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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. I have 5 of them: Takumi Lyn Leo Linde (L guys haha) Oboro Oboro is a "DIY" of course, best decision I made, now she can jump and do shoryukens!! I love it
  2. All that about Cherche sounds interesting, I'm going to keep the best one of the 5 I have! Oh, it looks that the lil MRobin I got some time ago, is a +Atk, now I'm going to keep training him, and Nino, I want to upgrade her too
  3. Did 1 pull, only one orb... I got a 3*Sully Is ok, since is the first time I see her in my summons, and she has high attak and... Another stat I can't remember right now, so, I think is ok! Now, to try to save my orbs, I want to keep them until they announce Innes (even if I still want Klein)
  4. I'm in the 8th one and I don't think I would be able to do the 10th stratum quests, but I can try to see how far I can go haha
  5. Don't worry, I want to upgrade her one day too, but if I have to choose, it probably will be Anna first, since well... I need a main axe user, and because I already have Oboro as a lancer. But I'm not forgetting Sharena I promise, I'm going to upgrade her to 4 today. And that's is a bit hard yeah, lest hope you find another one later Really? Oh, I will keep one then, I have like 5 of her haha, let's see I'm going to check which one have the best stats and keep her
  6. The funny part is... That every green orb I have opened had just give me this: 3star Nino (that I want to upgrade because Nino), 3star Belka, 4star Hawkeye and Cherches haha, looks that my only option for her axe is Hawkeye for now, since I don't think it will be good to change Narcian weapon. Or maybe give it to Anna? Oh I see! I will save them for the future, if I got characters that will need the skills then! Yeah, game make me feel bad haha, at least I'm keeping 3stars versions of the 2 guys I'm "sacrificing" Ok! Mmm, I actually have enought feathers to upgrade to 4stars the 3 main characters (the furture I probably will go since 5stars will take time)! But if I get in a position to upgrade one to 5stars, maybe it will be Anna! (because of my lack of luck with axe characters)
  7. I'm giving some lvups to the characters I'm going to "sacrifice" for skills, and I almost feel bad for them... At least I have 3star versions of the same characters to keep around, but still feel a bit... bad For some reason the game is throwing me lot of Cherches and Setsunas latelly... What can I do with them? exchange for feathers (to upgrade Anna and Sharena) or keep them for skills?
  8. I open 3 orbs just to see what I got: Another 3* Cherche, another 4* Setsuna and a 4*Gordin... Game, I don't need more Cherches or Setsunas!! First it was Saizo, now are those two... What can I do with all the Cherches and Setsunas? Could they skill be useful or I exchange them for feathers?
  9. I see! Then both can be usefull to her mmmm, probably take Sol then. Thank you, sorry for the troubles
  10. Hinoka and Lilith Specially Lilith because she dissapear from the story after saving you... And only come back to die in a random way. And in Revelation she is forgotten forever, not even the epiloge talks about her.
  11. Well, I actually don't know what to do with her. This is her, I just want to hear her attack lines, but at the same time, I don't want to ruin her, since it took time to make her a 5stars. Thx for reply
  12. Quick skill question!! Oboro with Ignis is good idea? (I have 3*Henry and 4*Henry) Or is better to give her Sol? (I have one Oguma and one Laslow) I want a special attack on her...
  13. Guys... I want to give my Oboro an special attack... And since she have, what I think, is a high def, I was thinking in giving her Ignis, the one that increase attack power with the defense stat. Is that a good choice for her? Or which skill do you think is the best?? I have a 3star Henry and a 4star one for Ignis.
  14. Welp, I'm doomed in that 10 stratum quest!! Too many times to beat it with units that can't do anything... Specially the armor one, my only armor characters is the free Draug, yeah, not happening for me. And I don't think I could use only Leo for the cavalry one, I have Clarine for healing him, but I doubt he could carry the team in that place haha
  15. Sure! I have Leo and Linde! Also a 4 star Robin. Is just that I would like to have a main character for every weapon/class/color possible, in case future quest or battles need diversity, since... Welp, my main team right now are Takumi, Oboro, Lyn and Leo/Linde, I'm lacking a green unit too. Then, I will give Anna and Sharena a priority, Alfonse is just because I don't want "to make him feel abandoned". The 3 of them are already a 3 stars units. PS: I would give my money to Nintendo for a Oboro with Fujin and counter just for the lulz... Or for Innes, I need Innes haha
  16. Ooh, I can't wait for Michalis, I just hope I have enought to beat his map at least in the lower difficulty. (I think my Lyn could be able to handle him?) Also, I want to lv up Narshen,make him at least a 4 star to have more axe users aside of Hawkeye, but right now I'm trying to lv up the Askr siblings and Anna, is this a good idea? To rise their stars to 4? I need a bit more of variety too... And I don't have a ninja/thief/similar user, but I got 2 Jacobs, is him good? Or I keep trying to summon someone else? (I want Kagero but my luck dissapeared after Leo arrived haha)
  17. INNES!!! Just give me Innes already game And I'm pretty sure he is going to be implemented and I will cry for being unnable to summon him !!! Ares, Camus, Yuzu (haha c'mon the cipher mascots can be added to the game, right? it would be cute!), Pelleas, Elincia, Sue, Echidna
  18. Done! Will this gave us another 5 orbs? Mmmm, the number of RTs is small!! They need more support
  19. It was probed that the best way to summon a 5 start that you want, is by making a summoning circle!! Ok, now being more real, I say to only pick the orbs from the color of the character that you want
  20. Good!! I need more axe users too! I see if this time I have something to beat the higher difficulty map haha. I can't wait for Camus, but Michalis will be a good adition too!
  21. Nothing good again: 3 stars: Cherche x 2, Henry 4 stars: Setsuna x 2 Wth game? I still have mmm... 24 orbs + new paraloges + lunatic chapters... Not gonna use the orbs until new characters I like get in the game cofInnescof, maybe
  22. I can't say that is my favorite, but I loved it. Yes maybe the story wasn't the best, I now, but I enjoyed playing it, it was... Different, and I think it was good that IntSys tried to show something different in the series with the "3 versions" I liked Revelations cheesy ending, because I'm into that stuffs, and of course I can list a lot of stuffs I didn't liked, but, that doesn't make me hate the games, actually, I think I like Fates more than Awakening, but not at the level of how I love Sacred Stones and Radiant Dawn. Yeah, it was a good game, not the best, but it was good for me, there were good maps, good characters, and some parts of the story weren't that bad. I enjoyed playing it, and I will keep playing until Echoes arrive.
  23. Well, all the new guys are avoiding me, also... Kagero, Roy, Marth, Camilla... A lot of characters that can appear at 4 stars! I'm missing Gaius too, where are you my awakening husband? But I got sick of Saizo, he always appear and I don't even like him that much
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