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Everything posted by Alistel

  1. Happy new year ^^

  2. What a curious topic.... So what about my color ?
  3. Yep, Goddess Palutena from Kid Icarus Uprising. I love this game which has lots of common points with SSBB, even if this is a Shoot'em up.
  4. This fabulous boss theme from Henry Hatsworth :
  5. You're talking about Metroid, right ? I have tested prime hunter on DS some years ago and then I have never touch again to the serie... I wonder if I could...
  6. What time is it for you guys ? Actually, I have 09:20 PM on my watch^^

  8. We only have P4 on the PS2. P3 came out in the PSP... Whatever, the PS2 is very attractive for RPG fans^^ you should think about this ;)
  9. Hey ! Your avatar is from Eternal Sonata !
  10. So hard to wake up from my beeed... Hello
  11. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep :P Good night everyone, my second journey here was very sympatic^^
  12. Okay? Sorry for liking FE7 more than FE9. :P This was just my opinion, I don't intend to force yours I like a lot your avatar^^ I dislike your photo in your profile (with a dragon) :P
  13. Welcome to the Forest^^ You're spanish ? I'm french personnaly. Good to see that you have almost finished all FE games... I hope you'll enjoy your time here
  14. I like your avatar and the fact that you play Phoenix Wright I dislike your FE classification : For me FE 9 >>>>> FE 7 (just my opinion, but I hate FE 7 OST )
  15. I bought mine 1 year ago. At this time, It was only to get Tales of The Abyss and Mario Kart, but now I really want to get FE 13...
  16. Since 2 years, I love playing FE games I could have stay on French forums but they are not as complete as SF... Moreover, I wanted to be on an english forum, to train myself and increase my english level : Most of best J-RPG are only playable in japanese or english. Not in French...
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