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Everything posted by Popo

  1. Yep! I saw everything there was to see, to my knowledge. :D I thought that was a nice touch at the end. I think the whole cyclical storyline also influenced my decision to restart and sacrifice MU. XP It just didn't feel right.
  2. I just finished the game! I was wondering if one of the two endings is supposed to be the "true" ending. Originally, I actually picked the ending in which Chrom defeats Grima, but I stopped about a minute into the closing cutscene because I got this vibe from the dialogue that I hadn't made the right choice. So, I replayed the final chapter and sacrificed MU, but to be honest, that ending didn't feel particularly rewarding either. (In general, it was just kind of... short. And I was expecting an epic epilogue like in FE7.) >o< I was just wondering if anyone else was a little let down or puzzled by the ending. (Not so much puzzled about the storyline, just puzzled over what choice was right.) And since I mentioned it, anyone else feel that the ending was too short?
  3. I think that line is supposed say Fiora. This seems like a cool project, but I guess I'm not quite sure what the overall goal. Is it an original FE6 story on the FE7 engine or just a tune up of FE6, or something else? >o< (Sorry if it's stated somewhere already. I don't have time to check all nine pages, just the first few posts.)
  4. Thankfully, Josh is a pro at cleaning up shit and making things awesome again. :D
  5. I didn't even play FE12 and I can guarantee that it has to be better than FE11. Anything is better than FE11. Watching paint dry is better than FE11.
  6. You haven't started class yet? I thought WE went back late, but you guys win the award. :0

  7. LOL. I posted my reply on my own profile. Oops. XD

    Anyways. The snow has really picked up, so I'm trying to cancel my plans. The university is closed and all the bus routes are stopping at 5pm. Plus, the roads are going into an "emergency state" later tonight because it's going to be so cold. D: Is MD going to see a lot of snow today?

  8. Love it! It's so pretty! *w* The roads are a mess though and I need to go out tonight. that'll be interesting. D:

  9. No, the actual moon. Like, the one you see at night. It was fun, but I'm back at VT now. :D

  10. I am notorious for coming down hard on female characters, especially in pairings. I can admit it. However, a lot of this doesn't really stem from me looking for a "self-insert character" to project on, or the desire for the classic "relateable female lead" that was mentioned earlier. Here's my take on the matter. In general, a lot of video games (and anime) are targeted primarily towards men, or towards a broad audience but with the underlying assumption that men are going to be the most likely to buy into the series. As a result, there are a lot of instances in which the female characters are written in such a way that they appeal to men, but don't necessarily appeal to women. I get it; it's an industry, and you need to cater to the needs and interests of your clientele. There's nothing wrong with this. However, as a female, it get's really debasing after a while when the pandering becomes blatant, and it makes me increasingly more jaded and scrutinizing of female characters. Are they actually a good character? Are they motivated? Do they assist the plot at all? Are they a sexual character or a sexualized character? In the end, I tend to spend a lot more time analyzing the merits of the female characters, or rather, the female side of the pairing equation as opposed to the male side. Seeing that I am a female, I think that this makes sense. It's a lot easier for me to see when a female character is being used as a tool in the same way that men can fairly easily identify weak, pandering male characters. For the record, I'm not generalizing and claiming that all female characters suffer from pandering or poor writing. Far from it, actually. And on the flip side, I acknowledge that there is media aimed at women, and it reverses the situation in such a way that the men are the idealized forms and have been crafted to appeal to women, which makes actual men cringe. In this sense, it evens out the playing field a little, and it gives me greater context and understanding when I see media that panders towards men. As I said, you have to appeal to your audience, although I believe it's much more advantageous to it in a subtle manner. In short, shipping is contingent on liking both characters in the pairing. Since the majority of shippers seem to be women, it's natural that female characters are going to be examined a little harder, because that's what fangirls can quickly identify with or reject. (I think the same would be true if the majority of shippers were men. We'd have fewer arguments over the ladies, and more arguments over the merit and plausibility of manly tears and excessive shirt-removal.) This is compounded by the fact that there's a slight but undeniable sexual bias that tends to favor men and do an occasional disservice to female characters. When a fangirl fails to find a suitable female partner for her male character of choice, this is when the floodgates open up and male/male pairings start to enter the equation. (Speaking purely from my own experience and observation. Again, not generalizing all fangirls here.) I would also like to mention that FE has some exceptional female characters, in my opinion. Except for Ninian. 8D
  11. I went to the moon for a while.

  12. Not sure if want. I'm so confused right now. XD I don't know much about SMT, but based on what I do know, I guess I'm just not understanding how a crossover would work between the two. >o<
  13. This. XD I would like to complete my initial run-through of the game in a somewhat timely fashion and with as little frustration as possible, so Normal difficulty for sure. However, it just wouldn't be Fire Emblem to me if I played it on Casual mode. Classic it is!
  14. Thank you for the birthday wishes~! :D

  15. Thank you! *w*

  16. Me too! Do you still talk to him? He's still the same old Blacken but I mean that in the best way. XD

  18. Thank you! ;w; <3

  19. Popo

    Thank yoooo! :D

  20. Thank you! You can send me what you have, but I might not be able to get to it right away. Or ever. We'll see. XD

  21. Thanks~! ^__^

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