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Posts posted by Wheels

  1. Now I have to do the full song!

    "Merc, Merc, Severa the Merc...Merc, Merc, Severa the Merc.."


    "Merc, Merc, Severa the Merc..."


    "Merc, Merc, Severa the Merc..."


    "Merc..." "I'm" "Merc" "I'm" "Severa the Merc" "I'm Brady"


    "Merc..." "I'm" "Merc" "I'm" "Severa the Merc" "I'm Brady"


    "Merc..." "I'm" "Noire" "Merc" "I'm" "Severa the Merc" "I'm Brady" "Noire"


    "Merc..." "I'm" "Noire" "Merc" "I'm" "Noire" "Severa the Merc" "I'm Brady" "Noire"


    "Merc..." "I'm" "Noire" "Merc" "I'm" "Noire" "Severa the Merc" "I'm Brady" "Noire"


    "Owain, Owain ooh! Owain, Owain yeah! Owain, Owain ooh" Owain, Owain, THAT'S ME!"


    *skip extra non adding stuff here*

    "Singing our song, all day long at Ylllliisssssssssssse! Yeah!"


    "Inigo, Inigo, ooohh, Inigo a-Inigo!"

  2. currently hoping and praying that they decided to rename Speedwings to "Super Absorbent Wings"


    Oh, unrelated, sort of, but!

    Video Games Plus think they'll be shipping out Friday/Monday, but with all the changing info, they reckon it might be sooner.

    For bundle importers, they'll be shipping using DHL, and it'll arrive in 2-5 days.

  3. I have short bios on each of my currently planned MUs, and how they would fall in love with each of their husbands/wives


    Laoni, Grandmaster, Res+/Lck-, Virion for husband. Me

    Carlin, Trickster, Mag+/Def-, Henry for husband. She's a healer at heart, but with some prowess with a sword to protect herself, but there's not much physically to her, so it's easy to knock her down, if you can hit her. She'd fall in love with Henry over time, first by looking out for him, and then through trying to teach him moral things, much like in the existing supports. She'd probably spend time trying to get him to give up curses, but she'd soon realise that the curses were a part of him, and while she never would be able to stop them, she could help channel them to where they could be useful. She'll spend most of her time from the point of their marriage doubled with him loyally, making sure that even the tiniest scratch is healed right away

    Pyrrha, Falcoknight, Str+/HP-, Chrom for husband. A competitive flirt who has a love/hate relationship with her pegasus. She physically resembles Cordelia, and when she realises Cordelia is trying to catch Chrom's eye, her competitive side kicks in, and she decides to make Chrom her own, finally beating Cordelia at something. She doesn't really see the damage this would cause to Cordelia as a problem, basically figuring Cordelia'll get over it, or try and beat her. Ultimately, while the idea started out as selfish, she does actually fall for Chrom, and her flirting ways would slowly cease.

    Astrid, Wyvern Lord, Str+/Skl-, Azure for husband, an angry youth with a soft spot for animals, and an irrational fear of cacti. She finds Chrom to be like 'family' after waking in the field, and will sacrifice everything and anything of hers to save him and his family. She'd refuse to interact with anyone else in the army, unless it had to do with army management or tactics, and then her responses would be short and curt, and if you asked what she deemed to be a stupid question, she'd simply walk away and go back to ignoring them. This is less because she hates everyone, and more because she refuses to form bonds with anyone, in case they die through her decisions on the battlefield. SHe'd first consider Azure to be the bane of her existence, with his flirting persistance, but his persistance would pay off, and she'd start to soften up to him, until she realises she's in love with him. She'd then avoid him like the plague, trying to get rid of her feelings, but just one conversation would be enough for her to admit her feelings. Azure would then help her open up to the rest of the army, and despite always being an angry sort of person, her feelings of 'family' she had for Chrom, would slowly spread to the rest of the army


    Rowan, Grandmaster, Mag+/Str-, Lucina for husband, Male me

    Jasper, Sniper, Spd+/Mag-, Sully for wife. An incessantly cheerful, silly, somewhat stupid guy, who is lax about everything, and not really the type you'd expect to see on the battlefield. But, he was trained with a bow since he was young, and is surprisingly skilled at it, even if he's chatting amicably to the enemies while he sticks em through with arrows. He ends up with Sully through a combination of him teasing her for her boyish looks, and her trying to get his derpy ass in line. From then, he'd always be supporting her from afar, even if she doesn't want him to be, and acting like a gentleman whenever she's near, which would probably earn him some time on the couch XD

    Marc, Demon Fighter, HP+/-Skl, Cordelia for wife. A responsible young man, who feels the weight of being Ylisse's tactician heavily, and spends many a sleepless night assuring everything is ready, and that everyone is safe on the battlefield. Even if his decisions aren't popular, he'll stick to them, and bear the brunt of the army's rage. Over time, I think Cordelia would help him out, with her being the perfectionist she is, and they'd bond providing for the army together. However, he'd be acutely aware of her love for Chrom, and would hold off on his proposal until after Chrom's wedding, while being there to support her after Chrom's wedding breaks her heart.

    Raias, Paladin, Lck+/Str-, Sumia for wife, A cheerful man who's previous injury to his lance arm still troubles him to this day, but he doesn't let it get him down. Has a surprising amount of insight despite how cheerful he always acts, and is good for advice. Sumia and he would bond over their care for Chrom behind the scenes, and he'd fall for her before she fell for him. He wouldn't propose until he knew she returned his feelings, but once they were married, they'd compliment each other well.

  4. Panne's is a little more interesting for you then. Lots of people ragging on her for wearing so little clothing and for being a bunnygirl, so there's a mix of (Using actual quotes from the page)

    "Stop making porn and start making Donkey Kong 64!"

    "U and me baby r nothing but mammals, so preordered!"

    "I feel like she should be wearing animal pelts and some sort of tribal heirlooms, not some scraps she ripped off of some poor vendor's stall."

    " Now that's a Play Boy Bunny!"

    "I bet the Furries community is pretty happy with this one."

    "I guess its time to repopulate"

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