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Lord Raven

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Posts posted by Lord Raven

  1. Does no one respect the TC's request?
    It seems not, sorry. :[
    I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how low speed on a unit that shouldn't be getting attacked makes her OMFG TRBL. If my Micaiah had 1 speed or 30, it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference to me because I'm not stupid enough to leave her open to incoming attacks from, say, an enemy warrior.
    It's similar to allowing an illiterate person to becoming president because his country or family was too poor to afford education.

    It matters less what they're "meant" to do. It matters more how they do it; if they're "meant" to be sitting in the backlines because of their poor speed/HP/defense, then that's a point against them no matter how you look at it. Also, with low speed they're not doubling anyway so having 1 speed is a complete point against Micaiah.

    They're not always going to be protected either. What if they do get hit? Then they're pretty much fucked.

    Quality includes ease of use and overall output; Laura really doesn't have much ease of use and her overall output is not too hot either (aside from being the only healer for Part I...). Same with Micaiah for that matter.

  2. The stat-up items aren't just there for show.
    That's not my point. I use Seraph Robes on her myself, but even then that doesn't help much because almost everything kills her in two hits anyway.
    Shinon's stats are superior? I'm sorry, but if we're going to talk growth rates, Leo wins. Leo has Higher HP, Skill, Luck, and Res. Shinon has speed and defense. Leo has Lughnasadh to cope with his speed during parts 3+4, and the defense doesn't apply if you use them as archers.
    Okay, you're not getting this.

    First off, Leonardo's bases are absolutely pathetic. He gets doubled very, very quickly into the game and has no defense to back it up either. Nor does he have HP. And he ain't doubling for a while himself, I'll assure you of that. In a nutshell: he blows in Part 1.

    In Part 3, he has Lugnasadh. But if you didn't use him in Part 1, he's way, way behind. If you did, he's actually doing pretty well. Except that it's painful to baby him in the first place, and only slows you down early on. And his durability still sucks at 20/1.

    Shinon's 20/13 (base) stats are higher than Leonardo's 20/13 stats too. And every growth of Shinon's save like Luck, Resistance, and HP is higher; the HP is compensated with having a higher base (and a higher max, too! I'd like to add, 20/20/20 of each has Shinon being the champion of HP MEANING that he'll keep his HP lead), the Resistance by Shinon's HP and Defense lead, and finally the Luck with Shinon's general ability to evade anyway.

    Shinon also uses Crossbows and can still have good speed, where Leonardo sacrifices about 5 speed to use something other than Lugnasadh. And Shinon ends up with the Double Bow because, once again, he doesn't have to give up Speed for it like Leonardo does; in this case, Leonardo's only leading in Luck and Resistance.

    In a nutshell, Shinon results better, at worst he results just as well as Leonardo, with loads of less time and energy. It helps that he comes in a good time in the game too.

    As Reikken said, Jill is more durable than Haar, but not quite has powerful. She gets a Brave Axe in Part 3. Win.
    Reikken said that Haar's more durable until Part 4 or something, when Jill starts to evade decently. He did not quite say that Jill was always going to be more durable due to evasion.

    Brave Axe seems better suited on Haar because of his lack of ability to double attack as often; Jill seems to do fine with a Steel Poleaxe anyway. But I digress.

    If she comes in behind, the amount of Exp she gets simply for attacking is phenominal. If you get her near sage class, she is easily usable, after maybe a chapter of babying (heck, the greil mercenaries have chapters to spare). And I already said that she struggles Magic-Wise compared to Soren, but she makes up for that with nicely-balanced stats everywhere else.
    She has the same speed as Soren if not lower... and BEXP can't easily fix that because she won't hit her caps as early. And Thunder magic blows.

    She's not "easily usable" at or near Sage class. She's still quite tough to use because the enemies have stats about as high as hers.

    When do you expose Mist to the front lines? Healer's are not meant to be durable. Moulder in FE8 is the one exception to that rule. Otherwise, Yes, Laura is a pain to level up, paragon is the solution. (One level up every 5 or so turns? Very yes)
    Where did I say Mist was going to the frontlines?

    You don't even obtain Paragon until like late into Part 1. Where her post-Part 1 level goes to 13 or 14 instead of like 10 anyway. This still makes Laura frail as hell, and she still needs to be heavily protected... Mist can at least take a couple hits before dying.

    I don't care what they're "meant to be," what they're "meant to be" is irrelevant. That's input; the output is what really matters and Laura's output makes her bait to physical units. It's similar to allowing an illiterate person to becoming president because his country or family was too poor to afford education.

    Like most of the Dawn Brigade, Meg is amazing if you put the effort in. And how are her bases "Bad?" They're amazing. It's just she's a low level.
    It's too much effort. Her bases are bad because she can't handle what's in the chapter she's in, it has nothing to do with her base level or anything. You have to understand, when one's bases are "poor" it's because they suck in the chapter they're in and they suck in the chapter(s) afterwards with those stats or their stats a couple levels higher. It doesn't necessarily mean they're poor relative to the level; you have to factor both in after all.
    The Dawn Brigade should have got waaay more chapters in Part 3. Then maybe they'd be noticed.
    Well that's too bad then isn't it.
  3. Dorcas. I tend to bench both quite early in the game, but Dorcas I have more use for; he has a lot of HP and, even though he can't double, he has better accuracy and tends not to kill things. Also has Lyn's mode boosts to help him tank up hits with your team... I'm not a fan of either though.

  4. I personally wouldn't say that minor offenses are warn-worthy unless you do it a lot anyway (at which point, if they're double posting after a lot of requests to stop they're obviously doing it deliberately). :E If you flame or flamebait, that's a different issue; in fact I would warn sometime 20% for flaming and suspend them straight off the bat, instead of just a warn of 20%.

    I'm reflecting YokaiKnight's sentiments; I think that rules and warn stuff should be taken as guidelines and not literally. Like, I dunno what I'm trying to say, but there's a thought in my mind that sounds right. Of course, with an influx of new members you have to be strict, but not literal I guess :S

  5. Gaining 5/6 EXP per Mend/Heal and having a fortify that has limited range + not much magic to use it with anyway + like four levels to grow anyway. Right.

    There are better candidates if you're so worried about that.

  6. I, myself, don't spend all of Nils' turns refreshing Serra. I found it better to refresh someone like Kent or Sain to finish the chapter quicker instead of another heal.

    Although on second thought, Serra's better than Lucius... I just think Lucius is an overall better offensive unit, whereas Serra's a healer. (Level 20/10 Serra has just as much magic as Level 20/0 Lucius, and their AS is about equal because Serra loses one from Lightning).

  7. I don't see her higher than Level 6 when she comes back, and I don't see her promoting till something like Chapter 23 or 24 at least. If someone wants to go in-depth with it then go for it, since I really haven't played HHM in a while... in my current HNM file I'm at the chapter where you get 30K Gold and have a Level 18/0 Serra. >_>

  8. Considering the only way to realistically use her and then claim she's decent is to load her with BEXP, having a direct attack weapon would only slightly dampen her ability in one chapter(Where the only reason people discuss using her in the chapter is because the ravens don't move). After that one chapter, you'd be able to use her like a normal unit, and she'd be better for it.
    She gains like... 32 or 33 EXP per hit, 100 per kill. Even if you're using her conservatively, and assuming most chapters are 8 or 9 turns in length, she gets probably 3 or 4 level ups per chapter as opposed to everyone else getting 1. And BEXP makes this process even faster (give her a level or two, it's no big deal)... even if she does start weak, her growth speed more than compensates.
  9. Micaiah is a mage. Treat her as one. She is ridiculously fragile at first (What mage isn't?), but I find a Seraph Robe usually solves that :/
    The fact that you have to compensate for her lack of defense really shows how bad she is.
    Leo is not horrible. He's just a bit slower than the other two. There is little other difference. I tend to think that Rolf is superior to both of them, but Leo > Shinon, because of Shinon's low starting stats considering his level. And Leo comes with a Dragonshield.
    No, Shinon rapes Leonardo. Shinon's stats are in every way superior, Leonardo's suck. He has no defense, average speed and strength, and starts out INCREDIBLY frail with god-awful ability to grow.
    I find Jill is better than Haar too. She doesn't fear Thunder Mages like he does.
    No, but Jill fears everything else. Thunder Mages are in the minority of enemies that exist.
    Ilyana can't compare to Soren, Magic-wise, but she's worth using simply because of Rexbolt. And her Strength deserves a "WHAT!?"
    Not every S rank weapon needs using. She comes in 3-2 behind everyone, and she's not doing too hot in part I either.
    Laura has huuuge speed, which means she doesn't get doubled like the other 2 saints do. Also, she has enough Magic Power to deal decent enough damage as a bishop.
    Laura's useful in Part I because she's your only healer. You need to keep her heavily protected and abuse her a lot if you want her to become anything more useful than that, and she completely drags behind later on. Not to mention that every attack kills her because of her bases.
    Meg has amazing Speed, her luck is somewhere in the Ionosphere and her Skill is good too. Give her Adept and she'll Shine. Pavise will come in handy at later levels considering her mysteriously low Defence.
    Bad bases, low movement. Next.
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