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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. XD was nifty for the Adv OU metagame because it gave us Baton Pass on Zapdos. As standalone games, X/Y appeals to me more, but I'm not buying it (nor have I played it), so eh.
  2. Ryan with 5 Spd base and 60% Spd growth is way too good--better than Luke imo. FE12 Draug could do with a bit more Luck.
  3. Just realized FE9 Jill isn't likely to produce an HP transfer at all. Never mind, then.
  4. HP transfers for Jill (T) should be assumed on top of the ones already listed--the HP boost makes 3-6 and, according to Celes, 1-6-1 more reliable.
  5. Rescue, Dance? IIRC the southern reinforcements arrive on turn 4 EP, giving you plenty of time to reach the top part of the map. I don't think tanking out the reinforcements is such a good idea when you have more than one Dark Flier.
  6. It's totally fine for Snowy to express dissenting opinions, as has been pointed out. If you don't like what he has to say, then you don't have to respond.
  7. It would be interesting to see Gordin as a Horseman (for the sake of balance, his AS would probably have to be low enough to prevent him from doubling enemies) to offer a viable alternative to Athena in the Prologue. Story-wise, Gordin has some seniority at this point, after having fought in Marth's army in SD, so having him as a promoted unit doesn't seem unreasonable.
  8. Expected turn-count: if a Game Over occurs, the turn-count penalty is reflected in the number of turns spent on average, including successful and unsuccessful attempts. So a one-turn clear which has a 25% chance of succeeding and a 75% chance of forcing a reset (and a redo of the first turn) would have an expected turn-count of four, from how I think of it. On Sirius: if PKL relaxes the tiering criteria a bit, I would be fine with moving Sirius and Luke up. Etzel should go down, yeah.
  9. Just looking briefly at his videos, Celes got Jill to Lv. 16.87 by the end of 1-7. He promoted Jill for 1-E (unfortunately, I don't think he detailed any BEXP shenanigans he may have done) and got 80 EXP for her in that stage. So that's 387 combat EXP.
  10. I made a post yesterday that suggested Jill (T) needed to only be around 20/1 with the boosters and with no BEXP to survive two 32-Atk Tigers and a 39-Atk Tiger in 3-6 at reasonable odds. I'm not sure what her training regimen looks like, though. The Energy Drop helps her gain EXP a bit more easily, according to Celes--with transfers, the Drop, and a +5-Mt Iron Axe, Jill can OHKO Mages in 1-6-1 and do some other things.
  11. The Energy Drop is intended specifically for helping Jill get EXP more reliably; I would be surprised if it directly helped a Beastfoe-equipped Jill in 3-6. And yeah, I more or less just pulled 103 out of thin air, lol. Wasn't entirely sure what to put in, but it doesn't seem too unreasonable looking at the enemy-stats page.
  12. The Energy Drop allows Jill to guarantee a OHKO on certain enemies with a +5-Mt Iron Axe in one of the earlier chapters (1-6-1?) The survival numbers I posted don't account for avoid, only HP and Def; enemies are assumed to have 100% accuracy against Jill. I don't know what sort of plots would interest you, so I'll just post the code for you to mess around with (I wrote it in Octave).
  13. Assume Jill is 20/1 at the start of 3-6, and has received Str/Spd/Def transfers, a Speedwing, Energy Drop, Dracoshield, and two Seraph Robes. No BEXP is assumed. 20/1 Jill has a 97.8% chance of reaching 22 Spd to double Tigers. I did a multinomial calculation to look at her durability. If Jill is attacked by three units with a combined Atk of 103, she has a 76% chance of surviving. However, with Beastfoe, she can ORKO Tigers with the Brave Axe during the player phase in order to bypass their attacks, making durability less of a problem. I can post the code (it's pretty short) if you wish to experiment with different combinations of enemy attacks. It also helps that Jill can snowball quickly in 3-6, boosting her durability along the way (albeit very slightly); in Olwen's video of 3-6, I think Jill went from Lv. 3 to Lv. 9 or something, and while his Jill was unusually stat-blessed, I wouldn't expect a drastic difference between his Jill and an average 20/1 Jill (T) with boosters.
  14. I can just as easily claim that plowing multiple specific resources into a unit, especially one who has high Mov (enabling her to see more combat and accrue more EXP), is pretty simple. Several pages ago, you (or Narga, I forget) claimed that using high-Mov units was obvious. Using units with high stats should also be obvious. When you put them together to get a beefy, mobile unit, what do you get? A unit that can snowball quickly: strong, mobile units get better at a faster rate since they can endure more EP exposure. This argument for Jill (T) moving up to top tier is certainly intuitive to me. What is the basis for your "judgment call" being more accurate than mine? You're someone with far more experience in FE debating than many posters in this thread (including me), which clouds your perceptions of what is obvious since many tactics discussed in these threads are somewhat esoteric. If you do not wish to address that previous question (or even if you do), please address this old-ish but relevant quote, which you ignored in your response to me: Well, again, this is directly relevant to Jill's tier-list position.
  15. Luke is fine. His earlygame isn't that good; I think commonguard mentioned you could do Chs. 1-3 just fine in reliable LTC without him. Deploying Luke in P7 and P8 slows you down, according to grandjackal, though I'm not so sure about P8. Beyond that, Luke needs a Speedwing (on average) and two or three Arms Scrolls to be the go-to Horseman.
  16. I think what dondon meant was that the collective knowledge base can't get "worse," not that peoples' decision-making skills won't degrade.
  17. Of course that's a penalty--just because it is a natural set of consequences doesn't preclude it from being a penalty. </semantics> Obvious to whom? The Wing Spear forge certainly wasn't obvious to me when I first played H5--nonetheless, I still would have supported putting her at the top of top if someone had told me how much a forge would pay off. Let's not forget that obvious things like feeding Marcus boss kills are only obvious now because of a good deal of collective experience and thinking. Because the older way of doing things is less arbitrary:
  18. A penalty can (and must, due to the fact that characters are ranked relative to each other) exist even if a deployment slot is assumed. If, using the same deployment spot, Abel does X better than Bob does, both Abel and Bob receive credit for doing X--Abel just receives more.
  19. All eleven owners of a Wii U in the poll also owned 3DSes. Nerds
  20. When discussing a certain segment of the game and looking at how it influences a unit's tier-list position, we can compare that unit's (Bob's) gross contributions in that certain segment of the game (assuming Bob is fielded) to the gross contributions of other units in that segment, assuming they are fielded in Bob's place--if Bob's gross contributions are smaller than, say, Abel's, then we can assume Abel to be fielded in place of Bob. We account for benching in this fashion, by considering what a unit would bring to the table if fielded.
  21. FE11 Marth: Make seizing take two turns, like in Advance Wars
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