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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Now I wonder if this poll is going to affect the characters for Warriors
  2. Wait... Only the top 4 are going to be special in the game?? Awww, I was wishing for everyone in the top 10! I wanted the twins too... And the otoutos... A free Leo... Oh well, anyway! I'm actually surprised that Leo entered the top 10! I remember that at the second half, a japanese fan made a twitter requesting people to vote for Leo, now I'm sure she is super happy because he ended in the 10th position. But really, I was hopping for every top 10 to have a special version lol. Oh! And Oboro ended in the 60th position overall! Yatta girl! That was good for you!
  3. I can see me doing that just for one 3 star Oboro thanks to the RNG Years ago I played a japanese gatcha game in my cellphone, but the game allowed you to get one try in the gatcha for free every day, but only for bronce and silver character, also the game give you stars every lv for trying for a gold character... I dunno, but maybe Heroes can implement that? Like give one orb to open every day, and if you want a full session to increase the rate of 5* characters, then you use/buy orbs... Ah I'm just dreaming, since this sounds impossible haha
  4. Even if he has only 3 stars, I think I'm going to love him haha... Like, I dunno why, but he is my favorite villain in the series
  5. Used the next 20 orbs... I only got 3* characters (another Jagen, Palla, another Stahl, and can't remember the other 2)... Really, it was a bad roll... Still no Oboro... The game really want me to throw my money for her right? C'mon game, I will be super happy even if is a 3* Oboro D;
  6. Oh plz! I hope they took out one of the Ikes! And really, I hope the Renais Twin are still in the top 10
  7. Yes thank you! It have the art and the sprite sheet (like you need to build the fullbody sprite)! Too bad, that Takumi sheet is missing haha, but everyone else is here! (for what I see, maybe there are some more missing) Thanks a lot!
  8. Going to ask here, but is not related to gameplay I know the artworks were already ripped from the game but, the chibi sprites were ripped too? I would like to have them.
  9. No ... But if I continue with bad luck for an Oboro, I will feel tempted to waste my money for her lol
  10. Good I follow Nintendo haha. That is sweet and good to have, I need to start collecting items for Oboro... For whenever I get her
  11. Innes!!!! ... Klein, Shinon... Camus and Narshen but recruitables, Ares, Levin, 4 stars Leo (5 stars is to hard to get), the Laguz! I want Naesala, Nailah and Rafiel
  12. Thanks to special map I got to 20 orbs again, and this is what I got: 4* Shiida 3* Saizo (that I fused with another 3* Saizo) 4* Robin Stahl (ca'nt remember if he was 3 or 4 stars) 4* Lon'qu Still no Oboro or a healer... Man, I really want Oboro xD ... And Leo, but Leo is more hard, so Oboro plz I need you
  13. My wish list: Oboro - Even if is a 3 stars, I will update her!! At whatever cost!! Leo Fir A healer
  14. Well, I restarted my game and first I got these in the same session: * Takumi (5), Lyn (5), Nino (3) and Jeorge (4) Today I used my next 20 orbs and got this * Jagen (4), Shanna (4), Saizo (4), Sophia (4) and welp, I forget haha
  15. Wow, someone make real my idea of a Takumi army! I would say... They have a combination of both luck and money
  16. Eliwood like everyone else already say... Also Oguma, I don't know why, but I feel his face too round? Jagen have the same artist and I feel the same... Specially in their attack portrait, is not bad, but I find their faces a bit weird.
  17. My best pulls: 4 stars Henry, Sakura and George. I also got Cordelia, Saizo and Subaki. And now I have 0 orbs... Welp, not bad I think? Henry is very good, so, is ok
  18. I wasted my last orbs (couldn't restart since I already linkd with My Nintendo), I got 3 star Est and 4 stars: Sakura, George, Saizo and Cordelia. And Sakura got a perfect lv up uh? But she can't attack, how I'm gonna let her win skills? This is weird. George is cool. I will deal with no having Takumi (I wish Nintendo add him later as a 3 or 4 starts), and the game is fun... But I'm just sad that everything will get loss the day Nintendo close the server. Yes I know is just day one, but the idea that is going to happen in the future, make me sad
  19. But, big problem is that I already took the 10 orbs from My Nintendo... Is worth it to reinstall?
  20. I only have a 4 stars Henry... Everyone else is 3 or 4 stars... And still no Takumi or Oboro for me ¿I need to keep summoning or Henry will go fine?
  21. That is the sad true, I can see how my tumblr dash is going to explode in salt Edit: I voted for my favorite ever: Innes, and I'm sure he is not going to be in the top 20, but I'm fine with it
  22. I just hope they fuse Ike's vote, since having him 2 times in the top 10 will be unfair to other characters lol... and I really hope the Renais twins stay in the top 10. Also, I'm preparing for the amount of salt that is going to rain, I already found some salt about Heroes in a facebook spanish community, but is going to increase when the poll results appear.
  23. Saddly shipping is a bit expensive in Mexico so, buying a magazine every month sounds expensive to me, specially if I'm only buying it for some pages... I just hope that one day it get a compilation book, then at least I could buy it along with other stuffs
  24. Too bad this comic is in a magazine, I would have liked to buy it and keep it with all the Anthologies
  25. Here is the list: Hoshido Anthology - Stories about Hoshido characters Nohr Anthology - Stories for Nohr characters Revelation Anthology - Stories involving characters from both kingdoms Siblings Anthology - Stories based on the siblings, others characters have small appearance, it includes some 4 komas too (Revelation route) Retainers Anthology - Similar but for the retainers, it have some 4 komas too (Revelation and Hoshido route) Childrens & Others Anthology - Stories for the childrens and some other characters (Revelation and Hoshido route) 4koma king - It only contains 4koma (2 per page) Characters guide & 4koma - It have the common infor for the characters and a page with 4koma per character. The whole book is in full color.
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