordred? I thought he was a male, even in Fate...

    1. Aisuko Lyrical

      Aisuko Lyrical

      running gag Pendragons get gender swapped and have to pretend to be male.

    2. Junkhead


      hnnng 'dat hair -3-

  9. Yoshi knight 08

    1. Yoshi


      The best there is

  10. Why are you smoking.

    1. Nightmare


      Because it looks hella cool.

  11. The ultimate self-fufillment is self-aknowdlegement!!!

    1. Kriemhild


      Indeed! "Rich is the one who is content with what they are"

    2. Junkhead


      I actually agree with her, there...that is the truth.

    3. Kriemhild


      Actually, the "Rich is the one who is content with what they are" was from another dude, but her quote came while she was pondering that

  12. You look funny.

    1. Nicolas


      Thanks mate!

  13. *Should probably read Umineko*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kriemhild


      Maria? Yeah, she is so adorable~

    3. Junkhead


      I was referring to Erika. Her hair and crazy expressions are cute.

      Maria has always been adorable as well as little Ange.

    4. Kriemhild


      Did you just call Erika a witch?

      She's one of my favorite characters actually, even above Maria. I wouldn't call her adorable though...

      Her Higurashi counterpart is quite cute though!

  14. I don't think think the books you mentioned were what I had in mind...but to be honest, having read a small summary of them, they look interesting

    1. Makaze


      I suggested a variety. They all have a touch of dark to them... If not the kind you wanted.

    2. Junkhead


      The Magicians & The Giver stood out.

      Also, The Picture of Dorian Grey is one that I've had in mind long before my interest in reading.

    3. Makaze


      The Lies of Locke Lamora is just plain fun. Set it aside for a reason...

      Have you read Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell?

  15. You can't fight your jeans.

  16. 1-6 is being silly.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Junkhead


      - Getting the Arms Scroll without Sothe.

      - Certain shaky hitrates need to hit (I think there's only like two present, though).

      - Micaiah has to dodge one fatal hit, even though it only has 42% Hit on her.

    3. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      >getting the Arms Scroll.

      Also rigging for TCs is lame, just get a quick no rig strat imo

    4. Junkhead


      I'm not rigging. What Olwen did was rigging...my strategies actually don't require that much luck. It's sort of the basic needed. It's not like I'm asking to dodge a 70% Hit & crit. at 3%.

  17. What is a cat box?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kriemhild


      If the cat box is not opened, then both the possibilities of a living cat and a dead cat will exist inside the box, from the observer's perspective.

    3. Junkhead
    4. Kriemhild


      If you're referring to the sig quote, it's referring to events where nobody actually knows what really happens. So a fictional story that would spread about those events would eventually become established as the truth. Even though nobody actually knows what really happened, they would take the fictional story as the truth for those events.

  18. Merry 25th, mang.

  19. Meg is cute.

  20. Hi penguins.

  21. Merry birthday, fellow ex-FE10 debater. ;o

  22. FE7 is fine too.

    1. ZemZem
    2. Junkhead


      Dorcas is one of the best characters in the gaem. You should check out Tino's debate.

    3. ZemZem
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