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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. because you're inactive means you're also bored, in other word, you have no life, meaning you can devote your time into LP. lol
  2. [spoiler=GRIND LEVEL 7 NAO] It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's a bard! Exotic boy seeking me and my harem. Let's kill them with our big busted tools #yolo Speedy vs Thwomp. But they sucks, so it's k Benched Such talent First Song. Shaman #2 down. Let's take a precaution now~ MOVE ALONG uisded People likes to land blows on Thwomp Speedy too speedy. Speedier Speediest ever Thwompiest DRINK IT UP THWOMP Be speedier Speedy can't dodge More song Thwomp can't land a hit apparently. rood survive No living for you SPEEDIER I'm helping because I need erotic dancer. #perversion Owie TO THE BACKLINE YOU GO DEATH AWAITS THE NONSPEED But I clearly hit you. SPEEDY IS THWOMP NOW Ninian MIA THE LEGENDARY PRINCESS CARRY, ELIWOOD HAS CAPTIVATED HER! Sleeping Beauty, only there's no rape involved...right? Gracias failwood Stereotypical? Stuff Pitiful? NOTHING IS TOO STRONG FOR SPEEDYTHWOMP WITH BIRDBARD LET'S ROLL NEVER COULD TURN BACK MANG
  3. ... So how about that upcoming... ah fuck it.
  4. Then why did Nergal seeks powers? If Aenir was executed, Nergal was more than enough to take on the bad guys that killed her since he was a powerful spellcaster in his own right. So what caused him to go mad? In that sense, Aenir is probably still alive, and Nergal kept hunting for her but never found her because people kept getting in his ways in one way or another. Or PERHAPS... Aenir was corrupted, the identical situation as Idoun, and hidden until such time to use her would rise, and Nergal wanted to rescue her asap but needed powers, and eventually went mad and forgot about his purpose. didijusthintedatsomething?
  5. The only question on this matter is... What exactly happened to Aenir? That's something I'd like to have answers to, her kidnapping was the start of Nergal's descend into insanity and Ninian/Nils' memory loss and retreat into Dragon Gates, where perhaps they could had instead lived in peace on Elibe with Aenir, but because Aenir was targetted, Nergal feared Ninian and Nils could be next, so he asked them to escape through Dragon Gates when he returns with Aenir or if he doesn't returns after some time. If you think about it, the entire FE7 plot was because of some twisted greedy fucks wanting an Ice Dragon that led to Nergal becoming the villain.
  6. [spoiler=Racism everywhere] Grandfather doesn't like Lyn either it seems. Walks into city, major location burning, seems legit. Ruffian asking for a girl, begins to attack. Scripted crit is rigged Wouldn't a crit just instant kill instead of leaving them in pain? Pay to use a house, no suspicions. Unique condition is unique Perhaps... Visiting helps too. No one cares, fork over your lockpicking. Florwin Job #1 done. Mercenaries stand no change vs Florwin Key! Then I finds out I had a full inventory... Oopsy Now, move along you dip. Florwin has more str than Lyn, so much win. NOT SO WIN Better Why not? Lyn's going to be used more than every characters I'm using so far, better steroid her up Soldier has awful aim skill apparently. Job #2 down. YOU ARE AN EXAMPLE WHY YOU NEED STR SCRUB I have a little need for this crap. Therewego.jpg Wtf is cadre, a cirque? Such skill Such aim. Wow Much hurt Less str Trade str growth with lyn please, you don't need them. Lee-win Stuff that has no impact on SWORDTHWOMPRUN! Sorry for the MIA, I was busy with something.
  7. What is going on in this thread... Discussion of names apparently.
  8. This is what I got when I extracted the Final Beta Release download. I extracted these two rars again and... still no client.
  9. How dare you mistake me for the foolish false lover of Idoun. He cannot understand her true story, nor her history. Or even commits to obsessing with her. Foolish plebs I shall teach you for thinking Al is me.
  10. Your birthday is already better than mine. jerk. :c
  11. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ tell her to get going. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  12. Blood. It's a color right? Blood. I think it's classified Crimson.
  13. 24 hours until birthday. Ughh....

    1. The Envoy of the Beginning
    2. Pull My Devil Trigger
    3. Pull My Devil Trigger

      Pull My Devil Trigger

      And I don't care that doesn't work

  14. why are people slavedriving people here?
  15. She's getting balder and balder
  16. [spoiler=Why are they back?!] Hmm...I don't know... For all we know, he could be so young he's actually younger than you. :o But sleep is for the weak, plus it's so bright outside. Stalker.jpg Reverse Tollway huh Stuff + exp theft I don't want to associate myself with these un-swordly gangsters. Florina swipe the kill from Erk. Nononononono Lyn NO! THEY ARE NOT OF SWORD, THEY MUST BE HANGED ... That ego. You can help by being benched. Worthless Just men being killed Yay, new sword! (Iron sword was at 1 use after last chapter, lol) Testing the sword, it's nice and dull. Perfect for slowly killing an unfortunate victim with disease and ruggedness torture. SPEAR FOR BIRDHORSE Yeah, fear your ugliness, not your skills nor numbers. Women>Dirty Men Why not? STR Yep, we're in Lycia now right? We are apparently. Greedy granduncle is greedy
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