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Posts posted by SniperGYS

  1. Just finished my file, and I let everyone get their supports at random with the only exception of Dimitri and Byleth, so I ended with this:

    Byleth x Dimitri - Because reasons

    Dorothea x Petra - I'm surprised since they couldn't pair up for missions... Dorothea was always paired up with Annete in fights while Petra was on his wyvern in the other sides of the maps... so... How happened? I'm not sure lol

    Ashe x Anette - Probably all the heals helped

    Felix x Bernadetta - Idk how, but I'm happy with it

    Sylvain x Ingrid - Both were flyers unit so, they went ahead to clear some sides of the maps together

    Mercedes x Dudue - The power of HEAL!!

  2. I'm still in my first file, I got my game 1 week later because of the lack of a proper videogame store in my city, and then I can only play like 1 hour per day so...

    I'm on Blue Lions chapter... errr... 18 I think (the one with the giant mechas). Main team is around lv 40 in their final master class, exception are Dimitri since he have his exclusive class, same with Byleth

    Previously Dorothea make me feel bad for not recruiting Ferdinan and now I'm thinking in maing a +file to save everyone

    Somehow I loss Hanneman... Ok, I never recruited him in the school pass and I thought he would joint me after the time skip by default, but nope! He is gone! he probably got killed in the attack before the timeskip haha


  3. This is an easy choice, Blue Lions all the way~

    I love all my lions, but Dimitri ended in the top. From the Eagles was hard to choose, I really like Bernadetta, Petra, Caspar and Dorothea won me with her dialogues in the BL route (she nearl make me cry after what happened with Ferdinan and make me feel bad for not recruiting him), in the end I voted for Bernadetta since she was the first one I recruited and she is kinda relatable. From the Deers I choose Lytithea, her dialogues express that she thinks good of you even if she is in a different house, it make me feel sad for not had the time to recruit her.

    And from the "others" side... I think is a tied between Flayn (who somehow I end calling her Flan) and Shamir bc she is enigmatic lol

  4. On 8/2/2019 at 7:33 PM, Altrosa said:

    If they wanted it “fair” for all players, Blue Lions and Golden Deer should each get a short alt path option like the Black Eagles already have, but I think most people would prefer a prequel story. 

    I would like that! An option to oposse the church with the Blue Lions would be interesting, and personally I don't mind kicking Rhea out of the Monastery! I also want an option to slap Edelgard so hard and make her start working with the other houses but this one is obviously not going to happen

    But since this is probably never going to happen, I'm going to say... I want a patch to pet the animals, is a crime looking at them an being impossible to touch them!

  5. 13 minutes ago, Radnar said:

    When a support is ready in blue for Byleth, you'll be prompted to view it on a randomly-selected day during the next in-game week. You can choose to view it then, or wait. From my personal experience, it seems that not viewing it when prompted will allow you to view it at a future point like you would supports that don't feature Byleth. This can be used for manipulating the motivation gains from Byleth supports to maximize tutoring gains. (I'm curious what would happen if you managed to get like 7+ supports that should all trigger in the same week, since I've never had two trigger on the same day.)

    You can also view Byleth supports when using a free day to Explore the monastery by stepping close to the support icons on the map, but it seems to take a significant time just wandering around (without fast-traveling?) for the icons to appear.

    Some supports are also time-gated behind certain story events, but those should be indicated by a paler shade of blue and if you try to select the support for viewing, it should indicate that it will "take some time", or something to that effect.

    Ah yeah is in pale Blue, and I get message but it probably say something different in english, since in spanish is something like "He is not ready"

    Oh well, I need to wait then... I just hope I don't miss one of his supports.

    Thanks !

  6. I'm a bit confused and this probably was already answered but I don't know how to search it...

    So Bylet's supports, how it works?

    I got a blue C with Dimitri, but I can't "see" the support, then I read in another site, that you need to wait for the character to talk with you

    Is this true? Do I need to wait until Dimitri want to talk, I need to search him and talk, or just happen after certain event in the game? And, are all his supports like this? I just work to get the Support lv in Blue and wait for it, or do I kneed to "trigger it" ?

    I'm really confused guys

  7. 12 hours ago, Lord of Riva said:

    yes, but this seems only possible for the Lord and only the one you are leading.

    In general you can only change the clothing of students if they are in your house, that means as soon as you recruit them you can change them to their post-skip design.

    Also their face-sets do not change, it is only the model.

    Aaaah that's cool! At least in his case ! Thanks

  8. Dimitri all the way!!

    Somehow I end liking characters with a lot of troubles so...

    I also like Bernadetta and Ashe... And the character I like the less is probably Edelgard, but that is mostly for ALL the bias she is getting not only from the fandom but also from IntSys... Yet I don't dislike or hate her, she is just... Not in my favorite list... Oh! I also find Hannenman a bit creepy...

  9. I pretty much don't have interest in any character actually lol , at least not interest in the way of "I WANT TO MARRY HIM!!!"

    Yet, since I decided to stuck with the lion cubs, I think I'm going to take Dimitri, because that poor boy need to be protected, yet I read his other posible endings with his different wifes and I liked them (specially one!!), but... I kinda feel wrong leaving my Byleth alone... SO!!!

    But sorry Byleth, you will be a lone soul in every other route! Probably... Or who know? Maybe I can marry Cyril mmmm

  10. All of them are canon. They are just different universes created for a decision of yours

    Just like in Dragon Ball with Trunks, he came from a future that happened even if the curse of the story was altered by him, yet he still exist in a diferent universe in which everything when wrong. Even if the curse of the story changed by his action, he never dissapeared right? Even come back for Super!

    That's how I see these "different stories based on our character decision"

    Mmm Even Fates said that every route is canon in the DLC, the kids from different universe got together because every one of their universe is canon haha. 3 Houses is the same then! for me at least.

  11. 1 minute ago, Timlugia said:
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    No, they are dead. According to mission log text in the same file, Empire attacks Alliance first, Claude made his last stand in the capital. Then Empire invade the kingdom, where Dimitri fell on the Battle of Talitean Plains.


    Oh... So no actual video for that ! Mmm I was expecting all of them would get videos... Now... I kinda don't feel like playing THIS route xD , gonna "embrace it" like I did with Conquest then... 

    Thankyou! That cover one route (or 2 based on the split?), I just need the answer for the last route now

  12. Ok I watched the leaked videos and read some stuffs from the pastebin and...



    Wow so... Edelgard dies in 2 routes??

    Wow... She... is like the more villain of anyone, hehe, and some people claimed that Dimitri would be the villain just for his looks... Like yeah, he kinda looks like crazy in that video of him fighting and killing some soldiers but... it looks more like a revenge about what happened between him and Edelgard?? I'm not very sure what is happening actually,  Welp, I can't understand a lot without the whole plot

    But I find more interesting that... Nothing points if Claude and Dimitri end alive in Edelgard's route!!! Or Dimitri and Edelgard in Claude's route!!!


    I probably need to wait a bit more for that information 😕

  13. 18 hours ago, Duke of Dozel said:

    4chan /feg/, leaker with a review copy is giving info as he plays

    Bigger problem is I don't even know how 4chan works, I have entered that site and... Got nothing of it lol

    17 hours ago, Mad_Scientist said:

    As mentioned above 4chan, but if you don't want to plunge your head into the, uh, the interesting environment that exists on 4chan, there's a thread on the Fire Emblem reddit where people are collecting all the spoilers.


    It's a nice compendium of the leaked info, but of course it's not gonna be as up to date as the actual 4chan thread itself.

    Thankyou, I'm gonna check that post

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