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Everything posted by Randa

  1. love the game. but i can never play more than a map or two in a single session it just takes up so much time.
  2. Randa

    ORAS Metagame

    kinda surprised pangoro didnt change tiers. it got some good moves with ORAS, also beedrill will probably drop down to RU sooner or later, its just too frail and iirc there are still competent priority users in UU.
  3. it doesnt have a mega stone. thats part of the problem.
  4. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    something else to keep in mind. why am i still alive? like really scum team. you couldn't have just killed me night 2.
  5. more questions for refa 3. What killed none but still killed twelve? 4. Can you prove or disprove the following statement? 5. If you can prove or disprove the above would you send me said proof?
  6. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    Also I'm gonna peace out at this point cause lets face all I'm pretty much useless.
  7. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    Also I claim responsibility. I forgot this was still a thing.
  8. Randa

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    I can confirm that SB is the reviver. I can also confirm that I have not actually remembered I had OC with him since like day 2. I can also confirm that the doc target was on Dormio last night, cause again I did not read th QT. I can also confirm a vanillarizer exist as I am now a vanilla. I cannot confirm nor deny the success of my action last night. All I know is I targeted him I did not receive a notice stating I successfully blocked the kill. This means the vanillarizer is most definitely scum and it also means it is pretty likely J was scum and the NK failed because he was redirected to hi buddy in Larsa.
  9. euk i am very disappointed this wasn't your response. also remind me not to try explaining things while reading Mochizuki again. what i said is not entirely coherent.
  10. yes while we can say zero is a number in and of itself we also have to consider that zero can also be applied as a concept. now the problem with the idea of zero is that zero as a thought encompasses more than just of a number with a non-existent value, it also encompasses numbers with values that are too small to be conceived. again to make the comparison to infinity, infinity encompasses all numbers beyond rational thought. however when considering infinity we must consider that there has to be some number which is the largest number at that instance, however that number is always changing the number is becoming larger, it is becoming a number which previously did not exist. the concept of infinity does not apply solely to that number, yet again it applies to all numbers beyond rational thought. so to try and sum this up, infinity and zero at any given instance technically hold a specific value, infinity being the largest existing number and zero being the smallest existing number. and while it can be argued that in addition to its fluctuating value zero also is a finite value in nothingness. but to define nothingness as an existing value, at least to me, is as logically incorrect as saying a conjecture is solved if you can prove it can be neither proved nor disproved. for example hilbert's first problem has been proven to be impossible to be provable or disprovable and there is no consensus on whether or not that is a valid solution to the problem by the mathematical community. it is really comes to personal philosophy of mathematics.
  11. however thinking of infinity as a concept rather than a number also garners the question whether or not 0 is a number. for the basis of the concept of infinity is a number so large that it becomes an irrational number. so past a certain number every number becomes infinity which is how concept of infinity was first created. But by the same logic numbers will eventually get so irrationally small that the number will once again be inconceivable, as such we then group these numbers in with zero. so technically to argue that infinity is simply a concept and can have no application to computational mathematics means that you are making the same argument for zero, which is recognized as a number rather than a concept. also if you still want to argue that infinity is a concept rather than a number we can still state the following, 1/(any number so large that it is no longer rational) = (a number so small that it is no longer rational) which is the same as saying 1/infinity = 0
  12. but you have to admit the fact that a team of six moody users is in the top 450 is a bit concerning.
  13. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-188754321
  14. 1. Why are you always maf? 2. Why am I never maf with you?
  15. I'll let the mods deal with the location cause not my job. More imporatntly look at the sample rule sets. They are a lot more concise and to the point. And quite frankly make more sense. For example, keeping donnel alive isn't hard to do and it can easily result in his paralouge resulting in a 0 or -1 tc for whoever doesn't draft him. But since it's mandatory that you recruit him if you draft him, you can't ignore him like everyone else and you are put at a disadvantage. It's the same situation with tiki, it is difficult to get tiki in a draft context purely from a number standpoint. But whoever has to draft her has to actually go through the trouble of keeping her alive which again puts them at a disadvantage. Also your penalties are self contradictory, you have different penalties for undrafted units dying.Undrafted unit dies +1 turn Undrafted unit dies in a battle +10 turns Personal feelings on draftable olivia I don't actually have a huge problem with draftable Olivia predominately because rescue staves have a significantly larger impact on strats and while she helps she isn't as big a game changer as previous dancers, the most impactful chapter I can think of is 19. Frederick on the other hand should be free. Otherwise somebody just pretty much auto wins.
  16. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=60 there is an actual subforum for drafts and there are also examples for sample rulesets.
  17. Randa

    ORAS Metagame

    AG is clearly the most thought inducing meta of all time. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-188247109
  18. one hat in a comical fashion for this avatar please.
  19. also something i meant to say earlier but the bengals need to step their game up. people aren't supposed to struggle with the bucs until they draft marriota in april.
  20. actually it's usually the oppostite i had to tell my bud to calm the ef down when we lost to the chiefs. and technically i declare the end of brady after one loss every year for the last sixish years. i always expect him to retire and he never does, not complaining.
  21. eh. im used to people hating the pats. its just a social norm at this point.
  22. where have you been. the games against the broncos and niners say a whole lot about their defense, particularly the front four, and the game against san diego says a lot about how good the team would be if they had a qb who doesn't throw the game sealing pick in the last 20 seconds.
  23. dude the rams are a qb away from the playoffs and potentially a deep run at that.
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