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Posts posted by Saaji

  1. All your photos are really nice and dramatic... sadly I know nothing about photography but the composition looks solid and the subject is displayed in a very dynamic matter. The crush egg is especially striking I couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor bird that was never given a chance.

    Your last photo is just FABULOUS :P

  2. Your stuff is very interesting, for the most part the likeness is quite good, what method did you use for most of these pictures? It kind of looks like you were doing some subtractive drawing which is admirable... god knows how horrible I am at that. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  3. Well considering your probably not painting very much their pretty good. Hell my efforts on doing something similar would be at best only a slightly bit better and I'm an art major....

    I detest paint in general and oil paint has mocked me for the last 6 or so years. -_-

  4. Sain... while he has a high strength growth of 60 I've only had him max it once or twice out of my dozen or more playthroughs with him in my final party.

    Heck must of my characters in Blazing sword are either amazing or crappy... I didnt notice back in those days because Eliwood,Raven,Fiora, and a few others always did their part and I was never worried about it

  5. I really like many of the ideas mentioned in the topic so far, I'll give my two cents now.

    Weapons there should be a lot more in each category, and like Lord Glenn mention we can include 'different' weapons under the existing triangle. The weapon triangle could have another triangle within it like Magic.

    So we have Swords>Axes>Lances>Sword we can have a sub category sword within the sword types. Knives/Short Swords, Standard swords/sabers > Great Swords/"Blades" Then we can have so some classes specialize in using certain type of swords, like thieves gain an accuracy bonus when using knives over sabers and blades, and heck we can say they suffer a minor penalty for using blades not anything too big.. but it would make sense a thief wouldn't be capable of using giant swords as efficiently

    Also the introduction of combat staffs would be interesting, now they'd be the weakest of the weapon types for sure but it would give priests some hope of survival and make em a bit easier to raise also.

    Skills should be made more common, and probably powered down a little bit and make less costly, and make enemies appear with them more often.

    As for supports I really like the way FE9 handled them, though I would like to see a mix of that and Fe10. Allow us to support anyone with anyone but they're would be support support options that would give you long winded conversations between characters. Though for those that don't have really strong ties or wont grow them give them unique conversation just nothing life changing thats all. Like for Example Zihark supports Gatrie and they don't become best of friends but perhaps we learn a small little tidbit here and there bout the two.

    I enjoyed the three class system, though I think it would only work in a long fire emblem, or one with large maps and tons of enemies. So we'd need to have the maps close to the size of FE4 but with around twice the enemy count, and we could up playable character count up a bit. Though only if we character decent character development actually.

    Now I'd like to see a small bit of customization in our lord, lets say we get to decide his primary weapon for a change you know chose between swords,axes,and lances. And with that his specialization in the weapon type that I mention earlier or he could chose none and just not receive any bonus or penalties.

    Lastly I would like the classes to be balanced out a bit more. Make so it's a 50/50(or close to to it) fight between between a Sword master and General[i see them as the extreme opposites in weapon classes]

  6. It's quite simple ....

    hypocrites....which usually are extremists unwilling to expect anything but their way as the correct way.

    Though I've learned to deal with it for the most part especially in petty affairs

  7. It depends on the mood, normally I reckon I'm one of the more reasonable and logical person in the groups I'm in though there are days why I toss reason to the curb for the sake of a good time. :-|

    Then again, I say anything goes as long as as you refrain from hurting your self or any one else... some people are better at that then others and thus can get away with doing many more 'edgy' or 'risky' things that I may not even consider doing myself...but at the same time there some things I do that I would recommend to others....

    So yea its pretty situational...

  8. AWESOME! I love this picture Tir. There's nothing wrong with it that I can see, it has a rather loose feel to it which is something that I'm usually not the biggest fan of but it fits the mood of the picture very much. So two thumbs up :D

  9. Well, looking at the swords impact through any given playthrough Ragnell wins easily since its avalible for the longest, the Alondite is the same thing but usable by anyone thats good enough but has the least play time. The Vague Katti is the most powerful of the three but the least versatile.

    Though personally I use all of them. Ragnell is the best because it proves to be the most helpful of the three for the longest. The Vague Katti has more play time then the Alondtite but not enough to have a great impact. Vague Katti is better against boss in the end game if you want to end it faster but the versatility of the Alondite is overall more reliable I believe.

  10. This is a simple question but I couldnt find an answer when looking on FEDS part of SF. Is the attack speed formula similar to the GBA games with characters having a Con stat that is used against the weapon...or is it like PoR/RD where it goes against the unit's strength?

  11. I agree with this.... would get my vote because he seems worthless in battle and Ena can provide the utility and not suck completely[though she's pretty bad still]

    If Gareth didn't join at the very end of the game then sure yeah he may have been somewhat decent but poor joining time and not being helpful once he joins makes him probably one of the worst because it takes alot of preplaning and saving stat up items to make him okay which is not worth as you could use said items on another character thats actually around long enough to make it worthwhile.

    Gareth joins at the timing of a Gato character almost except he's more of a hassle and cant really help your party that much actually.

    Lyre seems pretty bad but with stupid amounts of work you can make her usuable and she'll be more helpful that Gareth could ever hope to be. Just thanks to actually being around for some chapters.

  12. This is the first time I heard of this theory it sounds decent enough. Though the only thing that hurts it is how there's no resolution or something remotely close... as I doubt we'd be visiting Tellius anytime so... so unless IS creates a book that explains unknown connections and backstorys for the character I doubt we'll ever get an answer to this which is a pity, there are a lot of things in the Tellius world I'd like to learn more about...

  13. Who do you think is the worst character? My vote is on Fiona.
    Gareth, Fiona, or Lyre. Probably Fiona.

    I agree with this.... would get my vote because he seems worthless in battle and Ena can provide the utility and not suck completely[though she's pretty bad still]

  14. Yeah Ike is good as he is. If you transfer bonus with him he's a freaking beast since he's very likely to cap strength, skill, speed, and defense.

    He starts



    Strength:24 (26)


    Skill:28 (30 MAXED)





    Ike starts mighty strong enough and grows fairly consistently... he's speed might be a bit shaky,and his resistance wavers a bit. Though if he kept the same growth rates as in PoR he'd be broken hardcore. I think Ike doesn't need to change at all.

    If Sothe had caps like Volke he'd be okay...but this how being forced to tag along with a class that ends up being really meh is a hassle... also Micciah, Ike and Sothe should promote at the same time that would be fair.

    Micciah biggest problem with me is her MEH speed if she could be fast enough just to not have to worry about being double so often she'd be perfect. She's becomes more of a healer for me by the end of the game anywhere so I dont really mind it too much. Offense isnt a problem I have in my party anyway.

  15. Elena attire is in line with the standard priest->bishop we've seen over all in fire emblem. Swordsmanship comes from Greil, thus why she can go to SS in swords...

    though I'd totally be in for a prequel starring Greil or even someone else in a previous war :o

  16. Yeah, Micciah isn't too bad she's just not a super kill all type of unit. Sothe should of had his own unique class....why cant he promote normally when he shares his class with another unit... and its never even that great of a class. Whispers are trueblades lite which isnt good. His mastery skill should've been changed or make it unable to activate against someone at 1hp left so he wouldnt screw himself over sometimes.

    Or least he should have better caps compared to his one rival since he's not allowed to promote till super late. Also making he's third tier outfit not as lame would help. :mellow:

  17. For my main character thats displayed in my art topic Max Wiliams.

    Max Williams is suspiciously similar to you as you'd like to be. He may be popular, or he may not, but no matter what he's impossible to ignore; he stands out... just the way you always wanted to. He may have sometimes thought that he was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. He's come in for his share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And you've been sparing with the free handouts: whatever he gains, he's worked for.

    In general, you care deeply about Max Williams, but you're smart enough to let him stand on his own, without burdening him with your personal fantasies or propping him up with idealization and over-dramatization. Max Williams is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of him.

    Score Breakdown

    He's Got My Nose 13

    Yo! 16

    I'm Destined For What? 3

    Can't Complain 6

    Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child 5

    Total: 43

    I did a second one with my Saaji character

    Saaji Amaryuu isn't a character: he's you, or you as you'd like to be. He isn't really very cool: he blends into crowds, he hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes him run into things. He may have sometimes thought that he was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. He's come in for his share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And you've been sparing with the free handouts: whatever he gains, he's worked for.

    You may have let yourself get a little too close to Saaji Amaryuu. Maybe he's you as you wish you were, or maybe you're just afraid no one will like him and are trying to give him a free ride. Have some confidence in your writing! Saaji Amaryuu is a good character. Give him room to be himself before you stifle him.

    Score Breakdown

    Mirror, Mirror 30

    You Mean Plaid Is Out? 9

    I'm Destined For What? 3

    Can't Complain 9

    Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child 5

    Total: 56

    I'm not too surprised about that. lol

  18. Oh man Saaji you updated O_o; (this place moves so fast I didn't even notice)!

    I like these a LOT, you're doing all sorts of poses, and they're not the easiest of all..., the only thing my not correct working mind can see that is off at this moment is that in the last picture the kicking guy's arms are kinda small. That's the only thing that's jumping out at me. And his legs are poooofeh~ XD

    Oh wait, just a few more things catch my eye;

    In the first pic the front part of the green scarf should be a bit more ...loose? I'm not sure how to explain it but it should be following his right lower arm a bit more :3 like...resting on it more. The hand wrap thing on the sword seems to be too stiff too, if we don't ignore gravity it should be ^ shaped XD only more round at the top.

    My last pointer will be that in the last pic (again) the fabric of the pants on the right leg (his pov) of the right guy should be a bit more strained.......um....like more folds? Because he's not holding it straight out right? (since the leg's shorter and such).

    Again, I really like these, love your work. Keep it up!

    Sorry if I said some things others Popo probably being one of them XD already said, I'm too tired to read everything :P

    Thank ya Tir :D I definitely thought I mad that guys arm a little small... and yeah that scarf does look a little stiff. Next upload batch is gonna knock your socks off ;) Haha

    Nicely drawn, Saaji. :D

    Thanks buddy.

  19. There are other characters who use Adept (Zihark being one of them.) You also get one from one of Aimee's bargains only 9 chapters into part 3.

    Vantage useless? Rofl. Do you even know what you are talking about? On a Trueblade who can critical, adept, or otherwise murder their foes in one attack if they are lucky, Vantage can be a godly defense. Sometimes she won't even need to dodge because the opponent will never have a chance to take a swing at her.

    Mia never gets RNG screwed period... she is going to be godly by the end of Part 3 99% guaranteed. If she doesn't end up godly, your game hates you.

    Are you seriously comparing Mia to a sniper? Thats lol worthly to say the least.

    Who said you would have to keep her health low to use Wrath. Even if it just serves as a second line of defense for Vantage kills, then it serves a great purpose.

    And if Mia isn't in the frontlines near Ike... your doing it wrong.

    In every other fire emblem Vantage was pretty awesome but now that its skill or speed activated its not nearly as reliable as it use to be. So at max it activates around 40% of the time and with the biorhythm its up 10 or down 10 or something inbetween not soo amazing anymore.

    Though Mia is still pretty good though she struggles a bit at the start of part 3 if you dont transfer bonus a few stats for her.

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