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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Well my null read on Baldrick has remained a null read. I don't really have a problem with his explanation about his thoughts on Mitsuki, which was the reason I voted him, and I feel his more recent posts, well they make me feel conflicted to be honest. There is definitely a genuine effort in his last post IMO, but at the same time I don't really see any definitive reads coming out of him, in fact I'd say it's the opposite I have no idea what he thinks of anybody. Now some of that is probably on my part, but it is a bit disconcerting that I can't tell who he thinks is scum or even town. 6 to hammer, otherwise whoever has the most votes today.Okay so brief over view on the events that happened while I was napping. So I kinda keep forgetting Refa is in this game and I don't know why. This could end very badly for me. SB is definitely trying, but something doesn't feel right. I just don't think I've ever seen him be defensive. He's been passive occasionally but even when he's scum I don't think I've seen him be defensive, I really don't know what to make of that. On the other hand Mitsuki seems a lot more vocal then I remember in the last few games and even seems to be the central person in most discussions. She seems to be try to drive the game forward, and while I may not agree with her logic and actually think she looks slightly worse in the SB debate I think scum would rather the game stagnate. RD I'm not a fan of the Tech vote. Sad thing is I don't why. RD's case isn't the worst thing I've ever seen and tech definitely isn't looking great ATM so I should be fine with the vote. I guess I just question why he feels most strongly about somebody with so few posts as opposed to any of the people who have been more active. I will address shin and give a clearer picture of what my thoughts are in the morning cause I've got to much work to do right now.
  2. poly please actually read whats happened. theres nothing omgus about my vote on Mitsuki. she's already stated that her suspicion came more from a misunderstanding and unless i misinterpreted her, again, she's pretty much dropped her suspicions. my vote on her has nothing to do with her interactions with me, but rather that i thought she was misrepresenting shin and if that were true it would be scummy, but as baldrick has shown me with the quote that is not the case and i retracted the vote because i have no other reason to believe she is scum.
  3. mostly thought it was misrepresenting shin. but apparently i just missed a post. okay well now i'm out of ideas, so i'm gonna sleep ##unvote
  4. the only problem i have on rereading is that i don't think he gives any specifics as to why he could be scum. and he only gave reasons as to why refa's role would be dumb on scum. now if this isn't the post you were referencing in him giving reasons as to why Refa could be scum then the above post would be fine. the problem i have is that, that is the only substantial post by Shin before you voted him. now i'm kinda getting scum vibes from that. maybe i'm not seeing it, but i don't think Shin gave definitive reasons as to why refa could be scum before you voted him. if i missed anything please tell me, but till then. ##Vote: Mitsuki
  5. okay, i'll have to reread shin then. i'll porbably reread and get more concrete thoughts later tonight while working.
  6. because you're point against shin is, and correct if i'm misinterpreting this, that he is giving points about why an early town read could be scum. this is not bad logic just a bad time to us it imo, if you use something in the wrong time it seems forced. i would be more suspicious if shin came out and had a definitive read, either scum or town, less than 12 hours into a game. i don't say anything implying your scum for this, aside from the offhanded comment about forced logic, i just stated my opinion on the logic of the argument.
  7. i wasn't voting him cause i thought he was scum , it was more of pressure vote to get clarification on his mitsuki thoughts. that also why i didn't hesitate to unvote.
  8. i would usually agree with that, if not for the fact that the last time i thought i left someone at L-3 i went to sleep and when i woke up they were dead. so i'm a smidge hesitant. i think it's pretty clear if i think the logic doesn't apply then its forced. and yes you got it dead the logic isn't inherently wrong, i just think its too early to use that as the basis of your case. you don't have to be scum for me to disagree with you.
  9. Randa

    The Well

    weapons, psych, poly
  10. okay so im gonna be a hypocrite here and ##unvote cause i don't want someone at L-3 after quick hammer mafia. #hypocriteandiknowit
  11. That does not say Randa so it can't be the gut feeling you have every game. :p I would be okay with lynching Eli for starting 3 mins after I went to sleep. I guarantee there will be at least three lynches based solely on rolespec in the month of March alone. But what if he's Kaiba and an ITP. Least I think that's how the plot played out. I don't remember very well. (Do not take this comment seriously, I highly doubt there is am ITP in a 10 person game) See I disagree, I think that if your town read isn't the strongest or you don't have a lot of information you have to air out your opinion on everybody even if it is putting your town read at risk. Also would you rather see Shin paint a townread as scummy less then 12 hours into the game or bring up points to talk about.This logic seems kinda forced. And I don't feel there is a lot for SB, nor anyone else for that matter, to be contributing to at this point so I'm struggling to see why you feel he's town based on that. On to Baldrick, I don't like the hesitance to vote. I know we just finished a game with 3 quick hammers, but of you are suspicious of shin and there is only one vote on him, and there are most likely only two scum why wouldn't you vote him. And yes I do see your logic for being suspicious of shin and just what I wrote above for that, I just want some clarification on what you think about Mitsuki cause you never seem to come to a definite conclusion. ##Vote: Baldrick Please answer the above questions.
  12. i wouldn't mind 72 d1 48 afterwards.
  13. lol at eli and rd shooting me thinking i would be hard to lynch.
  14. Randa

    The Well

    psych weapons marthipan
  15. with his season 2 buff he got better. i don't think he was used at all this weekend, but he's kinda like he bo in that you need a certain matchup for him to excel.
  16. thats just the nature of ymir's kit tbh. his biggest damaging attack is so easy to avoid. but he has one of the best hard cc's in the game with his 3 and can really set up a lot of kills in team fights. his 1 is also hard to get used to but i've seen people use it in conjecture with his 3 and ult to kill people mad quick. also for artemis remember her 2 has movement speed bonus as well so in conjecture with her ult and her traps you should be able to get out.
  17. i think we should wait for the draft before we call the bills #8 aside from i dont see any problems
  18. i feel like the qb situation won't be that big of a deal next year tbh. if we look at it greg roman and his success with both Smith and Kapernick he showed the ability to work well with an average qb and a below average qb. there are reports that it was harbuagh who had them passing that much last year, which is definitely not kapernick's strength. he should get decent production out of manuel or whoever they have starting next year. they do however need a couple of offensive linemen and if they can find a good power back in the mid-late second i think they can make the playoffs with 10/11 wins. then looking at the schedule they only have to worry about the fins, pats, texans, colts, and cowboys. maybe the eagles i'd need to see how they draft though.
  19. I swear to god the half time show made me feel like I was tripping on acid.
  20. I'm looking for people to queue with tomorrow for the free gem event. Preferably people who have played for a while. http://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/2u46o5/gem_storm_saturday_win_up_to_280_gems_this/ IGN: Sfranda Add me if you're intrested.
  21. Randa

    The Well

    Also how much did that game suck?
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