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Posts posted by Wheels

  1. To go with my comment from earlier, from GFaqs


    [spoiler=C Support]Tharja: .....

    Avatar: Tharja? ...Are you following me?

    Tharja: ...Maybe.

    Avatar: Maybe?! I've seen you hiding behind tents and wagons all week!

    Tharja: So you finally noticed...my love.

    Avatar: Sorry, what? Your...love?

    Tharja: Oh yes. I realized it the first moment we locked eyes. "He isn't like the others," I thought. "He's the one I've been seeking!"

    Avatar: Riiiiight. Well, um, thank you? ...I guess?

    Tharja: That's why I've been watching your every...single...move. Yesterday you read two books and part of a third. You snacked on an apple. And last night, you turned over 12 times in your sleep. ...Well below your average.

    Avatar: You've been watching me sleep?!

    Tharja: I thought you'd be grateful.

    Avatar: No, I think "disturbed" is more the word. You mean to tell me you've been following me every single day since we met?

    Tharja: ...Yes.

    Avatar: I suddenly feel very ill.

    Tharja: Don't worry. I'll take care of you. ...Veeery good care.

    Avatar: Coming from a normal friend, I'd probably be happy to hear that. But somehow when you say it, it's not quite so comforting...

    Tharja: Is that what you want, MU? Someone..."normal"?

    Avatar: Well, I...suppose? That's to say-

    Tharja: All I needed to hear.

    Avatar: Wait, Tharja! Stay here! ...Where I can see you! Oh gods, this will not end well...

    [spoiler=B Support]Tharja: Why good day, Avatar! How fare you? Enjoying this weather?

    Avatar: ...Tharja? What are you doing?

    Tharja: What, me? Ho ho! Whatever do you mean. Just a normal greeting on a typical day. ...Why? Are you concerned for my welfare, good sir?

    Avatar: Um, well... I suppose, in a way.

    Tharja: You ARE?! Why, how sweeeeeet!

    Avatar: Actually, I'm more concerned about whatever you're planning for me.

    Tharja: Of course I have a plan for you, silly-billy! Now close your eyes, and get ready for... A slice of liver-and-eel pie! That's your favorite, correct? Oh, I do so adore baking...

    Avatar: ...Are you SURE you're all right, Tharja? You didn't eat anything strange, did you? Miscast a hex? Hit your head on a rock?

    Tharja: Oh ho ho, goodness me! Such an imagination you have, good sir. I'm sure I wouldn't know anything about anything strange, much less eat it! Just a typical day for a typical girl here.

    Avatar: This is about our conversation from before, isn't it?

    Tharja: Don't be silly. Now have some pie!

    Avatar: Look, I don't want-MMPH! *Munch, munch, munch* ...Actually, that's delicious.

    Tharja: Oh, huzzah! I've been working on the recipe every day after normal practice!

    Avatar: "Normal practice"...? You mean you've been practicing being normal?

    Tharja: Indeed! And it worked! I'm perfectly normal now! Ho ho! My yes, so typically normally plain.

    Avatar: Do you realize that your "typical normal" is actually ver, very unusual?

    Tharja: Oh my, huzzah? Goodness, I simply must...something?

    Avatar: Tharja, I'm sorry about what I said before. You shouldn't have listened to me. I liked you more the way you were, so can you go back to being the old Tharja?

    Tharja: Gracious, I... I have been practicing so diligently as of late, I'm not sure I can stop!

    [spoiler=A Support]T: (...Heh heh heh!)

    Avatar: I'm glad Tharja's acting like her old self again. A-although... I feel... Urk! Ch-chills up my spine... G-goose bumps... C-can't stop sh-sh-shivers...

    Tharja: Avatar? ...You all right? Avatar, you're shaking like a leaf! And your forehead's on fire! Okay, Tharja, think. We need cold water and a spell to bring down the fever...

    Avatar: Nnnrgh...

    Tharja: Hello.

    Avatar: Huh? Wh-what happened? Why am I lying here?

    Tharja: You lost consciousness and collapsed. It was because of the fever.

    Avatar: Yes, I-I;ve been feeling unwell for a while. Probably been working too hard.

    Tharja: I thought you might accuse me of putting a curse on you...

    Avatar: I'd never assume that! What kind of monster would curse their friend...

    Tharja: ...Oh. Right. That would be crazy! Heh heh.

    Avatar: Anywya, thank you so much for taking care of me.

    Tharja: Didn't you once say you wouldn't want me taking care of you?

    Avatar: Clearly, I was mistaken.

    Tharja: You're just saying that because I helped you out.

    Avatar: No, it's true! In fact, I wonder if you wouldn't mind...staying... *Yaaaaaawn* Just...just for a while...

    Tharja: Aw, how sweet. He's sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!

    [spoiler=S Support]Avatar: Tharja?

    Tharja: Yes?

    Avatar: Don't you think it's time you stopped standing right behind me?

    Tharja: Why?

    Avatar: Because I can't see your face.

    Tharja: Why would you want to?

    Avatar: Fine. I'll just turn around. That's better. ...Now that I think about it, this is the first time we've stood like this... So close...face-to-face...

    Tharja: Perhaps.

    Avatar: I rather like it. Maybe we should do it more often... Maybe we could stand together...forever.

    Tharja: ...Forever?

    Avatar: ...Forever.

    Tharja: Wait, what are you giving... Avatar, is this a ring?

    Avatar: I love you, Tharja. I want to be with you, forever.

    Tharja: No-no! I can't! Not like this!

    Avatar: Oh.

    *they switch places, she's behind him*

    Tharja: ...There. Now try it again.

    Avatar: Um, well, I guess if this makes you more comfortable... In truth, I'm getting used to it myself...

    Tharja: Good. Heh heh...

    Confession Voice Clip: I can't believe you made me love you ...Of course if you back out, I'll murder you in your sleep.

  2. I jelly T_T They haven't gotten their stock of the bundle in yet, so it hasn't been shipped. I was hoping I'd get it before I went back to school...

    EDIT: And in answer to deuxhero

    No, that line was changed to

    Nah: What do you like about her, anyway? You're so serious and responsible, and she runs around like a headless chicken! I have no idea what you see in her... Unless...you rushed into marriage for some reason? Like you got her-

  3. One hour ago from Video Games Plus

    "New Fire Emblem 3DS and Sly Cooper PS3/PSvita games Now shipping Early. Street date shipping policy in effect"


    Looking at their Street date shipping policy for a previous release...

    Street date shipping policy in effect (If your parcel usually takes 2 or more business days to arrive from us your order will ship today. If your parcel only takes 1 business day to arrive from us it will ship on Monday)


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