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Everything posted by algae

  1. I can't help but think that Anna's child would have been another Anna.... And it would have been hilarious.
  2. Level 1 both times, with slower experience gain ("Internal level" has been brought up before. I'm nowhere near technical enough to explain it).
  3. I just assumed that the war went differently, and Avatar wasn't able to resist when Grima took control. A lot of his/her plans rely on knowledge of what went wrong in the future (Including that plan to add a fake sphere to the fire emblem).
  4. Similarly, Chrom's "Le sigh". In fact, everything Chrom says in the gold pack. You really get the sense that it's the last place he wants to be and that he's given up on trying to make sense of things.
  5. Could also have been an attempt to get close to him to change the timeline. She could influence him regarding the war with Valm, similar to how she prevented Emmeryn's assassination. Granted, her throwing the match and/or wanting to fight/make herself known to Chrom makes more sense.
  6. Pretty sure it'll be a couple more weeks before we get Paragon, though.
  7. Pink Mist: Deal ten times as much damage as an enemy has health I'll Kill You Three Times!Have lethality score a critical hit Uh, Guys? Kellam is deployed, but never moved, paired, or attacked. Abakening: Unlock every support conversation that mentions pie. Enough Grinding Already: Have one unit at level 20 before starting chapter 5. No idea if these are possible: Zombie Apocalypse: Every available location on the map has a Risen skirmish Business is Booming: Every available location on the map has a merchant
  8. And all I can think about is where Lucina would come from. That said, I would play A Song of Pies and Fire.
  9. I'm not sure if it's happened to a major villain before, though, even if it's technically bonus content. I just assumed he was left for dead on the battlefield and found/captured by those bandits, personally.
  10. ... Oh my god how did I not think of this? I don't think I could play casual because I have an almost Pavlovian reaction to death in the series.
  11. Hell, even if there is you don't have to follow it in gameplay.
  12. You could pair him with a stronger unit (Early on, Fredrick is good. Later, any promoted unit can do the same) and use reeking boxes in early areas. I had trouble training Gregor (By the time I got him, Donny was a better mercenary), Nowi (RNG screwed in every stat, I don't even know how) and Kellam (Granted, I forgot he existed after a couple of chapters...).
  13. Sully x FeMU also has an offhand mention, near the end of the C (?) support.
  14. The ending puts a lot of the battle quotes in a new light... Especially Avatar's.
  15. Here's hoping you guys don't have the same kinds of delays and shipping errors, at least.
  16. I'm just starting to read it as "Character I don't like". If you look hard enough, you'll probably find a collection of Sue traits in any importantish character. Of course, the real Sue is the Nameless Maiden, what with her coming out of nowhere and marrying Chrom like that
  17. [spoiler=Inigo x Gerome] [spoiler=C support] Inigo: Hey, Gerome. How's it going? Gerome: ...... Inigo: What's with the silent treatment? Nothing? Not even a monosyllabic reply? Grunt once if you can hear me. Gerome: ...... Inigo: Look, you're already hard enough to read thanks to that silly mask. The least you could do is respond when someone says hello. Gerome: No, it isn't. Inigo: What isn't? Gerome: It isn't the least I can do. The least I can do is nothing. And I've no intention of whiling away my valuable hours with a vapid male floozy. Inigo: Yowch. What did I ever do to you? Aside from that time I stepped on your wyvern's tail, which was SO an accident. Oh, wait. There's also the time I left all that butter in your tent. Did you get the butter scorpions cleared out yet? Those guys can be nasty. Wait, I know what this is about! You're mad because I voted you Most Likely to Go Bald at dinner last week. Gerome: ...... Inigo: Not that either, eh? Hm... Well, I'm fresh out of ideas. Gerome: I'm surprised to see you think at all. ...Now good-bye. Inigo: Hey, hey, whoa! Wait! Don't you think that's a little harsh? I haven't- [Gerome leaves] Inigo: Okay, then. See ya around, Gerome! Someday... Boy, that guy has NO sense of camaraderie. We're fighting a war here! You think he'd at least try to get along... [spoiler=B support] Inigo: Heey, Gerome! Roamin' Gerome! The paaale rider! Gerome: ...... Inigo: I've got something to say to you, buddy! Gerome: I don't care. Inigo: Well, you may as well start walking, because I'm going to say it anyway: What's with the whole aloof bit, huh? Think you're too good for us? Gerome: I have no interest in fraternizing. ...Least of all with you. Inigo: Look, nobody's asking you to be a social butterfly like Lissa. But we're allies, you know? You could at least try to be a little bit friendly! ...Even with me. Gerome: "Allies"? ...Do you expect me to rely on you in combat? To team up with you? Your only expertise is in flirting, and you still manage to fail spectacularly. I'll take my chances alone. Inigo: Argh! That does it, mister. You're coming with me! Gerome: I am most certainly- N-now see here! Unhand me! Inigo: Hope you didn't have any plans, 'cause if you did, they just got canceled! Gerome: Where are you taking me?! Inigo: Gerome, my friend? You and I are going to find some ladies! Gerome: WE ARE DOING NO SUCH THING! Inigo: Oh, yes we are! We're going to find some lovelies and be each other's wingman. Now stop moaning and start walking! Gerome: Fate stalks my every step, fool! I've no time for such lunacy! Inigo: Look, if you're afraid that I'll get all the girls, you can just say so. I mean, it's okay. Every party has a lonely guy stewing on the sidelines. Gerome: I fear nothing but the cold hand of death! Inigo: Great! Then let's get going! Okay, the first thing you need is an opening line. Maybe something like... "Do you like tea? Because we like "U"!" ...See, it's an alphabet joke. Girls love puns. It's a known fact. Gerome: Idiot! There is no "we" here, and I want no part of this! Inigo: Oh, wait! Or you could say... "Hey, baby. Ever ridden a wyvern before?" ... Oh, that's good. I may have to start riding wyverns so I can use that line. Gerome: Let me go this instant! Inigo: Come on, gramps! Pick up the pace! Those ladies won't hit on themselves! Gerome: S-stop! Put me down! Put me dooooown! [spoiler=A support] Inigo: ...... Gerome: ...... Inigo: "Ooh, Gerome! You're so mysterious!" "Your mask is sooo dreamy, Gerome!" You were supposed to be my wingman! Not my competition! Gerome: ...... Inigo: ...Say, Gerome? Gerome: ... What is it? Inigo: Your mask is falling off there, buddy. Gerome: The strap is broken. A woman damaged it while she was...reaching for me. Inigo: And I suppose the same woman tore those holes in your clothes? Gerome: She did not want me to leave. She was...stronger than she looked. I've never been so manhandled. Inigo: I WANT TO BE MANHANDLED! This makes FOUR TIMES I've taken you out and had the ladies completely ignore me. How does this keep happening? Huh?! Gerome: I wish I knew. I find your flirtatious lifestyle to be utterly exhausting. Inigo: Oh, boo hoo! Poor you! Quit gloating. Gerome: I'm not gloating. Inigo: So says the guy who had a band of women singing love song outside his tent last night. I bet you feel preeetty special. Gerome: Actually, I feel exhausted. They sang until dawn. Inigo: Why do girls always go for the jerks? Huh? Never a nice guy like me! Well, fine. You get your wish. I'm never going out with you again! Gerome: Thank the gods. Inigo: *Sniff* Gerome: Um...Inigo? Inigo: *Whimper* *sniff* Gerome: Are you...crying? Inigo: Shut up! You don't know what it's like! I try SO HARD and then you come along with a mask and some muscles and...and... Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Gerome: Um... Come now, stop. Stop that. ...Stop crying this instant! This is making me very uncomfortable! Oh, for the love of... Fine. I'm sorry. There, all right? You're not a failure because you, uh... You taught me how to... Teamwork, yes? That was the point of all this? Well, you taught me teamwork. Inigo: *Sniff* ...I d-did? Gerome: You did. And now I owe you one. ...Or perhaps half of one. Inigo: You...you mean it? I mean...well. I guess as long as you learned something, it was worth it. Just don't go getting cocky on me, now! I'll get twice as many ladies as you next time! Gerome: Next...time? Inigo: Oh, yeah! So keep that schedule open! Gerome: Ha ha! ...Ha? ...Yeargh. And I thought keeping a wyvern content was difficult... Inigo: Mmm? You say something? Gerome: No. (Ah well. At least he's feeling better now...)
  18. "Hey! Who left this crap lying around?!" You found a Superior Sword. In other words, that the useless garbage all over the world contains the powerful and often legendary items of past heroes. Especially if it's just lying in the middle of the street in a popular city or in Ylisse's own castle. You'd think somebody else would have noticed.
  19. This as well, with Olivia/Donnel as a close second. I'm expecting that pair to get even more broken if/when I get to cap some of their stats.
  20. I think the same kind of thing happened in Mass Effect 3 with Omega. It was apparently supposed to be part of the game but they ran into problems that they couldn't fix in time, so they released it as DLC.
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