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Everything posted by Randa

  1. so good news and bad news. the good news is my wifi works again. the bad news is my professor is a dick and just assigned a 4 page paper due tomorrow. kinda bullshit bout that right now. anyways i will try to post when i have time tomorrow it'll probably wind up being during class or something.
  2. Okay update on my idea/theory. I can't really look into it ATM because my wifi is down and phones at like 6%. So quick run down of my speculation. If we look at the first four or five people of each of the constantly fluctuating wagons, I theorize we will see at least one person in all the wagons, aside from Kirsche because Kirsche was leading that shot. And o hypothesize that that individual or individuals would most likely be scum.
  3. i would assume so, give me like five minutes to check something that i just thought.
  4. oh wait, that was probably @via. sorry bit of an egotist.
  5. sorry didn't finish my thought, "i know terrador is town but that was the strongest case i had at the time. and with no claim that would make me doubt my read i would go with the wagon again.
  6. actually i stuck with my rapier vote even after the cc thing was dismissed. and i will probably stick with it till i have time to do a complete reread of the thread, ie not for a couple hours. anyways since you asked about it in a later post, i thought and continue to think rapier is scum, based on lack of actual scum hunting and what reads to me as playing a very defensive game. there ya go marth. thats the reason i voted terrador and also the case that started the wagon, so you're of very few people who disagree with that vote. i know terrador is town but that was the strongest case i had at the time.
  7. well i am buff, and i am a fucker so i guess i see your point.
  8. Sorry Kirsche forgot my code in the email. match the following with the respective letters in that email and you'll have the code. (1-9)(1-1)(1-9)(1-14)(2-1) space (1-4)(2-15)(1-2)(1-14)(1-7) space (1-6)(1-9)(1-4)(1-4)(1-9)(1-14) end line (1-4)(2-15)(1-9) space (2-4)(1-5)(1-7)(1-9) space (2-14)(2-15)(1-9)(2-12) space (2-12)(1-9)(1-9)(1-7)(1-9)(1-7) end line (2-2)(1-16)(1-9)(2-12) space (2-4)(1-5)(1-7)(1-9) space (2-14)(1-2)(1-4)(2-15) space (1-1)(1-2)(1-4)(1-3)(1-6)(1-2)(1-4)(2-1)
  9. also imma just pick up where i left off day 1 cause literally nothing has changed imo. ##Vote Rapier
  10. actually that was just me, and i was confused about a specific aspect of the PM and thought Kirsche might know the answer. why? had in my defense i was asleep your opinion was that i'm a god and should never be lynched even when i get caught in a really bad gambit. also boring cricket talk that makes no sense to a 'murican. anyways functioning off of three hours of sleep, so kinda stupid atm and nothing really happened since i went to sleep.
  11. okay on that note i'm should probably go to sleep.
  12. apparently i did miss something. phase of morgana was blitz's allignment. so why the hell was that in terrador's pm.
  13. but terrador had the phase of morgana thing is role too. so it cant be allignment based. or am i missing something?
  14. all i got from blitz's interactions is Poly is either super towny or he turned into Prims from SFMM4, i think that was the one where he bussed vhaltz and mitsuki bitched him out in postgame. seeing as i dont remember poly bussing as scum or ever being scum for that matter, i'm just gonna go with he is towny as fuck atm.
  15. also deathproof godfather. are we sure eli didn't make this game?
  16. is now the right time for flavor spec? fuck it its 3 in the morning and i dont wanna finish my essay. so anyways if somebody actually knows the flavor is there some like program or something that has to kill the phases of morganna. that would explain the killings as part of their wincon.
  17. actually that was a lie, that probably explains the terrador kill yesterday.
  18. And there's no harm either. Kirsche doesn't have communication with the masons, and the recruiter is dead, so all it does is help me not be confused by the role PM.
  19. because the role PM confused me and i want clarification.
  20. also kirsche whenever you get up can you inform us if there is still a mason, and if they do exist please do not disclose their name. the role PM doesn't say anywhere that the masonry disbands upon proto's death.
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