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Everything posted by FlowyS

  1. If it also helps, I'm trying to make a walkthrough for Ch 11+. http://pastebin.com/0PVj16Jx. I remember that Hero's Flare was really really good vs Ch 25 boss.
  2. Progress on the walkthrough is a bit slow right now because of laziness and school (mostly school). But, there is still slight progress. That picture of Kelik posted on 1-13 in the blog feels like another side of Kelik, different from the "I'm a total cold hearted badass" in the majority of the storyline.
  3. Sounds good. I will email you when version 1.0 is completed.
  4. Walkthrough is now updated with Ch 11-13. All chapters are finally completed (at least roughly). Some chapters still will require some polish. Version 1.0 will be completed soon! TLP Ch11+ rough walkthrough I'll post Ch13A and 13B here.
  5. Arite thanks! Asch would probably the better choice most of the time.
  6. On the subject of Ch 13A or 13B. Is it correct to assume that Logan has better overall stats when promoted level 20 than Asch? Ouch :( On the bright side, you can do it over and get a better rank hopefully :/? I recently had this bug too.
  7. Hmm... I thought HHM was on par with TLP for some of the chapters. A lot of the difficulty of HHM lies in preparation. To the unprepared, HHM is brutal! To the prepared, it shouldn't be that hard :) Also, were you trying to 5 star everything? That will really amp up the difficulty! As a bonus tip: Marcus is God Tier on HHM!
  8. Like the Sound Room improvement!
  9. thanks and woops. Don't level up a lot of units, level up only a few units. If a chapter doesn't have a turn limit, you can boss abuse and gain tons of exp! Don't forget to use stat ups, they are there for a reason.
  10. Here is my review after finishing this game: Gameplay: This game is fairly hard in my opinion when compared to the original GBA with Eliwood. The difficulty is probably compared to Hector Mode at the start, Eliwood Hard Mode for most of the mid-late stages, and Hector Hard Mode for certain chapters like 24, 25, 27, and Final 3. It will provide a good challenge for most people and pretty fun but sometimes frustrating due to difficulty jumps. The map were pretty well done and offers a lot of tactics. Overall, I think it is pretty good. Characters: A lot of the characters in this game have better stats than in the original GBA, but that won't make this game any easier because enemies have greatly increased stats so it all balances out. Character balance was pretty good for the most part, allowing basically anyone to make a team of their favorite units and still do pretty okay. Most characters were usable with the exception of Rachel, but the same can be said for Renault in the original GBA. Prepromotes in general are also better than in the original GBA. Story: I was a bit confused at like which nation was which except for the main enemy nation, Magnus. But besides the name of every single faction, the entire storyline was pretty clear for the most part. The telling of the story was done pretty well as I actually felt amp up and ready to rock for some chapters, but also sadness for others. Graphics and Sound: I think those were done really really well! For a non-commercial project the graphics and sound were done extremely well! Noteably, Kelik's Theme was done very well. The battle animation for promoted Kelik was also very well done. The worst was probably Fenix's battle animation, but even that was pretty good for a rom hack animation. Do realize that RNG plays a big part and a character which is good for me might turn out bad for you. I also didn't level up every single character shown to 20/20 with no stat boosts. Shuuda, Inanna, Lirin, Mark, and Rachel were only 20/15+ in my original playthrough. I leveled them up by restarting Ch 27 because I want to see what their 20/20 stats are. Also, Shon has +2 Res, Tamiko has +5 Hp, Inanna has +2 Def, and Anakin is only 16/20. Characters which are amazing for me: Kelik, Anakin, Gary, Frederick, Cia, Tamiko, Emma Characters which are pretty good for me: Siegfried, Shon, Ace, Kevin, Inanna, Yue, Storm, Mark Characters which are okay for me: Lirin, Logan, Shuuda, Lirin, Sai, Arthur Characters which are bad for me: Rachel For a picture of the above characters at 20/20 except for Anakin 16/20, Shon+2 Res,Inanna+2 Def, Tamiko+5Hp http://img822.images.../alllevel20.png Well with that said, here is Final Part3 of the walkthrough! I'll be working to make the guide a bit less rough and then add in Ch11-13. Enjoy! Ch 14-Final3 rough walkkthrough thanks for the suggestion.
  11. Final Part 1 and Part 2 have been added to Pastebin. TLP rough Ch 14-F2 walkthrough I'm also thinking of making the boss in Final: Part 3 be ???? instead of his or her name to reduce spoilers, is that okay? Personally, I have finished this game on Anakin Mode and I enjoy it. I'll give a review a bit later. And, Merry Christmas! :D Final 1 and Final 2 Walkthrough are below.
  12. Yes, Rachel is a very strong unit :D
  13. After deciding to train Rachel, she is not bad. I think you guys should give Rachel a chance!
  14. Could you tell me who drops it in Ch 26? I'll add it to the really long to do list, thanks for the info.
  15. Chapter 27 rough walkthrough is posted on pastbin, on to the Final chapters. Ch 14-27 rough walkthrough Here is just Chapter 27 below: I think Zach is a good unit becase his base SPD is incredibly high. For me, SPD is king so any unit with high SPD is good in my opinion. Lyam doesn't seem to have as much SPD as Zach. Plus, Zach also can use ballistae since he is an archer.
  16. It looks like your Cia and Itsuke were about evenly matched cause their SPD are about equal. I personally think SPD is the most important stat in the game as it reduces damage by preventing a unit from being doubled, and increases damage by allowing a unit to double another unit. It reallys looks to me that Cia and Itsuke are about equal because their SPD are about equal. My Cia was nowhere as good as your Cia! But I still think my Cia was a fairly strong unit. If I think my Cia was strong, then your Cia must be really strong! It seems to me that Cia and Itsuke are about equal since RNG can swing in favor of either one. The character growths aren't released so I just pick characters based on whether I like them or not. I remember Blazer said Rachel is horrible. She is more like Renault, bad base stats and bad growth. She can be used as suicidal bait :D
  17. Sorry to upset you, I got used to late game characters who start out weak with good growths in most Fire Emblem games. Despite the fact that Rachel will suck, I will still use her! 17 SPD at Level 7 isn't that bad when compared to my Arthur for sure lol. Besides, this game gives so much experience that it is best to not let that go to waste. It probably won't hurt to level up Rachel for fun. My Sai turned out to be as ass kicking as Gary. Maybe I got lucky :D Ah! Galagar summons reinforcements if you get close to the throne room. I used to think that he did it because F and R were still alive. Thanks for the clarification.
  18. On Ch 27, I noticed that Rachel is so weak and joins late. Does she have good growths? Or is she destined to be a weak unit forever? Also, did my eye deceive me or did Galagar summon additonal reinforcements if Rachel and Frederick are alive?
  19. Arite, I just need 201 Hit to have a 1% chance to hit!
  20. I have a question: Is it normal for Galagar to have 200 Avoid? Will try to find it!
  21. Ch 26 rough walkthrough is posted. The chapter was quite long! @ Blazing_Soul and Burning Gravity: Thanks for the info. I added the info to the walkthrough.
  22. While doing Ch26, Also in Ch26, there is a day and night cycle. I'm also not sure which time is dark and which time is bright. Can you please tell me which turn will be bright and which turn will be dark? Having this info will make the walkthrough a bit more complete; help is appreciated. As a little something extra, found some small errors in the game. 1. Alustrona should be S class, but its description says A class. 2. There could be a stacked unit when reinforcement Bishop spawns at the General fort, making both General and Bishop occupy the same square. 3. Somehow I broke the game when I use Ace w/ Steel Lance on a Heroslayer General. 4. On the meeting, one of the senator's beard is all pixels? 5. Kelik misspells creature as "ceature". Here is the picture below to show all these small errors. http://img838.images...6/tlperrors.jpg I'll make a note of my highest and lowest levels and keep My Deployment.
  23. Ch 14-25x walkthrough is also posted on pastebin. Bear in mind that it is still very rough and needs a bit of work. I will be removing personal experiences for a lot of the chapters if personal experiences doesn't really help the reader that much, such as in Ch 23. For personal experiences that I think does help the reader, such as in Ch 24, I will keep it. http://pastebin.com/0PVj16Jx Ch 25 rough walkthrough is posted. Onward to Ch26 editted: on second thought, I'll be removing the personal experiences for Ch24 and slightly updating it to include slightly better tactics. I'm also thinking of removing My Deployment and My Turn Count and replacing it with something like recommended unit level and turn limit instead. Do you think that is a better idea to remove My Deployment or keep it the way it is?
  24. I'll try to lower the amount of personal experiences and focus more on things such as class choice and weapon choice instead. On the subject of the penalties that I choose to have, I find that putting penalties on me will make me use better strategies. If I'm struggling, I would require better tactics to win. If it's just too easy for me, my strategy will not be as good. Don't worry though, if it gets really really really hard for me, I'll start removing the penalties. In other news, Chapter 25 sucess in 26 turns or less! "If at first you don't suceed, don't give up!" http://imageshack.us...6lanmarkwin.png (I can't seem to post images. I'll just post a link instead) Chapter 25 walkthrough will be completed soon :)
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