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Everything posted by Dan

  1. No idea, we won't know until they tell us. My guess is they'll probably just have some number of total slots for all of the saves (hopefully more than just 3), since you don't make the decision until chapter 6 (probably, Nintendo isn't exactly clear on that).
  2. The way I understood it, the special edition is all the content on one physical game, not 2 games in one package. Edit: from the Official Site Analysis here on Serenesforest: Finally and rather excitedly, there will be a special edition of the game, which includes both versions (Hoshido and Nohr) on an exclusive game card, the 3rd scenario DLC, a special artbook and limited edition Fire Emblem TCG card. All for 9250 Yen (without tax). And I'm definitely getting the physical game. Especially since the 3DS doesn't have a good way to use your digital games and saves across different consoles. I can choose whether I want to play my physical copy on my XL for a bigger screen or I can pop it into my normal size 3DS for better portability. You don't get a choice with the digital versions.
  3. I hope they do this. A lot of the Paralogues were basically just Gaiden chapters anyway, except that they were on the map to do whenever. There's got to be something for the Nohr path.
  4. Sorry, that's what I meant. I'm just saying it would be unoriginal if they have the MU character kind of insane and killing the other main character.
  5. This is how I played Awakening and also the reason I finally made an account here while I was playing it. I'll definitely be doing it again. On behalf of kanji-challenged people like myself, thank you very much. I'm looking forward to it.
  6. [spoiler=Awakening] So kinda like the Avatar killing Chrom in Awakening? Hopefully they won't do that in this game because it would just be the same thing over again.
  7. This is what I'm thinking too. I'll play Hoshido first and it will be like a regular Fire Emblem game, then I'll play Nohr (which I'm actually much more excited for) and it'll be different from any other Fire Emblem game because I'll bet to see what it's like on the other side. I have a feeling that you're definitely not just going to be the bad guys. It's probably more internal struggles and taking control of your own country rather than conquering Hoshido. It's definitely going to be different. I highly doubt that beating Lunatic mode in one game will unlock Lunatic+ in the other because of the way they're releasing them as two separate games. I could be wrong though, since the download version is basically both of the game in one anyway (after you pay for the DLC) and they've been doing the "something happens when you have a save game from the previous entry" thing in video games for a while now. Still I think they're probably unlocked independently from one another.
  8. I'll be importing and playing on my Japanese special edition Awakening 3DS (normal size), and when I get the American version I'll play it on my 3DSXL because it'll be easier to see. The GBA screen size was great for the GBA games, but for the 3DS games with all the 3D graphics and everything you really need a bigger screen. If it was cheaper/easier I would love to get a capture card and play it on an even bigger screen.
  9. Nobody knows for sure yet, but you probably just make a choice at some point - either in the beginning or in chapter 6 (apparently Nintendo has said both). I'm sure we'll find out more once the game is released in Japan.
  10. I don't think it's very likely that the Dancer class will be getting any weapons. They have such a good ability that they need the huge downside of no weapons to balance it out. In this image you can see what's probably that character's map sprite not carrying any weapons. Generally all character map sprites carry a weapon unless they're a dancer/bard/mage. But if she doesn't use lances, then why does she have one? It's probably not a staff because of how pointy it is, but maybe she's like the keeper of some legendary lance or something? I don't know, guess we'll have to wait and see.
  11. Being from one kingdom's royalty but raised by another kingdom's royalty (with or without your knowledge) is kind of common in japanese anime/manga/games/etc. and there's not always a reason, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's no reason ever given. That being said, wanting a dragon on your side is probably it, like you said. Or maybe some sort of prophecy about you or something. Whatever it is, it probably won't be original.
  12. I choose Nohr. I'm definitely going to play all three though, and I'll probably play Hoshido first because it's supposed to be easier, and it would seem too easy if I played it second. Edit: I've just finished reading the thread and after seeing it over and over, I'm convinced that this is an attempt at brainwashing everyone to choose Nohr:
  13. I think they were a nice touch and I don't see why they wouldn't be included, especially since this game seems to be built on the same engine as Awakening.
  14. Kamui doesn't want to wear shoes? OK, whatever. That's probably not a good idea on the battlefield but that's his/her decision. Here's the thing that bothers me though; the guy (/girl) that doesn't wear shoes, for some reason feels the need to wear gloves. And not big gauntlets or something that might have a purpose, just thin, black gloves. Maybe the whole thing is just some kind of fashion statement? I'm thinking this is the in-game explanation for why you can't re-class to a Dancer. And since only the girl has two left feet I guess Dancer is still female-only, unlike Pegasus Knight (maybe).
  15. There's always the chance you'll have to update the firmware to play the new game, unfortunately. That was the reason I was unable to hack my PSP, way back when the PSP was still new and heavy.
  16. I was just reading the April Direct Analysis and it says Garon then grabs out to the camera, which may seem innocent in itself (ignoring his menacing face and the brutal execution that just occurred), but again what if this is from the perspective of the Avatar? This is more rampart speculation, but perhaps the Hoshidan male was the Avatar’s father and this is the exact moment when Garon took in the infant Avatar and raised him/her as his own brethren. In the trailer Garon says "生かしてやろう、我が子としてな," which means "I'll let you live, as my child." So what you said there is pretty much confirmed. Garon is in fact reaching towards the Avatar to take him/her to raise as his own child. This is also more evidence that the man being executed is probably the Avatar's father.
  17. Turning the 3DS off and back on and then starting up the game is annoying, but just pressing the home button and closing the game, then restarting it isn't that bad. I don't play Casual because Classic is the way Fire Emblem was meant to be played. Just kidding. I like it because it's the way the other games are and it's more challenging. If I play Lunatic mode though, I'll definitely be playing it Casual. It's just too hard.
  18. What gets me way more than anything in Chapter 9 is the music throughout the whole of Chapter 10.
  19. lol, you're right, i shouldn't judge. i'll just have to wait for someone to hack the game and let my male avatar ride a pegasus.
  20. My bundle came in the mail today. Now I have a Japanese one and an American one. picture
  21. My bundle came today! I will now spend all my free time playing it.
  22. I just started playing the game. I set the voices to Japanese. I got through the cutscene in Chapter 1 in Japanese, and then it switched back to English and gave my male Avatar a female voice :(
  23. And before then you should be fine too, unless you grind way more than I did or you hate everyone's default classes. I had more than enough seals for characters that needed them through loot and Annas before they became available for purchase at all times. You can also buy them from streetpass teams.
  24. shipment confirmation email from gamestop WHOOO!
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