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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Well that was interesting. I honestly didn't expect Boyd to be so good. And I didn't have any counter measures prepare, so I payed pretty heavily for that.
  2. More so a joker. But it was rune sword Mia. If she were to say activate Astra once maybe twice I think I could've beat Boyd. Over a three-four turn period. But ah well nothing I can do about it.
  3. Mordecia attacks Boyd. And I'm kinda disappointed I lost my last trump without even playing it.
  4. Devdan brave lances Rolf. And shouldn't tibarn's gauge be decreasing?
  5. Just ignore me I did not realize people had already posted.
  6. Since we've now gotten a permanent location(I think) I feel we should decide on what the essential(pinned) threads should be. I personally believe the following should have thread: Challenge(Think Debate Forum) Archives(maybe in the challenge thread makes more sense) Improvement/Discussion(Could just use this thread) And probably more that I just can't think of. What do the rest of you think.
  7. He does when I'm calling the shots. And there goes my anti tibarn weapon. Funny thing about I was discussing whether or not the tibarn move was allowed. It's a really good one. Especially in average where he could actually double people.
  8. What is with these crits. Lets have devdan silver lance Rolf.
  9. Yeah it's really disproportionate with the rest of them.
  10. I think I'll go with darts team for the rematch then.
  11. I don't really know. I have six FE seven teams prepared in case anybody wants to play. (Excluding the team I used for this match).
  12. Lets go with devdan/danved. I don't remember his name in this game.
  13. I'll go against you. Just pick a judge from the list in the main thread. Probably not Espinosa I think he's still has like a 3 game backlog. Give duck a chance first if you want another match just shoot me a PM. I'm gonna oswin a try, we can see how that goes and then see what the best way to deal with them would be.
  14. I think I've got a good support pentagon going. I might not even use the uber spear. Anyways that was just a personal experiment to see if armors would be any good. Spoiler alert it wasnt worth it, the main reason why I didn't move aggressively with Wallace is that the speed was so bad that he would be double and he only had 33 or something like that for defense. Just didnt work well. But im sendin Espinosa my new team, and we'll see if this one fairs better.
  15. I think I'm gonna rebuild my team for now. If you want to give it another try tommorow or saturday I can easily be ready.
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