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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. Return / Fire Punch / Power-Up Punch / Sucker Punch is the most dangerous imo. A lot of people run Earthquake for some reason, but Power-Up Punch hits Tyranitar and Heatran just fine.
  2. I like the new Defog a lot since it prevents hyper-offense teams with suicidal entry-hazard setters from dominating. Taunt Gliscor and Tornadus-T completely shut it down, though, giving a reason to continue using Rapid Spin.
  3. +Def and +HP with an overleveled Avatar both let your Avatar take a lot of punishment when paired with Frederick. +Mag and +Spd are also good, but will force you to be a bit more cautious with the Avatar.
  4. I like Mega Scizor for its Defog support in addition to its scouting abilities; it's definitely true that a supporting Mega Scizor hits like a wimp compared to CB Scizor, though.
  5. Rotom-W and Mega Scizor are both capable of causing lots of switches, giving Mienshao ample opportunity to come in unscathed. If we're talking Life Orb sets, Regenerator seems like the clear choice when considering the presence of Iron Barbs, Rocky Helmet, Sandstorm, and Toxic in addition to the sources of passive damage others have mentioned. Because Aegislash and Mega Gengar are pretty much all over the place right now, you're likely only using HJK late in any given match anyway.
  6. Regenerator works much better because Mienshao learns U-turn.
  7. The premise of any core is to have Pokemon with good offensive synergy--that is, multiple 'mons that each help each other set up a sweep by, for example, all having the same counters and overloading the opponent's counter(s)--and/or good defensive synergy, in which the members are each capable of patching up each other's typing weaknesses. There's no reason to focus strictly on a FWG core over any other equally performing core beyond aesthetics. I would expect FWG cores in the current metagame to get slammed by Mega Kangaskhan, anyway.
  8. Yeah, just play Normal mode. Use prepromotes liberally, and don't hesitate to make nice forges or use your statboosters.
  9. I would gun for something like 310 Speed to outspeed a +Spd-natured Jirachi with 176 Spd EVs (this Jirachi has 308 Speed). Talonflame's final HP should be an odd number so that it can switch into Stealth Rock twice.
  10. Oh, I guess the Dragonpike forge is probably a better investment, then. Are Feena's Arms Scrolls also for Chapter 23? Doesn't seem like Xane can use the Falchion: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Xane#Overall
  11. Talonflame's low stats and typing don't facilitate Bulk Upping at all. As an early-game threat, Bulk Up Talonflame gets scared off by a good number of things (say your opponent had brought out Tyranitar in that replay); even Rotom-W with no SpAtk investment does a minimum of 85% max health to a 252 HP / 252+ SDef Talonflame. As a late-game threat, Swords Dance 252+ Atk Talonflame finishes a higher number of weakened enemies (granting it more longevity) that 0 Atk Talonflame can't, and also gets to use a coverage move like Steel Wing instead of Roost.
  12. You want to outspeed +Spd base 110s, at the very least, since +2 Crunch probably OHKOs the Latis and +2 CC probably OHKOs all the Swords of Justice. I doubt any extra Speed beyond that is useful aside from taking on other Mega Lucarios.
  13. 252 HP / 252+ Def Luxray takes 53% damage minimum from an Adamant Talonflame's Swords Dance-boosted Flare Blitz after accounting for Intimidate. That's not a Talonflame counter at all. Rotom-W and Heatran (once Pokebank is available) are solid Talonflame counters that fit into a lot of teams. Tyranitar works if the opponent doesn't have Steel Wing.
  14. Does the Dragonpike forge actually save any turns? When KoT LTCed H3, he spent a lot of money on Speedwings and arena training for Merric in order to cut off a Rescue use from Final. Maybe that would be a better use of your money.
  15. Avatar (+Def or +HP) x Chrom and Frederick x Sumia are great pairings for strictly in-game stuff. With Sumia as a Pair Up, Frederick can get ferried to good locations for enemy-hase combat and can also double lots of enemies due to Sumia's boost. Panne x Lon'qu and Nowi x Gregor are also good. Nowi needs a bit of babying to get to critical mass. Panne really wants a Second Seal to reclass to Wyvern Rider.
  16. the sumia + frederick pairing is excellent for ltc. not everyone cares about having perfect children.
  17. 252+ Atk Garchomp deals a minimum of 73.02% max HP to 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Mawile.
  18. I'm not that big a fan of Assault Vest. Goodra prefers Leftovers since it takes so little damage from most special attacks anyway (so Lefties can recover off a significant amount of that bit of damage, whereas AV won't); Tyranitar prefers a Choice item; Heatran really takes a huge hit from using Assault Vest since specially defensive Heatran really needs to be able to use nondamaging moves; Scizor loses Defog, Roost, and I think Swords Dance if he's stuck with an Assault Vest. That Talonflame exists only means that you can't rely on Greninja to take it out.
  19. That's the opposite of how I react. Non-pink-blob Pokemon have a pretty hard time switching into it: for example, 252 HP / 0 SDef Sylveon takes somewhere between 40 and 50% from a LO Hydro Pump. Greninja gets nice coverage, STAB on everything, and U-turn to gain the initiative.
  20. Oh and let's say best of three.
  21. Pokemon Online doesn't have any viruses. You can confirm this by viewing the source code and installing from source if you're that concerned. My username on PS is john zoidberg. I'll be in the main lobby.
  22. His refusal to play on Showdown stems from the apparently incorrectly implemented mechanics of Cheek Pouch. Not like it would make any difference when 0 EVed Gastrodon OHKOs.
  23. I am aware. You never answered why you were so opposed to using downloadable software. Why, it's even open-source.
  24. There's not much of an established metagame to begin with, so of course peoples' perceptions on what's good and what isn't are likely to change. But let me remind you that you were the one who initially challenged me and Spaceman Craig to matches. Your apparent refusal to play now (and your three posts with little more than image macros) leads me to think you've conceded the basic point that Dedenne isn't very competitive. edit: or perhaps you're just chicken?
  25. That won't actually mean anything against any half-competent player. All but one member of my dumbshit-offense team has the defenses to tank a boosted Charge Beam easily. If you're sacrificing Pokemon to facilitate a Dedenne sweep, realize that Dedenne isn't that fast to begin with. Also you keep ignoring my posts
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