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Everything posted by Randa

  1. So ZM's going to get three bow users again.
  2. I'm gonna be an asshole and point out that you did say IS didn't give a shit about them.
  3. I'll take you on bear. And yes I just saw this post. PM me and we'll discuss the game and settings.
  4. The pats didnt play well today. Defense sucked, the run game couldn't do anything and Brady was under pressure all day. It was an awful game. But if I wasn't a pats fan I'd probably love it.
  5. And it's a prf weapon. According to the main site.
  6. There are plenty of ways to beat manning. But they all involve putting pressure on him. Which the pats haven't. At all.
  7. I think ewan should move up because he's done pretty well in the match he's been used and has good supports. And I don't personally see why Joshua is so high.
  8. Just shoot me a PM if you wanna play. I still have three teams I want to try. And I still wanna test out stat boosters.
  9. Well good game. It was much better than last time. And I think I should start listening to Espionsa more often.
  10. Not in game, but I asked Espionsa and I didn't get a response so I went ahead with it.
  11. Yes now Lucius guide Eliwood to the after life with lightning.
  12. 1 point and my gamble would've payed off. Well at least the light brand trick worked.
  13. When you say event, do you mean like a draft or a giant elimination tournament? Either way I think we should stick to 8 and 9. As those are the metas that we are the most certain of. Also anybody want to test fe7 stat boosters? Or do guys think we should test it again in 8 first?
  14. I know that's what I did last time. This time I wanted to see if you needed the US to counteract the other teams US It definitely has its weaknesses, and I think it will probably become a staple weapon on every team, especially with the variety of units who can use it. All that being said its a very powerful weapon that I'm going to keep playing around with. I'm probably gonna play a couple of other unorthodox teams to test out how over powered it actually is.
  15. This match is like the last one. I'm trying to test the uber spear out, and see if dart is worth using in the future. From these two matchs I think it's safe to say that uber spear is kinda OP, both teams can carry it, but the only safe way to deal with it is to run your own.
  16. Rolf was a pain for the first couple turns. Especially with taking out largo early on. I was planning on having largo take down Rolf then brom. Then I was gonna focus my attacks on Boyd. Mist was a low priority given that with supports and magic swords she would wreck a lot of my team. But those crits really threw me off early. It took out my anti-tibarn unit and did petty good damage on devdan. I just didnt bounce back from the early game.
  17. I just realized that I made the same exact mistake as I did last game. Rienfleche! Lyn can only double dart if he has the brave axe equipped. And that pretty much takes out of the game in the first three or so turns. But my team this time is decent. Lucius can't survive without supports(6 luck) and Karel might have some damage problems but the other three are all okay-good units. But dart sucking is still so wierd. He has full hit supports and is still missing.
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