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Everything posted by Hero

  1. In a single playthrough? Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, with over 300 hours. I don't have the game anymore, and think that file was deleted anyway, so I can't check and give a more precise number. If I remember correctly, that one was because I had a habit at the time of leaving my GBA SP turned on for up to a few hours between sessions playing it. I may have put that much time in other games over multiple playthroughs, I really have no idea but would expect I have for at least a couple. Pokemon Gold and Fire Emblem 7 are probably included in that number.
  2. Have you seen pictures of the JK bridge in Brasilia? No one believed the design would maintain its structural integrity for long on such a large scale back in 2000, but it's still going strong. It's a fascinating design, more than comparable to any of Baloch's work. Bridge appreciation is no joke. Go to any engineering school, you'll find bridge models and commemorative postcards everywhere!
  3. A lot of real-life bridge aficionados would disagree with this guy. According the them, all of the fanfare and media attention at an opening makes reliable information hard to find and gets in the way of real appreciation. I agree. Like wine, a truly good bridge will only get better with time, as its durability is proven time and again and the elements flavor its aesthetic appeal. A great, well-aged bridge will look bold, but natural, whether it's a 16th-century Palladian arch bridge or a modern cable-stayed giant. The Golden Gate Bridge embodies this ideal's perfection. Are any of you guys out there bridge fans?
  4. Before this guy came to the arena, he was known as a member of Suifu's gang, where he was identified as a bully and participated in targeted, meaningless violence against newcomers to the Penal Town. Now, he is portrayed as a thief and given the name "Don Jose". If you talk to your party during the fight, they question that the arena even let someone like him in. This is a pretty unambiguous example of racial profiling if I've ever seen one. I'm surprised they didn't have him launch water attacks from his back or pick fruit from your inventory for four GP an hour. (This screenshot is from Dragon Warrior 7. Those of you who have the game can confirm everything I say here if you have a save or savestate at Dharma in the past. Otherwise, you'll need to play for about 25 hours to get there first.)
  5. Oh, you're not going to be back for long. We tolerated your organization before because you weren't causing any troubles, really you were driving people away from your cause more than toward it, but we aren't going to let you gain any power this time, our official policies toward revisionist nonsense have changed. Just give us a little while to determine who everyone connected with your organization is, and where they are. If you haven't stopped this silliness by then, we'll send some people to do it for you.
  6. I know English, and can read Spanish and Italian though I'm not really fluent verbally, since people tend to talk very fast and I've never been truly immersed in either language. I learned what Spanish I know in school, and learned Italian on my own. I'm trying to teach myself some basic Russian right now, just because I think it's cool and I know a lot about the country and its history through the ages. The goal is mostly just to understand movies better and to show off. In 2010, I'm going to learn Hebrew. I used to really like the idea of learning Chinese and Japanese, but these days I don't think I'll ever realistically get to those languages while I'm still young enough to fully master them.
  7. Good, one of the reasons (other than obvious fanboyism/hatred, of course) that I often don't take GameFAQs reviews seriously is because they aren't consistent in this regard. It's a small distinction to make, but a crucial one.
  8. Post here if you claim Northern California as your home. I'm from the East Bay, personally. If there are enough, we could perhaps have a SF meetup someday. Hopefully it will turn out better than when I suggested one last year and only two people showed up. :) Note to SoCalians: Please don't ruin our thread.
  9. ^ prefers the translation Yuria over Julia.
  10. There any more room for this? I'm an old hand at Diplomacy, and wouldn't terribly mind some old-fashioned Axis and Allies either. Though, I agree with the Commissar here, Hearts of Iron would be best if anyone's hardcore enough.
  11. That sucks, especially for people in rural areas (which Sweden has a lot of if I remember correctly.) A parent has a right to control the values their children are being taught, at least before legal adulthood. And if you look at what important people in America at least are saying about public education these days, you'll see that it's more about teaching values than anything else. For example, if you didn't live in the right area you might not be able to have your kid live a religious lifestyle if you wanted. This isn't even touching on the fact that in many places, such as where I live right now, most public schools are completely inept. California also effectively made most homeschooling illegal about a year ago by requiring it to be done by a properly credentialed teacher. I remember a lot of people complained about that one, but not enough people really care about homeschooling around here to outweigh the advantages the government see in further standardizing education.
  12. If you want to give a year 2000 GameBoy Color game a quantitative score, there's one choice that you have to make and declare right in the beginning. Is this review rating the game based on current standards, or the standards of its own time? Both types of reviews are alright, but you need to remain consistent throughout because it affects everything. One of the most extreme examples would be Dragon Warrior 3 for the NES, easily a 9 or maybe even 10 when compared to other games in 1990, but a 2 or 3 when compared to modern RPGs, including its own remakes.
  13. Don't worry, I'm sure I'm more obscure than you at this point. : )
  14. I have a Dell Precision 2600. Pretty pricy new, but I got mine barely used for about 40% off Dell's price.
  15. Did you attend some kind of monastery school in a mountain valley that can only be accessed by helicopter?
  16. Hero


    I played it for a long time when I was in eighth and early ninth grade, had a member's account, high woodcutting level, long friends and ignore lists, all that stuff. I quit that game when I got a World of Warcraft account, though, and quit that game when I figured out how boring and time-consuming it was at high levels. RuneScape is actually where I first formulated the name Thunk00, and one of the main reasons I created a GameFAQs account (which was eventually how I became involved with the FE community and joined FESS) was to post on the RuneScape board.
  17. I'm definitely forgetting a number of games, but here are the ones that have made enough of an impact on me to remain in my memory: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Dragon Quest IV Final Fantasy III Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja Metroid Prime Hunters demo Pokemon Pearl
  18. Of course not! These are the kind of racist thoughts an Enemy of the People would have!
  19. Has anyone found out more information about this game?
  20. Hero


    I don't like texting, or constant phone conversations. I'd rather keep my phone silent or off most of the time, and not have to worry about being accountable for anything when I'm doing something else.
  21. Salutations, Comrade Dust, and welcome to Serene's Forest! A lot of Gamefackers and former Gamefackers post here, you'll probably recognize a good number of names on these boards if you look closely.
  22. Hero


    It's plenty, the only point where I see a lack that needs to be remedied is in the epic-scale SNES games, and FE6. Really pretty easy to remedy, too, with all the translation patches floating around. ;)
  23. PM me if you're willing to sell any GameCube controllers for 5 bucks or less.
  24. Hero

    Who am I?

    FE4 translation: This patch is not totally complete and there are a couple buggy bits, but I seriously doubt the translation is going any further. Since I used it, I think it's been twice that work has been restarted on it, and almost immediately stopped again due to the tedium in finding and righting the bugs that are causing the current problems. 99.9% of the game is English, including everything you need to play through and completely understand the story. FE5 translation: You got me with this one, I kind of forgot that the patch project for FE5 was never completed (to my knowledge). I'm not sure if there's a more complete patch than this one or not, but regardless the game is worth playing, and you should have a very easy time finding a written translation for the dialog.
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