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Everything posted by Kaze

  1. Yeah. I need to get a job myself and I'm borrowing the money to get the game from my parents, which honestly makes me feel like crap because I hate doing that...That's also the reason why I can't afford to download the game from the eShop...
  2. Yes, the uncertainty is what driving me insane. I just want an actual date of when I can get my copy.
  3. You know, sad thing is, I'm normally a very patient person. I guess I just get anxious when it comes to Fire Emblem...
  4. Seems like you are in a similar situation as I am. The only reason I am able to go to GameStop is because it's on the way to my college and I can only go up there Mondays through Thursdays since it'd be a wasted trip up to that GameStop on Sundays and Fridays. DX Saturdays are only if I'm doing errands and such. I'm just glad that the one guy who works there is so much more informative than the girl(who is probably the manager)...
  5. ^This is exactly why I am trying to get any sort of information from my GameStop. They are more informative than any other store I might possibly get games from. Plus, I can only go up there maybe once a week at the most. So this week, I might be up there three or four times if they don't get it in by tomorrow...
  6. Well, I won't find out anything regarding a possible delay at my GameStop until tomorrow morning. I've annoyed my GameStop enough with phone calls, so I'm just gonna wait until tomorrow to ask.
  7. Yeah. I'm hoping that I'll get my copy and such, so I'm not out of the money I put into the game... And like I said in my original post, I am aware that people in Europe and Australia have to wait until April Also, if all of this delaying the physical copies of the game is just to increase the eShop sales, then I'll be upset...Like I said in a previous thread, I can barely afford to a physical copy of this game, so getting the game via eShop AND the physical copy is out of the question.
  8. That wasn't a very good pun... Anyways, I think Nintendo didn't realize that they were digging themselves into a hole by hyping the game as much as they did...
  9. I'm not sure why they do it. I guess they just like to stick to the Nintendo release dates of Sundays and Tuesdays?
  10. I'm glad that some people are able to afford to get both the physical copy of the game and the digital download of the game...I can barely afford the physical copy of the game. :-/
  11. You know, I don't want to blame Canadians, but I can't help but think that the whole erroneous early release by Canadian retailers is what caused this whole fiasco even though Nintendo most likely didn't expect so many people to want the game and thus failed to make enough initial copies...
  12. You know, I so hope they don't invoke the 48 hour hold policy for this game...That would cause a lot of people to miss out on the game and be out of money...Granted, I'm not sure if it enacts when the game comes in or for the release date...
  13. From what I experienced when I got Pokemon Conquest, GameStop won't sell you a game from Nintendo that comes out on Monday until the following Tuesday. That's what I was told would happen with Fire Emblem: Awakening as well before the street date was lifted.
  14. I would be doing the same, but I can't afford to both download the game from the eShop and buy a physical copy...Plus I don't think I have enough memory on my SD card for my 3DS. :-/ I'm glad that I haven't gotten anyone taking pictures of the artbook and tagging me in them. That would just be mean...
  15. I know the feeling. Believe me. I have been waiting since the game was announced for Japan and unlike some people, I couldn't afford to import a Japanese copy and I can't really read Japanese either. xD
  16. So with this fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening's release, how many of us are going crazy? I'm beginning to grow tired of this lack of knowledge regarding when the game is to come out and the release date/expected arrival of the game at stores changing so frequently. And yes, before anyone from Europe or Australia mentions this, I do realize that you guys still have to wait until April to get the game.
  17. I'm going up to mine tomorrow morning to at least pay off the remaining balance that I owe for the game...Hopefully I won't have to wait an extra four days for the game... DX And I haven't spoken to my GameStop since Friday as well... If they're shipping with the games, then chances are the bundles may be delayed as well.
  18. Well, that's just lovely...Possible delays for Fire Emblem: Awakening's shipments...GameStop might not get the game until the 8th...So hoping mine does in fact get the game tomorrow...Otherwise, I'll be upset. :-/

    1. Marich123


      Oh I was also planning to buy the game tomorrow. Let's keep our fingers crossed

    2. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Oh no, I hope that's not so.

    3. Kaze


      Yeah. So far I haven't gotten the game...I'm hoping tomorrow is when it comes in and that I can get it then. If not, it seems like the 8th is my best bet for getting the game. They said their shipment registry at GameStop didn't even update at all...

  19. The Fire Emblem: Awakening eShop price is the same as the retail price. It's $39.99 at the eShop.
  20. I knew this already when I found out about the Amazon delay. I think it ultimately depends on each individual store's demand for the game at the moment. Hopefully I won't have to wait until Friday to get my game...
  21. Hmm. I wonder how many people are after me at my GameStop. I would presume that it's a busy one since it's on a main intersection in Elyria...
  22. Sometimes I feel that my GameStop was the only one that was fairly helpful. I am so glad that they are expecting their shipment of pre-orders tomorrow. I'll check up there twice tomorrow, though. Once in the morning(to pay off the remaining balance) and another time after my classes are over.
  23. I think if it was a competitive DLC map, I would enjoy it. Like you had to see who completed the chapter the fastest, who leveled up the most units, or something like that.
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