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Everything posted by Randa

  1. actually you can to a certain degree. you just can't get swept up in physical ability. for example the number most people feel is important, the speed someone runs a 40, its useless. the measurement for physical ability never, with the exception of position drills, actually occur. with the exception of receivers, you dont run in a straight line for 40 yards, you dont do a cone drill, you dont run square or M drills. lets go look at the Leaf V. Manning debate, Leaf has all the potential and talent, but he needs to improve mentally. Manning doesn't has a lower ceiling, doesn't have the same are, but he is mentally ready to go pro. Leaf is the biggest bust in sporting history Manning is a top 5 QB all time. hell look at the luck V rg3 argument, RG3 has the big arm, all the talent in the world, complaints mental, and selfish (which was dismissed at the time, i did the same to be honest didn't think it would make a difference lo and behold). Luck is ready to come in and play he is ready, but he doesn't have the same physical talent. you can project how a QB will do, if you ignore the physical talent instead of ignoring the mental inefficiencies (not intellectual inefficiencies but not understanding a playbook or being able to go through your read progressions). the belichick years: 6-10('91) 7-9('92) 7-9('93) 11-5('94) 3-4 start, then the announcement. iirc the first 8 games were the hard part of their schedule. well the team must have been great heading into the belichick tenure right? 12-4('86) 10-5('87) 10-6('88) 9-6-1('89) 3-13('90) a worse record every year. belichick's record didn't decrease until his last year. so yes things were looking better. yes Indianapolis stole the colts. i never anything contrary. i'm not arguing against that fact. i'm saying that something worse happened when Moddel moved the team. you literally stole not only the team from the city as irsay did, but he stole and all motivation for the team actually win. there is documentary with interviews of players openly saying, the team gave up and they didn't feel any reason to win. also very few teams move without being stolen. the only ones that come to mind are the titans, got run out of Houston, and the raiders, lets be honest they belong in Oakland. so we agree that the irsay's are a bunch of assholes. doesn't change anything though. nor am i defending that sentiment, i think that sentiment is about as dumb as the steelers fans who declare that they've won 9 superbowls, because the ones the pats won should've been theirs. its a stupid sentiment. but you cannot deny that you took the team. like tennese can't deny they took the titans, or in three years LA can't deny they took the rams, or whoever the hell wants raiders wont be able to deny they took the raiders. (no idea why any city would want the raiders but its gonna happen)
  2. 1. Manziel is not a good long term prospect. He still has decision making problems, yes he made plays in Buffalo, but to be honest buffalo missed a relatively easy pick off of an ill-advised through over the middle. He ran when he could've passed, which would've gained more yard and let the receiver get out of bounds and stop the clock. 2. Cleveland hasn't won shit since Otto grahm's days. And when thing start looking up, the owner moves the team, not in the middle of the night, rather in the middle of the season. The only time it has happened in any sport and crushed the team. 3. Also Baltimore had the single all time best QB in Johnny U, not that either of were alive but point stands, and have three Super Bowl wins. Cleveland has none, to this day. They haven't even appeared in a single one. That's like me complaining about the 73 years the soxs didn't win anything, despite them winning three in the last ten years. Tbh I don't really care that the team moved, I don't like the fact Model did it in the middle of the season.
  3. They didn't get any of that back for 3 years though.
  4. But Baltimore did both metaphorically and literally take everything from them. Except belichick. The jets took him. And I guess the building the cleavland fans took that.
  5. i disagree with that sentiment. also though i have not personally tried them, one of my old teammates did and was really disappointed with them.
  6. Who is the best character in Gunnerkrigg court and why is it Steadman?
  7. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    That would be a possibility, except his suggestions where for me to doc, the hydra, BBM, and him. Though I didn't actually see any of the request before I submitted my action I did target the hydra and BBM. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for him recommend the people that they are going to kill. Even with a strongman it's not logical.
  8. The cap has nearly doubled since bruschi signed his highest, per year 3.2 I believ, contract in '02. A jump from 71'ish, there's some spare thousands there, to 133 is obviusly going to lead to increase in salary. So a 4/12 and 7/49 contract are pretty the same thing, with a lot more years of course. Besides according to pretty much every article on the matter he wants to stay wants to be on a stable team, and there are no good free agent pass rushers this year. This is the year for good pass catchers.
  9. Not really. Think teddy, wasn't a phenomenal athlete, by NFL standards, but you'd still rather have him on the field then off. That's not to say didn't become significantly less useful in those last two or three years, but he was still pretty important. Same thing with mayo, aside from the obvious facts that Hightower still isn't great in coverage and Collins is only in his second year in the league, mayo is one of the parts that helps the defense when he's healthy. People said the same shit about spikes when he got here. He's gonna replace mayo, be the next big thing, just gotta fix the pass coverage then he's a pro-bowler. There's a reason Mayo is still here.
  10. Bottom corners. And to be fair most of that is just copy pasting, the round generation, particularly once I input magic, will be the only part that actually requires thought and not just typing a giant switch statement.
  11. [spoiler=probably penultimate design] i still need to add magic to the stats section. for those nerdy enough to actually care about the code. i got about 1/3rd done. http://pastebin.com/gKCeZFbB (yes sf cannot load the whole thing its that big)
  12. we still ain't getting mayo back before the super bowl though.
  13. updated form. irronically done in programming class.
  14. the weapons will have the stat modifiers attached to their combat stats, but thank your reminding me to add the flyer aspect to this.
  15. i can just add it as an optional feature. its only an extra 15-20 lines of code.
  16. i can just add it as an optional feature. its only an extra 15-20 lines of code.
  17. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000439550/article/could-mike-singletary-be-an-nfl-head-coach-again never thought i'd see the day. mike singletary a head coach after that thing in san fran. three seasons and all anybody got from it was one, admittedly awesome, sound bite.
  18. Randa

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    inb4 the gimmick is that it'll be like the real game and never be released.
  19. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    A couple problems with that though. 1. A one-night vanillarizer is literally a hook. Why would Prims make a role that is a hook in everything but name. 2. There is a logically progression to follow since I posted in thread that I was turned vanilla. I stated it at the beginning of day 5 and proceeded to resume complaining today, so it makes sense to assume I have been vanilla for at least two days. 3. While I can kinda see you're getting at the whole SB is scum logic, I think I'm really not sure, I can safely say no scum would revive the doctor and not vanillarize them the next night. So in conclusion as I have previously stated I am currently a tree stump, with OC that I keep forgetting exists, sorry bout that SB.
  20. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    What does us not answering the question accomplish?
  21. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    But my role is gone. I got vanillalizered. That's why I've been complaining for like two days. I think so anyways. I might not have complained yesterday.
  22. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    so basically i can just dead post with no consequence at the cost of the graveyard. screw that, is there a return to the grave option?
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