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Everything posted by braiel

  1. Don't see it mentioned yet but the spotpass notification mentions Fire Emblem: Binding Blade so I guess that's how they decided to localize that
  2. One major thing that would need to change before anything went digital only would be isps being greedy as hell and having data caps I'm not sure how common it is elsewhere but in canada most isps have these and downloading 15+gb games frequently simply isn't feasible for many people with these caps. The plan I have is pretty much the middle of the road one from rogers and allows for 60gb a month which I almost hit each month from regular internet use add in downloads and the games would cost me 2.50 per gb just to download up to a 50 dollar max. Even the best plan from rogers is only 250gb I believe which is still not very much if you're having to download it anytime you buy a large game. Not to mention that speeds would need to increase to fibreop quality across the board and up here fibreop is still only available in a few of the largest cities for the Maritimes and as far as I'm aware not at all in other parts of canada downloading large games can take an entire day even on some of the highspeed services like when companies like rogers throttle p2p services and inadvertently throttle other things (they did it to wow connections for a while) slowing it down even more. Basically I don't believe average internet quality or speed is good enough for this to work out yet.
  3. I'll be sure to record all my stats for future playthroughs I started to doubt the growths when my nowi had gained 4 speed by lvl 24 with what is listed as a 50% growth
  4. So I just read the spotpass notification for this week and it actually says the pack will increase to 6.00 once champions 1 is no longer free still a good saving but a bit odd that they'd do it this way
  5. Actually when i got the ss team it made the 3 people I hadn't received yet from fe7 available
  6. You may need to download 3 when it's released I don't think it downloads with the pack but you won't have to pay to download it when it does come out if you purchase the pack It is listed in the map list but I can't imsgine that it was included in the 26 blocks I had to download for 2
  7. Yeah I imagine they'll have packs for some like FoD at least but I don't know how they'd group the rest up for bundles but hopefully we'll see some more of them since the savings for this pack once 1 isn't free anymore are quite significant over 1 entire dlc of savings assuming 3 is 2.50 as well this should stop the people who thought the dlc was too expensive from complaining
  8. The second one is 2.50 as well so it's probably safe to assume the third is at least 2.50 as well so you still save a dollar and a few cents on taxes for that dollar by buying the pack even if you pick up the first for free
  9. Actually I just purchased the pack it does say that you won't get it all until it's officially released but when I go to play maps champion 3 is listed there The thing I'm confused about is champions 1 is 30 blocks 2 is 27 but the pack says it 56 Edit: the person below me is correct 3 is unavailable for now even though it is listed
  10. Ummm I think you're a bit confused it seems like you think it's march already you've got close to a month get the dlc free
  11. Now I feel bad he still had 0 battles when I finished my normal mode run last night :(
  12. Not sure if it's been posted or not but in TharjaxStahl a rank support Stahl says "my heart bounds like a thousand fluffy kittens" just thought it was funny and others might like to hear
  13. Well I'm on chapter 19 so I may be able to confirm what it actually is by this evening
  14. I haven't beat it yet to check the support library but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the name of the book
  15. These I loved the halberdiers in fe10 it'd be nice to see them get something other than spears later on maybe but they'd be a nice addition again and I absolutely loved rath so I'd be very happy to see nomads come back
  16. A friend of mine in highschool was playing fe7 during lunch I got interssted in it after watching him for a while found pretty much the last new copy in the city in the discount bin at toys' r'us and loved it ever since
  17. Are you sure on that I seem to recall getting an aether activation while being the support. I'll have to watch for it in the future it may have simply been a crit...
  18. What would even cause that is it just because it has to read from the sd card rather than a cartridge?
  19. Not sure if it's actually in the first post or not since my tablet won't let me open spoilers for some reason but vengeance is still named vengeance
  20. Completely agree I'm only to chapter 15 so far but the story has been great the supports are amazing the cinematics look awesome and the music is phenomenal. The only thing that's really made me kinda sigh is the repeated fart jokes in a couple chapters other than that absolutely stunning all around
  21. There's a lot of mixed reports about the streetdate being lifted so maybe they just decided to put it out since people have the game already or maybe they didn't even really mean to before today it couldn't even connect to the spotpass server perhaps they had the data on there already and simply just brought them up in prep for the release
  22. Yes you can replay any dlc as many times as you want once you've bought it
  23. I can't be sure as chrom and sumia are the only ones I have married so far but yes it says both
  24. Yes it's simple pr. Not written out as prince I actually didn't realize what it stood for at first and facepalmed super hard when someone told me what it stood for on the gamefaqs boards
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