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Posts posted by Saaji

  1. So I think this is the proper place for such a topic. Though just in case its not my bad ;)

    Alright to cut strait to to point, this comparison will only make sense if you have read Death Note and Watchmen. Also if you dont want to be spoilered about either of these you should probably leave the topic now and not read another word.


    Both of these story seem very similar except the focus is a bit different, and their endings being pretty much opposites.

    Watchmen you don't get an obvious main character but an overall group the Crime Busters. I reckon one could could like Rorschach as the main character but whatever that's not important for my comparison. Rorschach can be compared to L, where as Ozymandias can be compared to Light. Though these two comparisons are direct character to character comparisons but more so the roles that generally share in their story.

    Rorschach is a straight forward socially awkward fellow similar to L who happens to have pretty good deductive skills. They both go on their leads to chase down this murderer.

    The key difference here though is the stories focuses... Light is the central character of Death note while Ozymandias while one of the major players in the story doesn't start receiving major screen time till later in this story. However their motives along with almost unsurpassable intelligence and ambition are very similar. They desire to create a new utopia.

    So while in Death Note we know from the start Light is behind everything, we're not around Ozymandias nearly often enough to come to this conclusion till the characters Rorschach and Night Owl do so.

    I suppose the fact that we saw Light descent into this path made it easier to be sympathetic to him and easier to agree with his ideas.

    Now for the most ironic part is the endings to these tales, for the truth is revealed . However these two worlds take different paths.... one is forced to submit to this new age of peace while another decides to stay a more natural course without being forced down a 'righteous' but bloody path.

    Perhaps I'm being far to abstract when comparing these two stories but reading them one after another for the first it smacked me like a ton of bricks.

  2. Am I the only one who finds defense missions awesome? Seriously?

    2-E wasn't that hard. Haar, Mordecai, and Brom are all great tanks, and they can stop up the holes at the west staircase and the right staircase.

    I usually don't mind em' its just I dont really care for the units available that much. For 2-E at least... I cant remember to many other defense stages.

    Honestly for 2-E the only tough part is the start since you have to advance out and claim the mid level portion...which can be rough if you don't think a few steps ahead but after that is really really easy. Haar covers the left almost perfectly especially if he'd gained one or two speed by that point. Maybe I've always been lucky in that regard cause he had 3/3 times I've done that chapter. And Mordecai can cover the east choke point very well. I reckon Brom makes a decent tank but he's offense is soo poor that it pisses me off.

  3. I've found 1-3 annoying to begin with but nothing to difficult with a little planning, it helps that if you raise Micciah a bit by then she can probably one shot the boss with Thani, and luring him out with Sothe is the great option. Especially if you have him hold a bronze knife so he can weaken the boss without killing him just in case your particular Micciah sucks too much to do so.

    Part 2= Quantam of Solace IMHO kind of nifty but in the end rather petty and unimportant and could be skipped over with no real loss.. at best combined into another part/movie as a small prologue for the GM's introduction.

  4. The only near the end of the game I'd want to bench Sothe and its only because his class fails hardcore.

    Sigurn I don't mind as a character but she just sucks. I'm sure I could make her usable but she's just not around enough for it to be worth it.

    Sanaki is a bit of a hassle I've raised her decently enough so she became decent.... she'd be a pretty good character if she didnt have to worry about getting doubled all the time.

    Ena... I just don't care for her and dragon laguz are just so very dissappointing...

    Tormod and his pals just because their non existence makes them not worth having period. They should of came back for a few chapters in part 3 and been more around more in part 1(though in all honesty if part one was like 5 chapters longer everything would be dandy for them and the DB)

  5. When I have the cash I'm more then happy to actually buy most things, :-/ Though when I'm poor I'll pirate to get by. Especially in regard to music for artists/bands that I really enjoy I want to support them a bit so I'm willing to buy 'so-and-so's' album if I can afford it.

    What is sad is being called an idiot because I actually do buy music sometimes. :mellow: Sorry I try to be a decent person when I'm going through good times instead of always pirating just because I can. My music collection is still 65/35 obtained myself legally/gotten through friends or online

  6. Whether or not Marth continues to speak in japanese or not is really fifty fifty, since he didn't actually gain any new lines from Melee to Brawl so it seems like that might of simply reused his voice sample in brawl.

    As the subject who's showing up to represent fire emblem in other possible SSB games I think Marth is likely to stick around due to his original lord status and appearing the most games and being introduced internationally. Ike is honestly up in the air they could keep him and I think it would be better to keep him since he does provide another unique moveset. And if anything they'd simple add another fire emblem character without having to remove either existing characters. Removing characters is a silly idea to begin with anyway.

  7. No, it's cool. If create-a-class topics can go here, then there's no reason why a create-a-character topic couldn't.

    I'll probably come up with my own character eventually. ^_^

    :D I'm looking forward to seeing ya post a character.

    Ragnell's Kenth. [][][][][][][][][][] 8.0/10

    I like Kenth he sound's like an interesting character. I'd like to see an ending for him, and also some idea how he'd work out statistically. If you feel adding those he could totally get another point.

  8. Haar can easily get the job done for the majority of his time he's around. One of the best units in the game without a doubt. In my first playthrough he was the first person to reach tier 3. Magic is Haar only real concern.. his speed isn't amazing but gets the job done and only starts to show its weakness when he caps out with his low speed cap of 32...which means he isn't doubling a few enemies in the end of the game but he's still hitting strong enough to be helpful.

    He's also is pretty awesome in regard to his personality, that experienced laid back guy that you can count on in a pinch.

  9. This is quite a difficult choice...

    Fire emblem 1-6 are pretty much out for me since while some characters look cool or are useful I don't really know all that much about them.

    In 7 I reckon Eliwood, Sain,Raven, are my favorite three.

    in 8 Ephraim, Joshua ,Forde and Seth at just awesome...

    9/10 There's Ike and Zihark... and Danved

    Now choosing my absolute favorite that's really hard.... but at the moment I think Zihark is my favorite character.

  10. *note to mods*I dunno if this is the best forum to place this topic...just move it if you think it belongs somewhere else.

    So the premise is rather simple and has been done time and time again. Just say which fire emblem you're character is gonna be fore and give as much or as little info you want about the character. Also just note if you'd like to have your creation rated I'll do.

    I also would to here othere's opinion's on characters I made. :D

    Part A: Character Profile

    Fire Emblem part of: Radiant Dawn

    Character Name: Max Williams

    Age: 19

    Physical Info: Here's a picture of him. He had dirty blonde hair and tanned scree, his over coat is green and he has black pants.

    Back Story: A young man from a noble family in Crimea that fell from grace many years ago. Became a mercenary hoping to gain fame and bring honor back to his family's name.

    Character Recruitment: Method A 3-P Start has an enemy, enemy Septimus retreats he turns friendly.

    "What?! General Septimus ran away...damn he hired me under the table. I doubt this disorganized is gonna want to pay me now. Well screw I'm not getting myself killed here for no reason.... "

    Talk to Max with any unit and agree to pay him he joins.

    Method B Reach Max before Septimus leaves, attack him with Mist and survive then him talk to Ike, Mist. He joins

    Base Conversations:

    3-1 "Unique Spearman" *

    Ike: "Are you sure you want to stay here? We can't promise you steady pay."

    Max:"I think I've found things to my liking..that'll make up for that. By the way who's that cutey that handed you a shirt a few minutes ago."

    Ike:"That's Mist my sister."

    Max:"Ah! How cute... I wish I had a little sister to look after me like that. Well I'll see you later buddy."*Max exits*

    "Ike: ...I wonder what got into him. Well he seems like a decent spear fighter I just wonder if he's a decent person."

    *switches to Max alone*

    Max:"Haha...not cool. The that cutey is the commanders sister. I'm gonna have to be careful about this I don't want the entire company to turn on me like the last time..."

    3-3 "Bad first impression" * Max has a C support with Mist

    "Hey Mist! I'm sorry about early it's not what it looks like! I honestly tripped."

    "Sure you did you Mr. pervert."

    "C'mon that's such an unfriendly nickname... come on give me a chance to make it up to you. I got an idea I'll help you with the laundry!"

    "...Alright. I'll give you one more chance Mr. Pervert"

    "Aw c'mon I got a name it's Max. M-A-X."

    3-9 "Not so bad after all"*

    Ike: "That Max guy is pretty helpful to have around."

    Titania: "You're right Ike, he seemed like a shady character at first, but he's quite helpful around the camp site, only if Boyd would take some notes and work as hard as him."

    Mist:"Yeah he seemed like a creep at first but he's not that bad of a guy actually.(He's not bad one the eyes at all.)"

    Ike:"I told you he wasn't such a bad person.. just a little strange sometimes."

    *Max alone* :"Ah! Ah! ..Choo!! Is someone talking about me? Eh... whatever.

    3-F "An oath renewed" *** Max has an A suport with Mist

    Mist:" That spear on your back... I never seen you use it before."

    Max:"Ah this? It's a gift from my godfather.It's special spear to me...I can't go using it carelessly. The Amenonuhoko... "

    Mist:"Ah...but today you don't have the blade protector over it's blade."

    Max:"And for good reason. It's time for me to renew my oath I made many years ago."

    Mist" ....?"

    Max"From today on, with heaven has my witness I swear upon my blade the Ame-no-nuhoko I shall protect you for the rest of my life! "

    Mist"Ah... how sweet of you Max."

    Max"Well from the looks of it you don't mind my new oath eh?"

    Mist"Ah... shut up you idiot."

    "That's a better nickname then before my dear. You're just adorable when you're frustrated."


    Mt 17

    Hit 80

    Crit 5

    Wt 17


    Uses 40

    Worth ---

    Wex 5

    Special: Effective against Dragons

    Ending: "Legendary Legionnaire" - The magnificent spear of Max Williams was a name known throughout Tellius. The womanizer finally settled down in his life with a love from his youth and the the Williams house came to be a prominent force in internal structure Crimea and would produce fine knights for generations to come.

    A support with Mist "The magnificent spear of Max was known throughout the land, however only those close to him knew behind the great spear man stood a gentle heart fighting with his love beside him. This union would produce the finest line of mercenaries in all of Tellius"

    Battle Conversations:

    In 3-P vs. Silvano:"Your cowardly turn coat, how can you side with the sub-humans." "...well if I wanted to be serious I'd tell something morally correct, but to be honest the side with the pretty ladies is the side for me. And your all way to stiff here."

    Silvano:"You scoundrel!"

    In 3-8 vs. Septimus Max:"So we meet again."

    Septimus "You knave how dare you stand in front of me with your spear raised. You should be attacking them that's why I hired you."

    "What? Is this more whining? This will do you no good your time is up say your prayers you coward."

    "I'll plow through you traitorous lout!"

    Death: in 3-P "Hah...I can't go out like this... how cruel fate is..."

    Standard: "To die in such a place....I've failed you all forgive me..."

    Part B Statistical Profile

    Starting Stats


    Class: Halberdier


    Hit Points:40

    Strength: 21


    Skill: 20


    Luck: 10



    Starting Equipment: Steel Great lance, Javelin, Vulnerary

    Personal Data:



    Move: 7

    Affinity: Thunder

    Race: Beorc

    Starting Weapon Levels: Lances: B

    Starting Skills: Innate Resolve

    Innate Bonds: None

    Biorhythm Curve: Type 1 (http://serenesforest.net/fe10/biorhythm.html)

    Growth Rates:

    Hit Points: 70%



    Skill: 65%

    Speed: 45%

    Luck: 25%

    Defense: 55%

    Resistance: 10%

    Tier 3 Unique class: Legionnaire


    Hit Points: 55

    Strength: 36

    Magic: 15

    Skill: 39


    Luck: 30

    Defense: 36


    Mastery Skill: Flying Thunder

  11. Indeed... Part 2 really jumped around too much for how short it was it might as well been just skipped completely... unit wise it has a good number of unit that I like but my favorites.

    Also the unit balance is the weakest. Considering that half of the charactetrs start too strong to gain more then a few levels lest your focus solely on them but when most of em' join they suffer being a bit under level...or there base stats just dont compare when they return.

  12. So you're saying this and this are ugly. Boy I wouldn't want to imagine which FE character you would call hot.

    Honestly... Rebeca is just cute. Though she's young...and I also detest Florina... she's nothing special and has an annoying personality.

    I actually prefer Will over Rebeca :o honestly I'm surprised how just being a girl character increases ones fan base like no other and being young helps I guess.

    Though honestly you seem quite picky D Hero... I respect the just using characters your like but it seems if they aren't perfect you hate em' be more accepting....but whatever

  13. I'm kind of surprised how many people hate part 1, I supposed for my first two PTs I had little trouble with it and I raised a very unbalanced party also. The bulk of the offense was built into Zihark, and Sothe while Aran and Nolan acted as my shields mainly just needing to survive.

    My current play through I'm doing a much better time raising my party evenly Micciah actually has some speed to so she wont get doubled, Zihark and Volug are one super tag team, while Nolan supports Laura for little avoid bonus and so Laura can be there to heal him as needed. Edward and Leo are back up to Nolan. Sothe and Micciah generally take care of whatever I need to get done. Who I find not as great as most claim is Jill since she has less play time compared to Zihark in a chapter that she'd be awesome to have in..and she starts out a little lop sided. Though that could be fixed with some transfer bonus which also can make Sothe and Zihark even stronger.

    3-6 isn't that bad of a chapter in fact it's the later DB chapters in part 3 that are more trouble some especially when you cross paths with the GM's who are generally way too strong for most characters to deal with... but with my uneven leveling my Zihark is usually strong enough to deal with Ike without too much trouble.

  14. I don't mind part one for the most part and Micciah is just a different type of unit, she's a knight killer which most of your unit cant deal with in part one. Part one is just too short and chapter 1-7,1-8,1-9 is what ruins part 1 because of the limited unit choice and what not. It should have a few more chapters like 1-6 that are decent battles with the option to use most of your party.

    Also out of the chapters that I mentioned the only one I truly detest is 1-9 since its a waste of time that could been just a cut scene instead of being played out. As my only grip with 1-7,and 1-8 is limited unit choice as most of the forced characters dont deserve or need the experience you get in that battle.

  15. Mia pairings make no utter sense based on the fact that she does not show interest.

    She's too sword crazy and neither of the two are capable of romance. :(

    The REAL closest pairing you'll ever get with Ike is:


    Another Crack Pairing:


    With Mia's obession with the sword, her best match would be with another swordsman in training, probably one similar to Kieran in personality would with her well....

  16. Well I reckon out of the Fire Emblems that I've actually tried seriously I played Fe4 the least... heck I dont think I ever got around to beating it because of some vital items breaking down on me. :( Also to honest FE4 is a bit overrated.. it was good for it's time but I honestly believe that FE5 surpassed it in almost area....

    I officially beat FE5 and fe6 only once though I have about three attempts in Fe5 and fe6 each. Though I never bothered to play em again after actually beating em' since I loss the means to play them. Though I'd consider playing them again with the patches so I actually get the plot fully while playing.....

    The all the english releases I've beaten at least 2 twice. Fe7 with the most with probably around 15 play through however they were on various cartridges and computers :( so I have no proof of 100% supports and my awesome battle arena teams I assembled.

    So yeah thats it i think i might started to ramble a little bit.

  17. So what's your least favorite part in RD, mine is without a doubt part two because it jumps all over the place character wise and feels like it really could have been mentioned as events that happened but we didn't have to play through they could just have those characters appear in part 3 a little higher level and earlier to make up the lost play time then again only Nephenee loses any amount of play time actually.

    Honestly I think Part 1 should have been extended a little bit so we get to know the Dawn Brigade a little better and give them more play time as their biggest weakness is their levels being lower compared to their peers. Also I reckon part 4 could have been made longer and and have the map follow the massive style of FE4 to make the epicness of the adventure felt and remove the split party nonsense. An extended part four would make the ending less rushed in feel and perhaps we could of have a bit more doubt shown in everyone's heart since everyone was pretty much like "Oh? Ashera is a bad goddess lets go a kick her ass and bring life back into the world ya bro!"

    I know these changes would be pretty drastic but it would make RD better in my eyes.

  18. Alright...crack pairings


    Oujay X Lalam its like the dorky nice guy and the kinky tease

    Saul x women period... I have a feeling he may be related to Sain some how XP


    Zihark x Nephenee .... Zihark is my favorite character and Nephenee my favorite female character no other reasoning besides that honestly.

    Ike x Aimee... give Ike a few years when learns theres more to life beside fighting...she'll be waiting for her darling for sure :D

    Zihark/Ike X Mia/Lucia cliche swords fighters finding their passion for one another through their swords. I'm surprised he hasn't happened.

    Boyd x Titania I dunno I could see Boyd doing well with an older more mature chick like Titania...

    Ike x Marcia now if Ike wasn't asexual I think this would actually be a legit pairing.

    Kieran x Oscar Kieran is gay for Oscar :P

    Kieran x Astrid would be in the same vein as Hector x Florina... it would be better then Astrid and her currrent pick any way.... <_<

    Kieran x Jill lots of red if they don't kill each other first then they'd be golden.

    I could go on and just pair people who I think would just look good together.

  19. Fe4.... erm Sety, Sigurd.. anyone with a holy weapon XD

    Fe5 LEAF!!!! Othin Shiva RONAN!!!! Fin!!! ...through a little bit of scroll abuse Leaf and Ronan were probably my best units with the other two being naturally amazing

    Fe6 Rugter, Oujay, Deick, Roy for like the last part of the game SoS+hammerene staff= more pwnage time for Roy too many good swordsman not enough uber swords for them :(

    Fe7 Raven, Eliwood, which ever social knight that decides to kick ass...one is always really good but its random between the three(I remember the Lowen that maxed everything except Str :D ) Raven has never failed me, Eliwood has been amazing save two playthroughs outta a dozen or so.

    Fe8 Ephraim ,Cougar, Joshua <--the three pimps of the game reliably max out str,skl,spd

    Fe9 Ike,Zihark, Oscar,Nephenee <-- Ike is awesome, Zihark is like Ike-lite and still as awesome, Oscar is the reliable moving fortress especially with Sol, Nephenee hot+solid fighter

    Fe10 Sothe[until endgame] Haar,Shinon ^ above mentioned units minus Oscar :( Now anyone can be raised to kick ass in this game some just some are awesome naturally for free which is great.

  20. No comment for Fe1-3,11 since I haven't played them.

    FE4 neither appealed to me to much so their equal.

    Fe5 I saw Kein and Asvel as the red green duo even though they were technically lance knights and not paladins. I prefer Kein here.

    Fe6 Lance... especially after reading the manga of the game.

    Fe7 Sain, I love his personality though Kent usually turns out better for me.

    Fe8 Forde he's more interesting and an artist like myself so he wins. He also performs better for me on average.

    FE9 Oscar... he's just a good reliable guy, though Kieran is awesome also.

    Fe10 ^ see above

    So I normally go for the Green knights...perhaps green being my favorite color creates a slight bias...

  21. This is an idea Reikken had and he hacked FE7 to add this and I like it personally.

    He made each Skill give THREE hit and each Luck give ONE hit. Now naturally weapon HIT would be decreased. Adding more dependent on the character than the weapon. Skill is often considered the most worthless stat, mostly because it does very little, a sword user is very unlikely to miss even with low skill, axes (depending on the game) have shit for hit regardless of your skill.

    I think that's a great idea. That would change things drastically if it was applied retroactively...

  22. Puberty was an interesting time, I'm pretty sure I'm done with it at 21. Heck I started puberty at age 10 if I recall correctly. When I think about I remember how much I hated the fact I had hair growing every where. By sixth grade I could already grow a decent goatee and mustache. Nothing like making fun of on my teachers because I had a thicker goatee then he did.

    My voice cracked here and there but it wasn't common at all compared to most of my peers. The most disappointing thing actually was I started getting tall so young and so fast that I was such I was gonna be at least 6' if not taller... I hit 5'9 when I was 12-14 and by the end of high school I gained only one more inch to my height. :-/

    As for acne I never suffered any major break out the worst was maybe two pimples at once... then again good hygiene generally takes care of that...or maybe I just got good skin. :?

    Now that emotionally nonsense ... lets put it like this I went from being an immature jackass to the guy I am now over the course of one good shit pretty much. I pretty much had an epiphany when I was in 7th grade.

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