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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Popo

  1. Lord Raven and Starman (Thanks for the tip, Severlan~)
  2. But who are you? ;o; Hi-hi! :D
  3. Just popping in while I'm online for once. XD I don't really know who's who right now since you all change your usernames like every three days. 8D Roll call?
  4. Popo

    Popo's Portfolio

    I haven't been here in a while. Sorry, guys and gals. D: Over the last year + some months, I've been working really hard to build my own brand, Studio Popo! I have an online store and try to attend anime conventions pretty regularly. I'm posting because for the month of February, I'm offering a "customer appreciation gift box" for lack of a better title. For $20, you can pick out 10 buttons, 2 mini prints, and 1-2 charms depending on your selection. USPS Priority Mail shipping in the US is included in the price. >w< Thanks for looking! :D
  5. Yay~! Congrats, Vincent and friends!
  6. The name or the pairing? XD Charlie was kind of indifferent and I couldn't come up with anythig interesting. ;w;
  7. Hi! >w< But... Oliva. EVERYWHERE.
  8. Sorry. The clam is a lie. D: So what happened to Ninian? 8D
  9. All part of my plan. Er, yeah. XD So what's new around here? Any new mods?
  10. [flairls wildeley too maike tings zeem lesss clam]
  11. [flails wildely to make things seem less calm]
  12. HNNNGGG. Envious of your amazing anatomy and awesome looking feet. I love nicely drawn shoes and I'm terrible at it myself. ;w;
  13. OH HAI SEXY Annie? I'll be chained to my AA table so I'm going but... not going? XD Nice to meet you too! <3
  14. Er, is something going on? I don't need no man to have fun in the FE4 thread with my friends! ;w;
  15. ...But it's boring so I'm coming over here! XD
  16. Popo

    Popo's Portfolio

    I have a table at Otakon this year! Y13. Stop by and say hello! Here's a little sample of what I'll be selling: http://popo-licious.deviantart.com/art/Splash-Free-389608167 http://popo-licious.deviantart.com/art/R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N-387767053 http://popo-licious.deviantart.com/art/APH-Buttons-386460909
  17. Yay! Figured it out. Thanks, guys! >w<
  18. I just want to complain about your waifu specifically. 8D Also, is there a way to turn the reply field back to html? Can't seem to figure it out. >o<
  19. I'll go if it means I get to complain about waifus. :D
  20. Aww, I think I just missed you when I was online earlier. Maybe you'll come back! *o* This thread moves so quickly!
  21. Hey! I noticed that the board is different. Still getting used to things, but it looks pretty good. :3
  22. Hey, gang! I desperately need a distraction. ;__; How is everyone? Anything cool happen while I was gone? :D
  23. Popo

    Valentine's Day

    I love Valentine's Day. That being said, I'm always single for Valentine's Day, so to me it seems so glamorous and fun. *w*
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