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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. On the contrary, I can just as easily claim that Sandstorm's nerf means that Gengar can worry less about lacking Leftovers. The role of Substitute in the set I mentioned is simply to wait out the Perish Song.
  2. 252 Atk + Adamant Talonflame with a Swords Dance deals between 83.16% and 98.01% to 252 HP/0 Def Tyranitar, which is good enough since Tyranitar will probably be worn down from having Assault Vest instead of Leftovers. Could try throwing in Heatran though to get that sexy Fire/Water/Grass combo.
  3. Perish Song/Shadow Ball/Sub/Protect on Mega Gengar could be really good; use Perish Song while transforming on an opponent's switch, then go with Protect and Sub. I agree that getting four-attacks Gengar to transform safely is tricky (at least for me) if you're not using U-turn or Baton Pass.
  4. Curious to see what you all think. I played a few games today on Pokemon Showdown with a team of Greninja/Mega Gengar/Sylveon/Heatran/Gliscor/Latios; my impressions are that -Mega Gengar is probably going to ubers; it's too easy to trap something by Baton Passing (with a slow Pokemon like Sylveon) or by U-turning to Mega Gengar. -Sylveon is really good; 95 base HP means that it passes pretty decent Wishes. Baton Pass is also neat. -Aegislash is pretty scary. -Noivern's not that great even with his high Spd since he just doesn't have high attacking stats (and because Draco Meteor is a bit less threatening with Fairy-types).
  5. Raven is supposed to be recruited with Lucius, right? If he's to be recruited with Hector, then that kind of ruins my plan.
  6. Pokemon X/Y gave the move Sticky Web to Joltik. That must explain why it was stuck to my finger in the first place.
  7. The bed bug died while feeding on me (couldn't handle my juices, I guess). I didn't have any rashes or bumps as a result, but after I peeled it off, I noticed that a small chunk of my skin was gone--possibly because the bug's rostrum was inserted deep enough inside me to take out some skin upon my pulling it out. This explanation doesn't seem reasonable, though, since bed bugs are so small. Anyone have a better explanation? I am kind of looking forward to going back to bed.
  8. If you want Sylveon to be a Wish-passer, then perhaps Bold is better to make it somewhat passable against physical attacks. Modest is better if you're going all-out offensive.
  9. HM Morgan: Wyvern Rider LM Morgan: If he inherits Galeforce, then Sorceror; if he inherits Deliverer, then Hero. Life-drain is a bit more useful in efficient LM than in HM since the enemies are so strong and since you're not really gaining much EXP if you're Rescue-skipping everything. Lunatic+: I sold my 3DS before I could finish it (got to Ch. 8), so I can't speak from personal experience. But it seems like the three most reliable ways to beat Lunatic+ (not necessarily quickly) are life-drain spam (obviously you need to be a bit more careful because of Counter, but it still seems pretty effective), Galeforce spam, and bow spam. Morgan can obviously pull off any of the three, and you'll probably have a couple other children characters on hand.
  10. Some of the single-word instances that come to mind (mostly the ones involving f-bombs) are just too direct for something narrated in the third person. The narrator should express those sentiments more subtly.
  11. They enter and exit libraries clothed; then they'll run around naked briefly while in the building. It's a way of taking some of the edge off studying for finals, I guess. Tell him to get his ass back here.
  12. The shield form actually receives more defense against physical attacks (in terms of percentage of health lost from taking a physical attack) from 4n HP EVs than from 4n Def EVs just because its base Def is so much higher than its base HP.
  13. Thanks all for the suggestions. I've rendering the output video as AstraLunaSol suggested but got essentially a blank video; I think I can figure this out myself, by the time I upload the next video (this is with kdenlive, not Camtasia). For Chapter 1 I went with a pretty low-tech solution: a desktop recorder. Reliability can be improved somewhat by getting the Shine to Lucius, but I haven't figured out how to do that while clearing in eight turns. I've settled for having the Shine end on Serra.
  14. I used my emulator's built-in video-recording function. According to Wikipedia, my emulator (Mednafen) is more or less based on VBA, which I think most of you use. Maybe this has something of relevance? Initializing sound... Using "ALSA" audio driver with SexyAL's default device selection. Bits: 16 Rate: 48000 Channels: 2 Byte order: CPU Native Buffer size: 1560 sample frames(32.500000 ms) Latency: 1560 sample frames(32.500000 ms) Period size: 60 sample frames(1.250000 ms) Starting QuickTime recording to file "ch1dd.mp4": Video width: 480 Video height: 320 Video codec: cscd Sound rate: 48000 Sound channels: 2
  15. I recorded Chapter 1 and the output video (saved as a .mp4) was a whopping 1.4 GB in spite of me only taking 6.5 minutes in the video. Hmm. I'm using a different emulator from most of you guys, but what is normally done to trim down file size?
  16. Some of the Pokes with less-gaudy stats seem like they have potential: for example, Talonflame has only base 80 Atk but also has +1 priority to all Flying moves and the ability to use Swords Dance; Noivern has only so-so attacking power but has ~120 base Spd to nuke things with Draco Meteor. The flavor of the metagame is likely going to be a bit different since the new Defog mechanics ruin hyper-offense teams.
  17. Choice Band seems like a waste on a Pokemon with only 80 base Atk. You'd be better off going with Swords Dance and a Flying Gem (Acrobatics) or Life Orb.
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