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Everything posted by FlowyS

  1. Though is there any weapon that are really good against Lanmark that isn't listed down there? So far the best weapon I could think of is a Hero's Flare. Anyone got anything better? I'm trying to make a list of all possible good weapons that can be used to kill Lanmark, so anything that I didn't mention is useful :) The Lanmark Killing List so far: ----- So far, I find that Ace has really low STR but really high SPD. Ace's low STR is kind of an advantage as a training character to soften up enemies so that weaker units can get the killing blow. Ace's low STR also works well when blocking a chokepoint with an Iron Weapon. He can literally act as a permanent meat shield forever. Low STR has some advantages! edited to remove gibberish.
  2. So far, I'm trying to beat Ch 25 in the best way possible and I'm trying to think of every single good weapon that is effective VS Lanmark. Since I don't know every single weapon in the game, I want to ask for help if there are any other weapons that I can use against Lanmark that isn't listed here. Anything would be of great help. Most of my characters have around 20 Str and 20 Mag. The only ones with bigger than that are Anakin 21, Mark 21, Inanna 23 but 8 con and 21 SPD, Kevin 23 but 19 SPD, Yue 23 but 20 SPD, Lirin 21 but 15 SPD and 7 con, Tamiko 24 but 18 SPD. The only one that can a lot of damage is probably Cia with 29 MAG, 26 SPD, and 6 con. Everyone else has 20STR or less. The Big (maybe incomplete) list of stuff to kill Lanmark with.
  3. I like it when a lot of people can play a game :), thank you for making an easy mode soon. And in other news, I tried out Ch 26 25 and beat it, but not that well. I missed the 7000 gold chest, had Storm get killed by a Prism Sword because it does more dmg as a physical attack, and only completed in 29 turns. I'll try again and hopefully have a better turn count next time. Ch 26 25 walkthrough might take a while to make. Also, first time I seen purple units. ----- edit: Woops, I mean Ch 25. Also, why does Lanmark have 68+20 Avoid? It seems very awakward for a General to have so much SPD and LUCK that he dodges like a Pegasus Knight (a very manly Pegasus Knight, yes very manly indeed). His SKL is also compared to most Swordmasters at 27. First General I have ever seen with that high SKL, SPD, and LUCK. True terror!
  4. I mean your hack's difficulty to me isn't that hard. I just mean it for the average person who beat Eliwood normal mode and is now trying out your hack on normal difficulty and that is what I'm saying when I mean insane difficulty. Sorry if I offended you. For the second time, to me it isn't that hard :P. Even with all the penalties I forced myself, I manage to pretty much kill everything in Ch24 on Turn 2 and not lose a single unit (my guide shows this if you wanna read how I did it). I also grab all the sidequests, gaidens, and all the items recorded in my walkthrough. If someone loves hard difficulty, then your hack would attract them. However, the average person who beat Eliwood normal mode with a bit of difficulty will probably do very poorly on your hack and probably give up after a few chapter or so.
  5. To be more accurate, I guess I was saying it was hard because it is hard when a player first try to complete it. However, if they know the map and the location of every single enemy, it becomes much much easier. The insane difficulty is meant for people who just tried Ch24 for the first time. I would assume that people who are knowledgeable about Ch24 can win (or even easily win). I try to make my guide appeal to people who aren't pro in Fire Emblem tactics. So that even if they aren't very skilled, they can still beat the chapter. I usually think it's better to make a game easier so it appeals to more people. :) Also, I am deliberately using random characters (not using characters who have the best growths, and use bad characters like my RNG screwed Arthur w/ 7 SPD who was Level 13 in Ch23), and a lot of characters so my exp is more divided than it is focused (I'm using 4 main characters + 14 other units). If I'm serious, I will only use about 10 units max. I also did not any stat up (though I messed up early on and gave Cia +5 HP, Shon +2 Res, and Inanna +2 Def), but the majority of my characters don't have any stat ups. I also forced myself to never lose a single unit and make sure my walkthrough does the same. Also, Ch24 is posted. I'll see about that :)
  6. Wow just finished Ch24 walkthrough and did it take a while for me to formulate a plan that can be applied and have all units survive. Seriously, you might want to tone down the difficulty of Ch 24! It is pretty hard and most people without a guide won't be prepared. I'll post the Ch24 walkthrough a bit later. It's really long because I went into great detail about that chapter due to its insane difficulty. Ch 24 rough Walkthrough
  7. A rite, thanks! I guess I will keep working on it. I just have ch23 completed too. Bear in mind that my walkthrough won't have everything since I basically doing this walkthrough almost blind without any previous knowledge of this game. The only thing I'm using is what http://www.feshrine.net/thelastpromise has. So here's ch23! it's probably even more rough than ch22 hehe :P. After I'm doing done with the last chapter, I'll start polishing the guide to make it more professional.
  8. Hi guys, I was looking over this game and I noticed it didn't have a walkthrough for Ch 11+ and was wondering if a Ch 11+ walkthrough is needed. I decided to do a small rough draft of a walkthrough for Ch 14-22, but I don't want to continue it if there was already a walkthrough since it might be a waste of time (two walkthroughs for this game is probably not needed). I already finished a super rough draft of Ch 14-22. My Fire Emblem skills are okay, and so far I'm doing pretty good without any guides so far (I still don't know the growth rates of any characters, so I'm just randomly using characters). Though while playing this game, it seems some characters seem to be way OP (Kelik and Cia seems to be one of them)! Cia is like Nino, except she joins early and level up very easily. Cia has all the pros of Nino and easy to level. Kelik feels like an improved version of Lyn in stats but without bow usage. Lyn was already good, better than Lyn feels way too broken. Kelik 20/1 - 40 HP - 18 STR - 18 SKL - 21 SPD - 16 LUCK - 12 DEF - 7 RES Cia 20/15 - 41 HP - 28 MAG - 19 SKL - 26 SPD - 17 LUCK - 9 DEF - 20 RES Comparing them to Lyn and Nino's average stats at similar levels Lyn 20/1 - 32.3 HP - 13.6 STR - 20.4 SKL - 20 SPD - 15.5 LUCK - 8.8 DEF - 10.7 RES Nino 20/15 - 38 HP - 22.5 MAG - 25 SKL - 26 SPD - 23 LUCK - 11.4 DEF - 24.5 RES Currently, the walkthrough I'm doing the walkthrough is for normal difficulty. So, my question is: Does this game need a walkthrough for Ch11+? If so, I'll work on that to the best of my ability in my spare time. If not, please tell me where to find a walkthrough for Ch11+. I added a super rough draft of my walkthrough for 22 below. I have Ch 14-22 completed on microsoft word but I'm not permitted to upload it. If you guys like my walkthrough or want to give me tips on how to improve it, feel free to add some since my walkthrough is very rough right now. And oh yea, also please tell me if there is already a walkthrough for Ch11 - Ch Final. Example Ch 22
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