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Posts posted by Wheels

  1. Best Buy are currently offering the first free DLC (Marth's) as a bonus atm for ordering from there, despite the fact, you know, it'll be free for everyone XD

    Anyways, this is there writeup on it

    "Receive access to the downloadable Champion of Yore 1 map and unlock the Marth character. To receive this map, you will need Wi-Fi access and must play through the fifth mission. Outrealm Gate will appear on the world map once you play through the fifth mission."

    So what we can infer from this is that we are getting probably the whole Spirit Talisman set (Due to this being labelled as number 1) and that Spirit Talisman=Champion of Yore

  2. The marriage in this game is very simple. You go through 3 conversations (Which are generally generic for both genders, so they aren't really all that romantic. They range from ) before doing the S-rank, which is when you confess your love, and ask them to marry you. No talk of sex, children, or anything other than just getting married happens. There's then a small art on screen, which is often nothing more than the character in a cutesy pose, blushing, while they have a fully voiced return confession of love. You're then married, and the game goes on. The only real change after you're married, is that in game your wife/husband will protect you/help you more often when you fight alongside them.

    Basically, once you're married, nothing happens further between the two.

    Now this part has spoilers, so I'll spoiler tag it.

    Only one of the children in this game is born during the course of the game, and it's not yours. It's between the main lord and his wife, and happens after two years of marriage. Again, you don't get anything near a sex scene, you just get the main lord having his child handed to him. All of the children who can join your party, are children from an alternate future, where you failed the in game quest, and all of the parents were murdered. And specifically, your child is from yet another timeline. Basically, at some point, offscreen, after your marriage, after the events from the game AND in an alternate dimension, you have sex and a child/children. Nothing is shown in game about it at all.

    As Rey said, the worst you get in the confession scenes are these two


    Because you can half see her butt to the far right


    Because she's shoving your face into her boobs.

    Mostly, the arts are of people holding your hand.






    And a quick point, as this may be something that worries your parents too. You can play as both a male and female avatar, which is why there are both male and female confession artworks. There are no homosexual relationships in this game.

    EDIT: Oh I typed up all this for nothing then XD Glad you can get the game~

  3. Yes, my first playthrough on my EU copy will be 'me', most, if not all, of my subsequent playthroughs will be of 'characters'

    The ones I have planned atm are

    Trickster, Mag+/Def-, Henry for husband. She's a healer at heart, but with some prowess with a sword to protect herself, but there's not much physically to her, so it's easy to knock her down, if you can hit her. She'd fall in love with Henry over time, first by looking out for him, and then through trying to teach him moral things, much like in the existing supports. She'd probably spend time trying to get him to give up curses, but she'd soon realise that the curses were a part of him, and while she never would be able to stop them, she could help channel them to where they could be useful. She'll spend most of her time from the point of their marriage doubled with him loyally, making sure that even the tiniest scratch is healed right away

    Falcoknight, Str+/HP-, Chrom for husband. A competitive flirt who has a love/hate relationship with her pegasus. She physically resembles Cordelia, and when she realises Cordelia is trying to catch Chrom's eye, her competitive side kicks in, and she decides to make Chrom her own, finally beating Cordelia at something. She doesn't really see the damage this would cause to Cordelia as a problem, basically figuring Cordelia'll get over it, or try and beat her. Ultimately, while the idea started out as selfish, she does actually fall for Chrom, and her flirting ways would slowly cease

    Sniper, Spd+/Mag-, Sully for wife. An incessantly cheerful, silly, somewhat stupid guy, who is lax about everything, and not really the type you'd expect to see on the battlefield. But, he was trained with a bow since he was young, and is surprisingly skilled at it, even if he's chatting amicably to the enemies while he sticks em through with arrows. He ends up with Sully through a combination of him teasing her for her boyish looks, and her trying to get his derpy ass in line. From then, he'd always be supporting her from afar, even if she doesn't want him to be, and acting like a gentleman whenever she's near, which would probably earn him some time on the couch XD

    Demon Fighter, HP+/-Skl, Cordelia for wife. A responsible young man, who feels the weight of being Ylisse's tactician heavily, and spends many a sleepless night assuring everything is ready, and that everyone is safe on the battlefield. Even if his decisions aren't popular, he'll stick to them, and bear the brunt of the army's rage. Over time, I think Cordelia would help him out, with her being the perfectionist she is, and they'd bond providing for the army together. However, he'd be acutely aware of her love for Chrom, and would hold off on his proposal until after Chrom's wedding, while being there to support her after Chrom's wedding breaks her heart.

  4. Oh yeah, gen two shipping...

    Morgan(M)xNoire (This has more to do with FeMUxNoire than anything, she wants to adopt FeMU as her mother there, and I'm certainly more than happy to oblige~)


    JeromexLucina (The masked duo)

    NnxAzure (This support's freaking hilarious XD "AHHHH I'M GONNA GET EATEN BY MY GIRLFRIEND")

    BredyxDegel (Same reasons as everyone else really XD)

    SelenaxChambray (I'm sure she'd kick his cowardly bunny butt into line XD)

    And Loran would be left alone

  5. 16 for the final chapter, which is the most you can get in a chapter that's not a sidequest (I believe it's 30 characters for the final sidequest, but don't hold me to that)

    Well, my marriage spread for my first playthrough is (just as a comparison)


    ChromxOlivia (Canon?What canon!)

    LissaxFrederick (Reminds me of SethxEirika which is a favourite of mine)

    SullyxLibera (MAnly woman meets womanly man, it's like a sitcom)

    MaribellexLon'qu (Loved her training to make him less afraid of women XD)

    MirielxRicht (Silly hat family go!)

    SumiaxHenry (THis was just really sweet, to me)

    NowixDonnel (Putting the kiddies together, besides, purple haired Nn!)

    CherchexGregor or Vaike (This really hinges on the localisation for Gregor, if they did make him a caveman, then it'll be Vaike. If he still has his insight, just speaks broken english, then probably Gregor)

    CordeliaxStahl (Stahl's just adorable, Cordelia needs love to heal her broken heart, I reckon they'd be really nice together)

    TharjaxGaius (Mostly because I want Pegasus Knight for Noire, not because I like the pairing)

    PannexKellam (I just liked this support, dunno why)

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