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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Ok, I decided to use some orbs on the new banner and keep saving the rest *3 Palla - man, one is fine, now I have 3... *3 Cherche - WHY?!!! This is like the 10 Cherche I got!! And is always a 3* ! In my bench are 4 now, the others where sacrificed for feathers... This girl really wants to be in my team mmmm *3 Tiki - First Manakete I got (that is not free Corrin) ! She is -Hp +Spd *4 Tharja - Another new one for me... But she is -Atk +Res arf... That is not good right? Well, at least is new for me And I stopped here since the last one was a blue orb and I decided it was better to save the orbs. Maaaan, I really wanted an Alm! But I checked and he is still a 5* only :( , now I'm going to feel jealouse of my friend who started playing and his first summon was Alm haha
  2. Aah! I see now where it was my error! I lvup Navarre a bit more, he is now lv34, if I try your positions, Navarre goes agains himselfs intead of Takumi, so,, I will lv him up to 40 and see if Navarre get more interest on Takumi. Thank you, I will keep trying tomorrow since I ran out of stamina right now
  3. Takumi was too far away, and enemy Navarre was blocking the path to Ninja, so, Ninja was able to attack and do damage to Lyn, leaving Navarre to kill her. Also, Navarre need more levels since right now he still does 0 damage, he needs to be lv40 to survive, right?
  4. Now this Navarre vs Navarre is the only quest I have left, I was able to finish the FRobin ones thans to HP seal on Takumi, and he and Oboro did all the job on Navarre, and Leo with FRobin. I try this, but somehow I couldn't do it, looks that I left everyone in the wrong positions, but I was able to notice that Navarre still can't damage himself, do you know which is the minimum of lv he can have for this to work? (Lyn is +Atk -HP, maybe she will need the seal?)
  5. Finally!! This make me happy because finally the comments of "Where is Ike?" are going to stop! Some people were annoying about it on twitter lol.
  6. Just gimme Innes already, I have 210 orbs that want to be used for him, and is getting harder to keep them safe (specially when I want Alm and Klein) ! But yeah, I think Celica and co are going to come first, so...
  7. Actually my Lyn is +Atk -HP :D ! My Takumi can deal with 2 thiefs and Axe guy alone,so maybe he is going to be fine. I'll lvup Navarre for a bit and try your strategy, just need the Stamina to fill up again, at least lv him up to 30 and see what happens. Thanks so much!
  8. I think the only time I try using Takumi in FRobin map was the first time she come up, and Takumi was still very untrained. I'll lvup FRobin and try, thx! About my units, I have these: Lv40 5* - Oboro, Leo, Takumi, Michalis, Effie, Linde, Lyn 4* between lv20-30 - MCorrin, Hinata, Sharena, Abel, Catria, Shanna, Subaki, FCorrin, MRobin, Anna, Hawkeye, Cecilia, Jeorge, Jacob, Niles, Sakura 4* between lv1-lv19 - Oguma, Navarre (lv10), Zephiel, Serena, Caeda, Peri, Reinhardt, Frederick, Nino, Setsuna, Azama 3* mostly lv1 - Olivia (L30), Alfonse, Fir, Lon'qu, Hana, Laslow, Stalh, Palla, Henry, Sophia, Sully, Est, Ursula, Gunther, Barts, Cherche, Beruka, Gordin, Virion, Felicia, Serra, Lissa, Clarine, Donnel, Draug, Matthew, Raight. I hasn't trained enought characters :/
  9. Can -HP Takumi survive this? Because maybe I can try it too, just need to lvup FRobin to kill herself lol -- Ok, I got free time in my job and I did some quest, now I only have 3 quest left: Navarre vs Navarre, FRobin vs FRobin and FRobin on Lunatic Navarre. I try the Lunatic Navarre but with no succes, looks that my bigger problem is that Olivia need some reposition, and I none of my attackers have it. Gotta keep trying different combinations, maybe Michalis could help?
  10. The quest sounds fun, but I don't think I could beat them. I hasn't lv up both Navarre or FRobin, and I don't have a great amount of characters in good lv since I don't have enought time to play,
  11. I would like special interactions between characters... Let Roy have small chat with his dad, let Lucina talk with Seliph! Just small conversations for fun, like supports you know. Also, I would like to see another way to get heroes. Like minigames... Like a crane game for 1-2 stars characters maybe? I don't know, something like that, keep using the orbs, of course, but... I don't know, I think something like a minigame could be fun lol
  12. Mostly Kagero, since Leo is the only one of my team that doesn't receive "bonus damage", I still can beat her, using Leo as bait and then finish her with Oboro r someone else (after she receive damage from Leo). Next one is probably MRobin? Maybe? I'm not even sure haha, and then Reinhard attacking first, if he come closer whitout attack, then is not a problem. A team with the 3 of them, is a hell for me!
  13. Wow, this one was very easy! Linde was able to kill near everything on the map with some help of Olivia, but I still wanted to let Leo and Oboro to shine for a bit, and I used them too... I even let Oboro to take damage just to let her use Ignis on Zephiel! Here is a video I took while playing, I let Oboro to finish the map with Ignis just for fun :P (but Linde could finish it more quickly)
  14. And here I was thinking I needed 4 flyers!! This was good to watch and inspiring! So I tried it, but my Michalis is a 5* and I couldn't follow up the exact moves because the red mage attack Michalis before he activates his AoE (The pegasus die with one attack) and he can't kill the mage with one attack, so my Michalis died... Then I tried again, but this time I forced the enemy Michalis and Camus to attack before the red mage come near, that allowed my Michalis to activate his AoE and win. The guy that do these videos is very ingenious, also a big help. If only I could do the same for the 9th stratum quest haha... I'm lv up Subaki and Catria for it, maybe use Narcian too, since I already have him at a high lv.
  15. Really? Is because the reward are green shards? But, in the April Quest, it happened the same, with the "Clear 3-4 w/Red Tome" , the rewards are blue shards... So, is a typo too and I need to use a blue tome since Leo got me nothing? I can't remember if I used Linde at the same times as Leo for this one, gonna try again Well, I was starting to think that maybe they were bullying Brynhildr and that's why I got nothing haha! Gotta add Nino then.
  16. Ok now I'm confused. Did Leo doesn't count as a red tome user? There is that quest that say "use a red tome unit" , it has appeared before and right now is with the paralogues, but Leo doesn't give me the reward. Right now I played the Paralogues in the 3 difficulties with Leo, and nop, no reward. So, Brynhildr does't count as a Red tome, even if Leo is a red tome user? Is because it's cover is purple?
  17. Try for Alm with only red orbs... ... All I got were 3* Fir, Hana, Lon'qu and Draugh and I stopeed wasting my orbs (need to save some of them for if Innes got in the game!!) I think this game hates me haha. ... But in the other hand, this is the first time i got Fir! And I like Fir! So that's a plus. I already got a Hana and a Draugh.
  18. Eehhh, I have some fanart and fanfics of my own about Fates, but they are terrible. But if someone are looking for some good stuffs to read about Fates, I can recommend these two fanfics: Fractal Scarring by PinkROmantic - A different take of Conquest story. Not safe for kids as it takes Corrin in some gruesome problems that she never expected, but is very good and very well done, the author is near to finish it. A Father's Duty by LoverlyMadhatter - This is a fic about Leo and Forrest relationship, I think is very good.
  19. Oboro is awesome! She was the first I made a 5* and the one I passed more skills. She has saved me of a lot in the arena, even killing some Hectors and MRobins to ensure my wins, also in Fates, she did a lot. This is mine right now, I would like to make her better Can I ask what make Heavy Weapons bad? I know about not too much enemies in which to use in arena (mostly Hectors I think), but aside of that, what make them really bad? I'm going to need a 5 Stars character if I really decide to give her a Brave Lance for the + weapon I already have Niles, Cecilia and Subaki as 4 stars, so yeah the 3* probably will become skills fodder or feathers. Gonna keep Stalh and Sofia
  20. Let her shine, she need to shine... Btw, one of my friends did this to her Oboro, and I let the picture her because I think that is funny And now I'm thinking... Do I change the weapon of my Oboro too? Like a brave lance or something?
  21. Awww, I was hoping that the update added new Daily Special Maps (the ones that give you the characters like Donnel), now I wonder if that is going to happen one day, or if Donnel, Stalh, Felicia, etc... will stay forever. My dream is to have a Dread Figther Alm, but looks impossible right? Welp, can't wait to see the art of the new characters that I will be unnable to get from the summons! (I'm still very unlucky with my pulls haha)
  22. Plz be Innes, plz be Innes plz be Innes!! But being realistically, I think is going to be Valentia with Alm and Celica
  23. Eeeh, maybe a bit late, but if you are still curious, you can't get a ban for doing it. Like... I cleared Conquest with Takumi and Oboro And my file can connect to online with no problem, so feel free to do it! Just remember to give the characters all the skills you want on them before getting them in the other route, since you can't buy skills for them
  24. Yeah sorry, most of the time I have problems at translating what I want to say. I would like that, I want more chances to find a Klein, even a 4* Klein will be very welcomed
  25. Oh sorry, I was talking about how both Lucina and Camilla have a lot more votes compared to their adversaries since the difference is too big. But I think it could really be interesting, if after 8 gauntlets, we have the 8 winners fight each others just to see who is the most loved between them
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