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Everything posted by Randa

  1. On the whole law as moral justification I think I'm only one who used that as direct validation. But I can only say that I am one hundred percent morally ambiguous so I can't talk for everybody else. However the major reason behind my thought that it might be wrong is the state live in is going to give a man who killed his wife a sex change with tax payer money. If the state that is stupid enough to do this thinks its wrong then it makes me thinks its wrong.
  2. It's illegal in massachusets so the law kind of just rubbed off on my morals I guess.
  3. Since I didn't care about the oscars I really don't care about the timing and place he did it. But it was a classic Seth macfarlene joke so the first time I saw I chuckled a bit the second did nothing for me. I really couldn't care less he bad mouths half these people on his shows anyways.
  4. This should be a multi option poll. I for one am gonna go a mix of knights and brigandiers. I'll use vaike zerker. MU zerker. Paladin stahl. In addition to a bunch of other units of course. But the point being that people mix the groups.
  5. I don't think a lot of people will agree with me about that. The point I was trying to make is that there is an alternative that makes assassins less valuable. Somewhere around mid tier should work.
  6. Tops Runner up: awakening Honestly this game did a lot of things well and lacking in the plot a bit but still very good. Does a good job bringing back and fixing some old features. The biggest issue that prevents from toeing the best is the fact that there is next to no character development even for chrom or MU. The wife means next to nothing despite being queen. Some characters which looked to have large parts never got them. The whole Virion thing was extremely stupid didn't need for him to be a noble don't think chrom ever met him. Issues with the plot are the only problems I have with it.Almost does the impossible and beat out blazing sword. Just doesn't. Might change depending on DLC and how my lunatic run goes. Best: blazing sword. Villains I actually feel sorry for. Yes. Very well done mechanics for the time a lot of choices for different play. I personally enjoyed the plot. I still do. The biggest fault with it is that getting 19XX is one of the dumbest requirements ever. Bottom Runner up: sacred stones Plots a bit shallow the game is very easy, small cast (my just seem that way to me). Just felt very rushed and unfinished might be because of PoR which ranks in at three. Worst: shadow dragon It sucked. Just because the first time you used the plot ,it was good doesn't mean you can use it again. Brought nothing new. While reclassify is nice it is poorly done in this game in comparison to awakening. They just took the original and remade as a stop gap until awakening was done and it shows.
  7. Since I'm sick of reading about assassins at this point lets weigh them against sword masters. Is pass+ 12% activation rate >or = +5 strength always because of sword locked + 25%activation rate. I don't think bows make a big enough impact to be weighed against 1-2 range Amatsu till we get Rangell. Honestly just looking at it sword masters have a pretty big lead. Now if we think at stats instead of skills the speed is the same and assassin wins in everything else. So the question to be asked is: Is a better skill set worth more than slightly better stats. I think so but that's just me.
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