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Honestly Vitali

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Everything posted by Honestly Vitali

  1. I have a feeling that the people who choose "didn't like them" were either Tharja or Cordelia... They were both really popular before the game was out, but now suddenly have a ton of hate (I don't really like Cordelia, but I like Tharja). But it's super cool how many people had "love at first sight"! Haha.
  2. Urgh, I love him. But not that great. Poor baby. I'll try not to be biased. Well, let's see. He comes with a decent staff rank and sword rank, which is why I never could use Tricksters (Anna was okay, but promoting Gaius, I was like, "Where's your staff rank?"). He has good magic and strength balance, which is also an issue I've ran into trying to use them. He has pretty good reclass options, although I wish he got Griffon Rider (I always have him with Boots, Mov. +1, Pass, Acrobat, and a Physic staff, along with Galeforce S Supports MU, which I love as a team -- run, switch, kill, run, switch, heal/kill... That skill that gives two more move when paired up would have been so great with my setup... But alas). Personally, I recruited him before any child (except Owain and Inigo) to maximize his use, and he's been really strong for me. For postgame, I think he's the best Trickster option you have (unless you want a Trickster MU). And I love the fact he had a different recruitment requirement as anyone else in the game. Pretty cool. I wish he had more supports, though, besides MU and maybe Morgan. Chrom or his sisters or Inverse would have been nice, but that's wishful thinking. I'd say about 5/10. He has limited use, but he is a pretty good unit. That's without bias. With bias it's a million out of ten. My dear husband...
  3. Morgan is amazing in nearly every way. Despite having Gangrel as my husband, I still got a ton of use outta my little boy (granted, I skipped nearly all kids but Inigo and Owain so I'd get more "family time!"). There's really no way to screw up Morgan. Even with Lissa as a mother, or the like, still can be great. Wish his/her clothes changed on the portrait, though. 9.5/10 without bias, but I'd give male Morgan a 10/10. I like female Morgan, but, while she is cute, I fell the personality is a bit cuter on a boy ("Oh Gods, I love shopping!"). Both are great, though. Opposite-gendered Morgan should have replaced Priam for final spotpass character. Or in Future of Despair (*reminds self to learn English names for DLC*)
  4. I thought I had a lot of experience with FE, so I finally played one on hard (it was tough until I got Inigo... Aha, Inigo. My first and best kid, basically solos the game, with a little help from cousin Owain). Classic because I'm a elitist traditionalist. Okay, I'm both.
  5. InigoxNah, InigoxNah, InigoxNah, and -- okay, moving on. InigoxNah, it's cute and funny and I enjoy seeing Inigo about to be eaten. I guess I enjoy his suffering... VirionxLibra, love them and now I can never marry Libra to anyone... Virion can have Cherche, but not Libra. LaurentxCynthia rarely do I change my couples for the sheer cuteness of the support. FeMUxGangrel obviously. InigoxOwain, for awesomeness. FeMorganxGermone, "No, calculus is complicated. That's a mask." Normally, I love MMorgran (That looks so weird!), but that's one of my favorite lines.
  6. I guess that one's because it would kinda mess up Laurent's back-story. Although I guess it could be altered. "I was alone; couldn't find my parents" doesn't work when you're a prince's son. But I guess that "the guards didn't believe me that I came from the future" could. But that would mean more than one father support. And we can't have that. Way too much effort. Just kidding on that last part!
  7. Same with me, actually, now that I think about it (expect the part about not using THE VAIKE)... I don't really use Panne, Nowi, or Gregor... There are more, but those are the three that come to mind. (Oh, and Lon'qu and Cordelia... Those are the "big five" of unloved...)
  8. Virion, he's awesome. But I didn't feel he was horribly behind everyone else in terms of use, unlike... Ah, Libra. When he first joined, he was like a divine savior of awesome. But he slowly but surely lost his use, but I still gotta keep him. Love you Libra. You saved me too many time. Now it's my turn to save you... From the bench. And, oddly enough, Merric. I have this weird thing for using units I hate. He's the only non-DLC, non-Awakening Spotpass character I have, and, ironically, he's likely my least favorite FE character, period (yes, in case you're wondering, I love Ellerean). I have not idea why I use him and make him good. I hate this dude. But I'm always getting skills on him and stuff, then sitting back and thinking... "Wait... Why am I doing this? I hate you!" But I always come back to him. Stupid Merric... Stupid Merric hat... EDIT: And I guess I should also include my family Gangrel and Morgan... But I'm bad. 100 hours I still haven't beaten the final boss. So maybe it's "postgame", but not to me! I haven't beaten it... I baby a lot because I'm in weird sorta kinda postgame. But not really? I want max stat, limit breaker, perfect skills, and a wonderful team to beat down the final boss.
  9. But aren't Chrom!Cynthia/Chrom!Kjelle and Owain also "companions"? That's what I've heard. But if they have any other father, they're his wife.
  10. Oh, creepy uncle Inigo, at it again! (Seriously, though. Are they at least Companions? Because they need it more than Owain and Lucina or her sisters.)
  11. I understand that, but the Chapter 21 scene is just bad, in my opinion. For a extra scene that's supposed to make you want to marry Chrom to see it, it's just bad. It's only added to relates to My Unit. And even in the scene, Lucina tells you, "You're expendable". They really needed to fix that scene. I get parental bias in normal kids, but with a scene that was already only added for one couple -- a couple that includes the two main heroes -- they should have made it feel less like you don't matter. That's why I love Morgan. He makes me feel like I matter. : ] *Snuggles Morgan* Love that kid
  12. You know, I haven't done it myself, but I've seen it, and I really don't like the Chapter 21 extra scene (assuming I'm thinking of the right thing). I dunno, I just don't like the FeMUxChrom pairing. Even with this added scene, I just still get this feeling that she loves Chrom more than me. I guess the point of that scene was to show that's not the case, but... It still feels like Lucina is totally, 100% attached to Chrom, tolerates her siblings and normal mothers, and hates FeMU as a parent. And there are other ways to OP Lucina. Like anyone who's not Maiden (or Sully). EDIT: Wow, that was a lot of posts real fast. Maybe I should have quoted after all. And I've never seen the Lover scene, but still, I bet it's "I love my dad more than my husband". Thanks, Lucy-dear...
  13. Extended family headcanon dynamics is literally my life. I did most of my marriages for this. I wanted Jeigan related to Red Cavalier related to Green Cavalier related to main Lord related to dragon related to me related to main villain. MUxGangrel, ChromxOlivia, StahlxSully, FrederickxLissa, GregorxNowi; MorganxLucina, KjellexOwain, InigoxNah. Blah, too much strike-through...
  14. I actually haven't gotten any Gregor supports besides his wife's (Nowi's)... I love all other Virion ones (especially Libra, and, although this isn't a support, his conversation with him in Harvest of Bonds/new name I forgot is one of my favorites), but Panne and Cherche were the only two weak ones, I think.
  15. I'll add a quick comment on Olivia and Henry. Although I do agree that the S Support was kinda bad, I think the C Support was better. Henry does love animals; he was raised by then and he is always with his crows. I don't know, I feel that him killing the dog didn't fit him. Humans? His trauma could be a reason for wanting kill them. But animals? He loves animals. I never understood "Whelp, it won't get food". It just doesn't sound very Henry to me. Plus, loving animals adds a bit more to Henry's character and actually, I think, adds depth to his past. It makes him seem less pointlessly murderous. I won't defend the change in the S Support though. And Cordelia and anyone... It's always her settling. If she didn't have a daughter, I swear, I wouldn't have married her to anyone. I also wouldn't have married Lon'qu to anyone (they ended up together, ironically), but marrying Ricken to anyone made me feel really slimy. Libra, too. I just don't feel like he needs to be married to anyone besdies Virion. I liked his character better single (same with Cordelia, but, again, Severa calls). Lon'qu and Cordelia could have been great, by the way, and had so much potential (perfect woman and man afraid of them?), but the support itself fell flat on its face. I like Lon'qu having a daughter. I can't get used to Lon'qu. Every other name, yes, but still not Lon'qu. I just want Ronku back... Oh, and one more. I love love love Virion and Cherche as a couple, to the point I could never imagine either of them with anybody else (sorry, sucky Gerome. You must suck for the name of LOVE!). But their supports could have been so much better... Like, Virion never realizes his perfect woman was right at his side the whole time... Aww... So cute. But the supports weren't that cute. It was just him being a womanizer again. I think he and Panne also could have been cute, maybe with him not thinking of her as someone he's want to date because she's a Taguel. Kinda like Saul and Dorothy (another fav couple of mine).
  16. Hehe, Gangrel is amazing, isn't he? Do what I did and have Morgan marry Lucina. One big not so happy family! For the option of "didn't like them at all", I was also planning on doing a second play-through marrying Walhart, but I wouldn't do it. I don't like him like I thought I would.
  17. How could I forget your little boy (and mine and every other FeMU's)? Fixed that!
  18. And I loved them both...! But I have to admit, I had a soft spot for Emperor Axel's crazy antics. "Axel Logic" was the best logic. And the best mask... Snrk. The mask. I guess I like villainous royalty? Strange how that all came back on topic to me staying faithful to Gangrel! Looking at the poll, I'm surprised how many people picked the first time and stayed with it! I've wanted to make this poll forever (along with one other), so it's really cool to see the results.
  19. Hehe... I thought so because of "Berge" in the location. I read that, and I was like, "Wait a moment... It that from what I think it's from?" Love that game. My brother married Tiki, which is strange, because I used to bother him all the time pre-release about who he was going to marry, and his response was always, "I dunno, just not Tiki." He thought she was "cameo of a character I already hate [although he never played the games she was from, I think he just assumed she was "annoying little dragon girl"] turned fanservice, with only one kid and she's a dragon [which he doesn't like using]". Sure enough, though, poor Tiki mistaking Lucina for her Mar-Mar even made him marry her... She's so sweet. And no other potential grooms but MU!
  20. Haha, Anacybele. You were the other person (along with shadowofchaos) I knew would be here! Kelli and Freddy and Antoinette, AND Morgan one happy family!
  21. Hehe... I knew shadowofchaos would respond. We all know Olivia is your one true Waifu. For Levant van Schweitzer, out of curiosity, did you not plan to marry Tiki? Or... Did you never marry Tiki?
  22. Well, I know a lot of us have been here since pre-release, or maybe even pre-Japanese release. Some of us even saw the first scans of the game, being raised on the adventures of Krom and Liz in Iris. So here's my question: who, way back then, chose their husband or wife? I know I did, and I'm betting some others did, too. Did you go through with it? Years later, with English voice acting, new names, and everything... Did you stay faithful to the one that originally captured your heart? Me? Yes and no. I married Gangrel, and I wanted to from the start (heck, I wanted to from before marriage was announced). But before he was announced eligible via Spotpass and the support gallery, I had Frederick as a back up. So, in part, yes. I knew from the start Gangrel was my first choice and I married him. But, if he hadn't been, I wouldn't have gone for Frederick -- probably "Wood", or Owain! So... What about all you? EDIT: Maybe, because a lot of people have multiple files, we'll say "first playthrough" (or at least first playthrough as that gender). EDIT (AGAIN): I tried to alter it to pick more than one option for people like Cluie, but I'm not sure it worked. Either way...
  23. Yikes. He's by far my best unit (Chrom!Inigo) and paired with Owain (Frederick!Owain, which I know isn't the best, but I like it a lot), they devastate anything. Honestly, he's getting ripped to shreds. He's the unit I send up against anything and he can take it. But he can't take this board. Rightful King-Sol, why have you failed me...! I want to say 10/10 without bias because I can't think of a way he'd be better, but I won't. I guess I'll have to make it more realistic. I guess 9/10 for bad availability, sorta, because of his tough paralogue. But he was still the first child I got. Olivia was 30 Dancer/20 Dark Flier when I got him, and Chrom was 20 Lord/15 Great Knight(?)/5 Great Lord. His stats were solid enough to survive. But, with bias? A total, 100% 10/10.
  24. Is Counter not an option here? Or is Counter not that good? I love it. I'd take it over Axefaire... But if no one else agrees, I must be missing something.
  25. Ha, I thought the first one was coincidence, but its the same person asking question on GameFAQs, isn't it? As I said there, if you want a Taguel with Galeforce, it's your only option. And, adding to that, Yarne really benefits from more classes (I think someone may have mentioned that over on GameFAQs too). Oh, and to the other questions, I'm not really sure. I don't really use them.
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