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Everything posted by Paulina

  1. Since you guys are in a classroom setting, this actually plays to your advantage. Does your professor ever break the class up into smaller groups? I've had profs who break the students into study/homework groups to get a head start on the workload. They usually let the students assign themselves, and most people group with those nearby. It's definitely helpful that you've made a habit of sitting near her. I'm trying to think of what worked on me. I've hung out with several guys from class before. Honestly, they were sitting pretty close to me; maybe 1-2 seats away. And they had some pretense to talk to me. If we weren't in an in-class study group, they asked me for a pen or something. And when the class was dismissed, they looked over and casually said something like "So, where are you off to?" or "What's your next class?" I had lunch with a guy once because I didn't have anywhere else to be and he didn't either, and he seemed like a nice dude. Then once you guys are talking, just get to know her. Who she is, what she's interested in/doing with her life. Hopefully you guys click. No matter what, don't force it. The reason most guys don't get the girls they want - and vice versa - is that few people are really attracted to each other. If there's not a natural, mutual connection, it can't be forced. In that case, off to the next person. =) Another tip, specifically for getting someone's number in class. I've used this several times myself. Sigh and say, "Ugh, I forgot the homework last night. I wanted to call someone in class, but I don't know anyone. Do you wanna trade numbers?" Doesn't need to be verbatim. srsanswer/10 YEAAAH.
  2. The CAPS part made me chuckle. X) Yeah, I get you Rehab. I thought they marketed it with a very empathetic, conscientious tone too. I didn't hear anything in the video that made me think otherwise. It was just my inner cynic going "Eeeh, not sure this is a step in the right direction..."
  3. Klok, I like your voice. =x The thing with the inbox is really throwing me off. I have to google "Youtube inbox" to find it, or just memorize the url. Speaking of the new changes, does anyone know why some videos have comment sections with replies clumped into chronological order, but in other videos, the replies are spread all over the place? I thought it was pretty convenient that they turned replies into mini threads, but I've only seen this with some videos.
  4. This was my childhood. Sigh. I can't drive past a farm without remembering HM. Agricultural vistas will always remind me of an old N64 game.
  5. +1. Hulk Paulina smash rape culture. Regarding the product, while I was pretty skeptical at first, I thought the product design seemed pretty original. It seemed like they put quite a bit of thought into it. My biggest concern is violence against the victim when the attacker can't get the underwear off. That being said, the biggest step toward "rape prevention" is widespread social campaigns like Vancouver did back in 2011. Rape and sexual assault allegedly dropped 10% in that city after the campaign was implemented. (For my part, I wanna order a shirt that says "Don't teach my daughter rape prevention" on the front, and on the back, "Teach your son not to rape." Then be the sober killjoy at drunken college parties, woo!)
  6. Aaand we have a volunteer! Everyone, strip his clothes. >=l
  7. Oh my god, that was amazing. X) I miss him a lot, tbh. =/ It doesn't feel the same without Jon. He and Arin had so much chemistry.
  8. When someone deliberately won't make eye contact, I think they're either lying or hiding something. It gives off an untrustworthy impression.
  9. I might see Thor with my dad tomorrow. Is it any good?

  10. Oh shoot. ^^" When you said "senior year in high school," I thought that must have been a long time ago. *wendyoldbag.jpg*
  11. XD Wow...words fail me. "Soupy mush"...aaagh.
  12. Thank you. =) It's nice to meet you too. I don't change my name either, for the same reasons. It might be fun to show up one day as "Boris" or "sephirothxcore98" and confuse everyone. Boney, I...I never knew. I felt the same way about you, too!
  13. Nerp; I knew of you, Boney. "BadBonBon" wasn't doing my recognition any favors, though. (Also, if that was the case, how did you know who I was?) I don't believe so. =) Your name history reveals you hath never gone by a name other than "AnonymousSpeed," and it is a name I know not.
  14. It would be easier if everyone didn't change their username so often. ._." I keep thinking every other person is Soul.
  15. E-...Esau and I are both single, and want a relationship... Is this fate?
  16. Psh, sleep is for the weak, to quote Adult Swim. Let's get this party started!
  17. I have an epic girlcrush on Elektra King. I've even been getting my hair cut like her for the past few years.
  18. This thread copied me. =< I'm A+. Since it's going to be hard to get girls as a B type, maybe you should become a double act...in that sense...
  19. You have the most amazing name.

    1. Paulina


      Happy birthday btw!

  20. Happy birthday Hayate!

    1. Helios


      Thanks ojousama!

  21. Yeah, back-up channels are pretty popular. I'm just wondering if it would be a better idea to tie the back-up to a different e-mail address. For example, if Channel #1 got a bunch of copyright strikes or banned, I'm wondering if they would scrutinize Channel #2 much more closely. I don't have any videos btw; just curious. =3 Several of my favorite channels have had copyright problems lately.
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